GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.


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It wasn’t coming out of his pocket. There was joint fundraising that allowed his leadership PAC to cut a check to her campaign. (Oh, and she initially didn’t declare it, but LOLFEC on that part of the story)

Still seems like a crazy amount of money, unless he was running up a tab or something. Wasn’t Spitzer paying a model ~$5k a night or something? Or maybe there’s some wild extra kinky stuff involved, I have no idea how this sort of thing works.

I absolutely believe Ted Cruz pays for sex, but I do not believe this exact story.


It does seem like a lot, but Stormy Daniels got $130k for an NDA so who knows what the going rate is.


Thread delivering.

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Lol me for linking to Fox, but thought it was worth it to point out how relentless the GOP is. Not content to simply oppose student debt cancellation, they now want an ethics investigation because some of the WH staffers working on the policy may have outstanding loans. I looked to see if they had called for similar investigations on staffers who might benefit from tax cuts, but didn’t see anything…

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I clicked on Boebert’s Twitter several days ago and the pinned Tweet had a picture that seemed to prominently display her backside and I very much didn’t want to be looking at that. I almost posted about it here, but maybe I’m the perv in this one so I didn’t. Well now I am.


Harry Enten on Anderson Cooper’s show discussing the GOP primaries is amazing TV.

I assume a day with any high class escort in DC/NY is minimum closer to 5k. Not hard to look up, but also best to do on incognito mode.

Jesus Christ now Andy cooper has John “water boarding isn’t torture” Yoo on, and he’s like “I know ginni thomas and no way she was involved in doing a coup”

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Dude literally anything is a better use of time than watching CNN

Also need your thoughts on this

Dude you’re watching the January 6th hearings live.

Actually this has been disproven. Doug Jones beat Roy Moore.

I never get to the airport early enough to really spend any time in the lounge

I was cooking and Harry enten is always worth watching

Going to a lounge more than 3 hours ahead is a douche move in my opinion and why lounges are so overcrowded. I’m fine with it if it’s a layover but using it as a hotel lobby before departing is BS. The Amex lounges are insanely overcrowded and I applaud any possible way to crack down on abusers.

Airline lounges in general are massively overrated. Deltas clubs are nicer than United or Americans in general (UA and AA have a very small number of high end lounges) but it’s still shittier than being at home with your kids or doing some sight seeing in whatever city you’re in