GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Agree on all of this. I also feel like Walker would conclusively prove the notion that deplorables will vote for literally anyone, in case that wasn’t already proven.

Here were her photos on sugardaddymeet.

The hypocrisy is stunning as usual.

LOL is that real?

“The people who released all the true stuff on Madison Cawthorn released this. It’s not been otherwise confirmed yet but they have a good enough track record that it’s worth looking into.”

From Reddit.

Here’s another showing the most LOL tattoo ever.


There’s 41 of us and counting who can’t unsee that


$100k for a prostitute seems ludicrous to me. Ted Cruz isn’t a billionaire.

Walker is undeniably incompetent and would be a train wreck of a senator. Sometimes it’s almost like he’s so stupid it’s painful to watch, and I don’t know how much of his brain’s current state as a pile of apple pomace is due to head injuries, but I feel at this point it all has to be called out because there is NO WAY this guy should be in any high-level decision-making position.

My favorite is when he gets jazzed up by the crowd and goes for the big macho, easily debunked lies:

In one speech, Walker told a U.S. Army audience about a 2001 incident. “I worked in law enforcement, so I had a gun,” he claimed. In 2017, he specifically said, “I work with the Cobb County Police Department.”

There’s reason to believe otherwise. The Cobb County Police Department told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution it has no record of Walker working with the department.


As recently as 2019, Walker also told an audience, “I spent time at Quantico at the FBI training school. Y’all didn’t know I was an agent?”

Walker has never been an FBI agent. His campaign said he spent a week at an FBI school in Quantico, but a week does not an agent make. (He couldn’t have been an agent anyway, since agents are required to have college degrees, and Walker doesn’t have one, even though he’s claimed otherwise.)

From this:

Which begins like this:

Senate hopeful Herschel Walker said he was a University of Georgia graduate, but that wasn’t true. The Georgia Republican said he was his high school’s valedictorian, but that wasn’t true. He said he was the founder of a charity for veterans, but that wasn’t true.

did someone confirm that’s boebert? i am just still haivng rouble believing this one.

i know house primaries are lol in districts like hers, but surely whoever the eGop candidate was there would have been able to find pictures off an escort site

Sadly it seems no:

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but what if i really want it to be true? can we float some rumor she married her brother like republicans do?


I mean, she absolutely did marry a guy who whipped his dick out in a bowling alley, I’m good running with that.


I just want to have her deny it like Christine O’Donnell’s “I am not a witch” → “No, I am not a former prostitute who was paid to abort Ted Cruz’s baby.”


Meanwhile in Wisconsin

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  • NDA
  • who knows what else

those campaign slush funds don’t spend themselves

$100k if they’re exclusive might be ok for some rich ppl, but you could do 1000x better than that.

Herschel Walker is going to be president isn’t he?




Exposing yourself in a bowling alley is arguably much worse than having consensual sex for money!

Consensual sex for money isn’t even bad, the worst part of that is that the assertion of consent is sometimes quite dubious. Consent and desperation don’t really mix well.