GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

In 2022 Texas speak, “turn this state around” is code for “enact death penalty for women who have abortions”

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Lol, “an armed society is a polite society” says Congressman cowering in a bunker as armed lunatics storm Congress.

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I think it’s broader than that. The deplorables have worked themselves into a frenzy where every year they get more of what they want and every year they get angrier and DEMAND to talk to the manager about all the problems (that exist only in their head). It’s one of the many reasons why Dems are very stupid to keep doubling down on their approach of taking a step to the right to try to appease Republicans. It doesn’t work. They’ll never be happy. They don’t WANT to be happy, they want to kick and scream and complain to the manager.


If the GOP somehow nominates not Trump they are going to cruise to a trifecta, very possibly including a filibuster proof senate majority. It’s insane they aren’t nuking him.

There will be an internal riot if they suddenly nuke him. It has to be a slow, gradual declawing. I think the GOP has been doing this effectively so far.

Ask any Republican if there is any government program or thing the government isn’t doing and should do, that they would be willing to raise their taxes to pay for, and they won’t be able to give you an answer. They’ll just say nothing. They’re not moving on anything. They want you to be poor and die if it makes them richer. It’s like trying to expect your parents to stop complaining about the price of everything when you take them to dinner, it isn’t happing. If they wanted a functional government they’d already be democrats.

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I don’t think this is accurate. Policy-wise, Dems aren’t moving to the right even if they’re not moving as far to the left as most of us here would like. Yes, they’ve offered compromises to appeal to conservative members of their caucus, a necessary practice when the margin in the Senate is razor-thin, but the goals of the vast majority of the caucus hasn’t changed.

The Democratic establishment fails in their unwillingness to embrace the politics of polarization. Whether they’ve thought it through on a theoretical level or just instinctively understand it, they fear that increased polarization is the path to potential civil war. And they are right to fear that, but doing the right thing is sometimes worth risking armageddon. They’re not willing to fight because they still dream of government as a well-oiled technocratic, bureaucratic machine humming along under their watchful eye and a polarized political environment just shatters the illusion that such a thing is possible, or at least possible under our present Constitution. Maybe this is a grandiose delusion, but I think they fear the spectre of people like me more than the people they have polite interactions with in the halls of Congress.

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Did Adam and Eve have navels?
Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
Who would win in a fight between Samantha from Bewitched and Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie?

Science can’t answer these questions either.


Walker remains the front-runner in the race despite facing domestic violence allegations.

In their divorce proceedings, his ex-wife alleged that he displayed “physically abusive and threatening behavior” during their marriage. In one instance, she said, he pointed a gun at her head and said, “[I’m going to blow your … brains out.”

despite :laughing:

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If I were to write a story that had sociopathic evil characters in it I wouldn’t be able to do a better job than real life Republicans. Fucking nauseating, pathetic, idiotic morons.



The earth is a disk. They’re on the other half of the disk.

This woman is an idiot, but it really speaks to how terrible the national media is to watch this. It isn’t very hard. He’s not even a particularly good questioner.

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Let’s check in on noted economist and prolific libertarian YOUTOOB creator Peter Schiff:


Biggest ratio I’ve ever seen
