GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

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I understand times are hard, but doesn’t the Senator from Nebraska own a suit? I don’t have much respect for current members of the U.S. Congress either, but I still wouldn’t address them wearing a t-shirt. I wouldn’t want to disrespect the institution or the United States.


Candace Owen thinks Russia invented Ukraine in 1989.

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this is from 2017, Ted Cruz dunked on schumer

I didn’t comment a word because I figured it wasn’t recent

What’s with the face in the window, is the Dread Pirate Roberts here for their soul?

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Seems reasonable

i don’t get it. what is the dunk?

that schumer would buy/wear a romphim

look, I didn’t say it was a good dunk

Lol Dave. Check out the replies.

considering the reaction here to buttigieg daring to sit in a hospital bed with their newborns I wouldn’t be so smug about this.

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Lol I forgot about that.

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This Dave Rubin wiki paragraph is confounding.

Rubin originally considered himself to be a progressivewhile part of The Young Turks . However, Rubin has written that his views began to change after witnessing progressive commentator Cenk Uygur’s criticisms of Fox News commentator David Webb, Ben Affleck’s confrontation with Bill Maher and Sam Harris over their views on Islam, and the political left’s response to the Charlie Hebdo shooting.[2]Since then, Rubin has described himself as a classical liberal[3]and later as a conservative.[4]Rubin has become a staunch critic of progressivism, the political left, and the Democratic Party.

also known as a “grifter”


This gotta go here now.


Don’t have time to look for it now but I’ve read an alternate Dave Rubin origin story where he was the lib on a debate on something akin to “Is racism a thing that exists?” and got his ass kicked because he’s a drooling moron and became a conservative to join the side of arguments requiring no knowledge…excuse me…the side of logic and reason.

You mean he fake cried at his trial? Holy shit. Never saw that coming.

Don’t know about that specific instance but he’s clearly decided to go full public shithead.


My disdain for all of Pennsylvania (except for a few UPers) is not hidden.

Today I found out dr. OZ is running for a senate seat there, and I notched it up a level past infinity.

Prior to the last election, I promised you that we had this here in PA. Now I am here to tell you… We don’t got this. I hope we do, but I’m not confident at all.