GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

At least he knows how to appeal to his base.

piece of shit. florida had two terms of rick scott wagging his finger at black people trying to regain their right to vote, and now this. what an absolute travesty of a party

I wonder how many black people ever regained the right to vote. It’s amazing to think that even with a constitutional referendum, R’s were able to effectively block it.

I remember the more innocent days of the 2016 campaign when candidate Trump had to immediately walk back the mere suggestion that women should face some kind of punishment for having an abortion.

(Side note lol my iPhone will not auto-suggest “abortion” even after “abortio”)

Abortio me either


performative moronics and perforumative moranics

Jesus Christ Ohio

I’m old enough to remember when even Florida Man himself said that the women who seek/have abortions should be punished and he amazingly received significant backlash for that. Seems like he won’t even have to walk it back a little the next time he decides to speak his mind on that topic.

TBF he doesn’t give a single fuck about abortion, he just knew it was a button he could push and he said it out loud just a little bit too early. That’s all.

I agree he doesn’t GAF about abortion, but I think that gaffe, such as it was, was a product of what thought he was capable of. Basically in his mind it goes something like

  1. I’m on the side that thinks abortion is bad
  2. If abortion is bad, then we should punish the people getting them
  3. The people getting them are the pregnant women. We need to punish them
  4. If I say we need to punish them, that’s just what my abortion hating base wants to hear. This is going to go over great.

Putting this here where it belongs:

And this:

(Voted against the Voting Rights Act)

All the Logan Roy fuck offs

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Paging Merrick garland to the do literally anything phone

Just give the 1/6 Committee a few more years, they’ll crack the case.

The eDems have this extremely dangerous attitude that people like MTG and Cawthorn are so outrageous and stupid that it’s beneath them to go after them. This is the exact wrong approach.

The best people:

They are just like journalists on this. The NYT and WP have been trying since the emergence of Donnie Dumb Dumb to deal with obviously stupid conservatives by broadcasting their views and basically standing back and saying “Behold!” like it was self explanatory that these people were a toxic blend of stupidity and malevolence. But the overwhelming response of the public was “I like the way they tells it like it is! They’re saying what we’re all thinking and the wimps are afraid to say! LOCK HER UP!”

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Dude is the AG now and the republicans have run the state forever.

What are they turning around?

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Hes been under indictment for like 5 years, LOL LAW

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