GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Imagine being so stupid as to think she isn’t already the face of the republican party and they fucking love her. Lol Molly thinks it 2003 still.


Sure her name but her whole routine is 100% carbon copy trump. Are we still arguing if people just realized he was a moron America would wake up?

Trying to make her the face of the GOP will be pushed back against by those who would detect misogyny in the attacks that are necessary to do so.

Pushing focus on MTG works for a couple reasons, but I also think Trump is enough of an attention whore that he may attack her if she was getting too much attention.

Dumb and moronic culture stuff is GOP and American bread and butter. Forgrounding the Paul Ryan “we must take away from the poor for their own good and give to the rich” wing of the GOP is the Dem winning ticket.

She absolutely is not dumber or more racist than trump.

You honestly think America is just waiting to shown how dumb or racist the gop is and then they will see the light?

Come on!

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Just take a moment to contrast how eDems and the media treated Bernie vs. their treatment of people like Rick Scott and Ted Cruz.

Establishment democrats were absolutely far more fierce in their attacks on Bernie than they have been on literal coup participants.


When it’s a rich man saying similar things to a middle class woman, people have a different perspective.

They’re not afraid of being murdered by Bernie or his supporters.

This would also be a fantastic LetThemFight.jpg scenario. I hope one of these pans out.

“Hey let’s show America how dumb Trump is by signal-boosting his idiocy!” was a massively losing play in 2016. Republican voters aren’t embarrassed by MTG, they love that shit!


More specifically, the millions of absolute dipshit GOP voters who either show up to vote for the biggest most offensive idiot possible or don’t vote at all love it. It isn’t much discussed but Trump won because of turnout. As far as I can tell giving them any air is a bad idea.

Totally disagree. TFG said a lot of stupid things but not on the tier she does specifically missaying common words /phrases. She has a peach tree dish moment every time she opens her mouth.

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This is a tough call for me. I think there is an argument to be made that there is something unique about Trump that just pushes the buttons just right in the MAGA brain. It’s not clear that MTG has that special sauce.

But she might. Or maybe the sauce isn’t that special. I don’t know. I could go either way on this one.

Jesus Christ man. Do you not remember trump! Just wow.

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Remember when Hillary had a campaign ad that was Trump saying a bunch of sexist shit? lol, the MAGA voters love that, you’re just giving Trump free ad time.


It’s just baffling people here are still acting like stupidity and racism are a bug and not the core feature of the GOP.

The ones who even show a shred of intellect or compassion are hard ejected from the party. It’s actually more true of stupidity than even racism. To gain support in the modern gop you must demonstrate a total lack of understanding at how the world works.

The consensus here seems to be that the DeSantis types are the ones to be feared more. Are you saying that’s wrong? If not, then amplifying the MTGs of the world is +EV.

I dont think people are saying the types who will vote GOP will be turned off. There are a ton of really dumb swing voters. The type who voted Obama than Trump. Can they be turned off by really dumb shit? Maybe!

I wouldn’t bet money but I guess I hope so!