GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

So back somewhat into the context of MTG. If Trump was an idiot and a 70 year old woman, do you think he would have won the GOP nomination in 2016?

I don’t really know where I’m going with this, probably nowhere.

There are a lot more people who would call it peach tree dish than a petri dish and who look side eye at plant based meat. There’s a reason why all these plant based meat advertising is like “What are you, a pussy?”

Nothing matters, but I say blast all that MTG shit just so my ‘moderate’ but very reliably GOP voting friends/acquaintances have to squirm a bit more and make shitty excuses for the party they keep voting for.


Just not true. There’s plenty of people who vote for the Republican Party with some sort of intellectual seriousness or compassion for some reason or another (even if you disagree with or find that reason abhorrent). Making it harder for that group of people to pull the handle is something that should be done

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Ok I’m out for the night. I feel like I’m in bizzaro world where the last 6 years hasn’t happened.

I’ll just leave the discussion with this.

Has anyone met a R before? 70% will love the MTG shit. The other 30% will say, yeah we got MTG but you got the radical racist communists AOC plus 3, Rs still come out ahead on that end….


Is this what happened with you?

Yeah this. Liberals dunking on MTG or Trump is like your parents telling teenage you to turn your music down or pull your pants up. It only reinforces that doing those things is cool.

Maybe the left can find a way to embrace Trump and MGT in a form of cringey talks, like your dad trying to be cool and get into your music or whatever you’re doing on the internet - to where it completely ruins the fun for them and they move on.

(2nd paragraph is a joke before anyone freaks out on me)

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Umm that graphic supports what I said?

The reason for making MTG the face of the Republican Party isn’t to encourage party-switching; it’s to get the Democratic base to hate Republicans even more and become less tolerant of compromise. The Democratic establishment thinks they can work with lawful evil Republicans. We need to make the case that Republicans are chaotic evil, even if the GOP is not monolithically so.

I just thought that’s what they called the gene pool in her district.

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that was one of the dumbest campaign moves ever. worse than dukakis tanks, worse than binders of women, worse than pokemon go to the polls.

hrc office was actually selling “love trumps hate” stickers. all the facepalm gif that ever giffed.

I agree that it’s hard for people to get “psychologically prepared” for “ISIS But With NASCAR”.


They’ll just pass another tax cut and let the judiciary and state governments do all the dirty work. A boring dystopia indeed


They might try some “big swings” like repealing Obamacare, but even that might be easier to just encourage people to keep trying lawsuits declaring Obamacare unconstitutional, and then eventually the Supreme Evil Court will approve.

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Can we convince the MAGA crowd that her husband is grooming children into a sex cult at the bowling alley?