GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

These people are truly lost

I do appreciate the many replies that riff on the typo, though

I remember when they said the same thing about lives lost on 9/11.

My sister just told me about a great bumper sticker she saw today.

“Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you’re an asshole.”

Religion is so nauseating.

Summary for those of us on a plane right now?

i tried to remember when i learned about the incognito tabs. like 14 years since chrome came out. jfc, how are there rwnj living that far in the past with seemingly no repercussions?

To be fair to Dreher, the headline was “Putin, our Tsar Protector?” and the question mark is there because it was a deliberate caricaturing exaggeration of what he was saying.

But yeah what I love about Dreher is that he writes honestly about how he feels about the world. He is an emotional guy and he is not afraid to put that on paper without dissembling or self-censoring. And what makes him fascinating is that he thinks he’s writing about world events and politics and whatnot, but what he’s always writing about is his own psychodrama projected out onto the world. His pieces aren’t really about what Drag Queen Story Hour says about society, they’re about how Drag Queen Story Hour makes Rod Dreher feel and what that says about Rod Dreher. But critically, Rod himself is not aware of this.

A figure that looms large in Rod’s world is his father, who was? is? an absolute asshole in the first degree, and emotionally (and I would guess physically) abused Rod for being an effeminate queer who was interested in creative rather than masculine pursuits. Rod’s whole conception of society is that it will find happiness and fulfilment by submitting itself to some authority representing tradition and the masculine, but that Rod instead deeply fears that it is descending into degeneracy and effeminacy and that the wrath visited upon it for these sins will be terrible. This is just Rod’s childhood projected out onto the entire world. Of course the role of authority is usually occupied by God, but a figure like Putin who represents atavistic, traditional society can also be a focal point. The fact that, like God, he’s also a frightening figure I think makes him more magnetic to Rod.


We are not a democracy

I want to see Boebert and Herschel Walker in a dumb-off

I understand the impulse but what we actually want is to never hear from these morons ever again. Team Idiocracy is about to seize the controls of the federal government and this stuff isn’t going to be funny anymore.


Agreed…I’m hoping that her getting laughed out of the room in a GOP primary debate is a tiny step toward that.

Our last president wanted to cure COVID by injecting bleach and wanted to fight a hurricane with a nuclear bomb. We’re long gone.


That’s stupid. Everyone knows what you really need to do is to take out the Chiner Hurricane guns.

How in the fuck is this not Onion?



In a couple years we’ll be hearing how trump beat kim jung 18 to 19 when Kim’s tee shot on the 505 yard 18th rimmed out.

That guy is either severely brain damaged or the world’s best troll. His Twitter feed and website is insane. He had an NFL mock draft where teams made picks largely based on how Christian someone was.


Don’t forget stared at the sun, catered a meal at the White House with fast food, sharpied a hurricane forecast, covfefe, to name a few others.

Half the country worships at the altar of stupidity. And they’re about to have complete control of our government indefinitely.

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Um, don’t sell him short, his uncle was professor at MIT for decades! He aced an IQ test! I’d like to see you repeat “person, woman, man, camera, tv” in the correct order! Boom! He invented the term “prime the pump”! Invented a new, quicker way of saying “Namibia”! Nobody could multiply 17 x 6 in their heads, but he came the closest! Genius oozes from his gorgeous orange pores!

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well worth the 30 seconds to listen to this.

peach tree dish


Does she know she’s part of “the Government”?