GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Someone get Kerr on the ticket for a Senate seat in a battleground state


Counterpoint though, what about the first comment:

Makes you think.

Also, this guy is a Special Education Teaching Assistant and his posts mostly fall into two categories: 1) advice on getting children to grow up happy and 2) anti-abortion posts. I am not making this up.

He can just replace DiFi

Played for Arizona in college and the Suns in the pros. Also the Magic and Cavs, but letā€™s be real.

Kerr vs. Sinema primary debates would be amazing.

So what does he have to do to be eligible for AZ? Stay at the Four Seasons in Phoenix for a few nights?


More naked (and I do mean naked) hypocricy from the psychopaths on the right.

Very NSFW, do not open in view of others

naked=pornographic, very NSFW

Yuuuup, sorry I thought it was just going to include the link and not the full photo in the tweet. Added a disclaimer to the post

I am also not quite sure what I am looking at. Did Fuentes post a link to the video or is the video in his browser history? I donā€™t get it.

The tweeter explains it further down the timeline. He was casting his phone screen during a stream and kept clicking the button to show his previous tabs so he could jump to them, and when he scrolled up one of them showed this was in his tabs.

every fucking time

for those who donā€™t want to click through but would be comfortable reading the description, the video title was ā€œtgirl sucking a femboyā€™s dick and then he jerks until cumā€

He almost certainly did it on purpose and yā€™all are being trolled.

Ah, the ā€œI was just jokingā€ gambit.

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His explanation seems to be ā€œI was trying to prove to my mom that trans porn is a real thing that exists.ā€

All the jlawok.gifs ever

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I, too, regularly provide examples of porn to my mom. Who hasnā€™t?


Yo, heā€™s a 23 year old edgelord attention whore. You are being trolled.

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Only if trolled=mildly entertained

Seems subtle for a deliberate troll.