GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Not to get all NBZ, but it would brighten my day.


I understand this impulse, but I really do think every destabilizing event hurts at this point. The Republicans are ready to seize every moment to frame it as an excuse for fascism and the eDems are have not been and remain unprepared for that fight. The US may be fucked no matter what, but every high profile destabilizing event is more likely than not to be accelerant on the fire.


in crisis management, being afraid of every destabilizing event is a serious leak. such events occur anyway


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The school library threw the city library under the bus, but they keep coming.

is it worth my time to buy these books and put them in little free libraries? and in which zip codes ?

I mean the grooming stuff is obviously stupid but that specific book is pretty sexually explicit for 4 to 8 year olds and I can see why parents are upset.

Assuming that there is any truth at all to the original claim. The school district confirmed that the book wasnt in their libraries and there is no line I put the “We need school choice now” crowd from crossing. It is incredibly likely they found the most incendiary book they could, made up the story about their kids bringing it home from school and worked with libs of tiktok to try to spread the bullshit like wildfire.

Its also clearly a book written for european audiences (note the term bum) and was written by a european author. I find it highly unlikely its in high circulation in the states

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Yeah I agree it’s probably not commonly found and it’s probably the tip of the iceberg. I wouldn’t put it past them to have planted it in schools and libraries just to be able to use it as an example.

Yeah wouldnt be surprised in the least.

Hope you dont go btw

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There is no way your default assumption should be the page from that book is real. It’s multiple paragraphs of text. It wouldn’t be age appropriate even if it wasn’t sexually explicit incest. Smart 8 year olds might be ready to move on from Dr. Seuss. Most 4 and 5 year olds can’t read at all.


Today’s Right would probably cheer.

A+ country


I want to see a network TV episode about how the real story of school shootings is the heroic role of cops.

We simply have the wrong people in power. We are all Steve Kerr.


I’m sure Joe’s speech will be just as good

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You know what would make it better? @Riverman live blogging it.

Sure, but we know how far we’ll get with shaming Republicans for their objectively awful actions.

His own father was shot and killed when he was a kid, so he has more skin in the game than most.


Kerr has a pretty interesting back story. He was born in and spent most of his early life in Beirut, Lebanon. He moved to California to complete high school, but his Dad kept his job at the American University in Beirut. When Steve was a college freshman, his Dad was killed by members of a Shia militia. Kerr is pretty lefty in most of his politics, but I can’t help but think that losing his Dad that way has made him particularly sensitive to issues like gun violence and also religious extremism/racism.

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