GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Everything is a personal consumer choice. Except for when you want to do something they don’t like, then the cops kick in your door and maybe murder you and/or your dog. American conservatism is what makes the US the Greatest Country In The World!

He’s trying to invoke the old “we’re all entitled to our personal beliefs” thing. Making laws to prevent people doing something is kind of a defining feature of your opposition to it not being a personal belief.

I’m not convinced it’s inherently a ‘huge political winner’, it’s more that they are good at hammering home their points and Democrats are repeatedly caught flat-footed in their responses. Like I don’t think that the majority of Americans think that a woman should be at home popping out babies while only her husband is allowed to work and make financial decisions for her, which is what Republicans believe, but they frame the issue as ‘trans people eliminating women’ and for some reason the media laps it up and Dems have zero effective response.

Which is strange because it is a relatively simple response: a threat to liberty anywhere is a threat to liberty everywhere.

ETA: it’s a huge political winner for them “now”, and you’re right if anything resembling a decent and strong response was made the GOP’s success would be diluted

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Same school district


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Uh…that’s where my kids went to school.

I was going to ask for the source, but then saw you posted it, so I know the source. Has anyone brought this to anyone’s attention?

(Different school district, btw, but next county over)

The article posted is about both Cherokee and Cobb

Ah - I had actually read some of the article a while back and only got through the Cherokee County part.

What in the everloving fuck?

My wife just told me that a Jewish mom’s group she’s a member of on Facebook has found out about the new logo and has given the school an earful. The school said that it is taking a step back to evaluate (this was all said privately, in e-mails).

I’m assuming it is just an extremely unfortunate coincidence and not anything intentional, but I would be curious who designed it, just to see if it’s possible it was malicious. Now, if the school doesn’t change it, gloves come off.

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I wouldn’t be giving anybody the benefit of the doubt these days. You draw a Nazi looking logo I’m going to assume you’re a Nazi.



Baseball crank got the libs on this one.


“oh you think this other evil person is bad? so when you said the first evil person was bad, you were just admitting you have a problem with evil people? CHESSMATE LIBZ”


Yeah first thing I thought was there’s a hidden swastika in there somewhere.

I think these things are usually a little bit more complicated. Like at best you haven’t fostered any diversity in key positions in an organization, or worse, people have come to have positive associations with this type of design without necessarily consciously doing it.

People who design things for a living tend to by very aware of symbolism and association, especially if they’ve received any formal education in the field. Even if this person was somehow oblivious to Nazi imagery, it’s still a very dark and militarized logo that says, “We’re the baddies”.

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Needs more skulls, IMO.