GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Tying racism to anything is so triggering to these people. Savvy Dems (and staff) need to develop something similar to dog whistle language to talk about these problems in ways that don’t trigger the reactionaries. I don’t know if it’s possible, but it seems like it should be.

amex is the only reason delta didn’t get liquidated a few years ago, sky clubs are essentially delta-branded Amex lounges.

This is horrifying

Maybe it would help if he issued another statement about how he’s REALLY REALY done talking about gun control.

LOL dude’s gonna get primaried for outsmarting and owning the libs because he pretended to consider gun control for like a day. They’re gonna nominate like, Allen West, or something. He’s probably more towards the sane end of the range of potential candidates.

This is my local school district

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The country’s largest Confederate memorial is owned and maintained by… the state of Georgia!

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Ronny Jackson imo.

He’s not up again til 2026 and this will be down the memory hole in a week tops.

Maybe, but if he gets primaried and someone just runs ads with some clips of news coverage of him negotiating with Dems to TAKE YER GUNS AWAY YALL he might be in trouble.

But he’s also 70, has like 20 years in the Senate already (some of the old geezers didn’t make it there til they were in their 60s so I kind of understand why they want to stay so long), and I wouldn’t be shocked if he retired in 2026 at 74. Not everyone wants to go out like Feinstein, hugging the other side and seeing news leaked about how their brain is turning to mush.

Yeah, it’s possible. Not sure if he’s one of those guys like Strom/Byrd/etc that hold on til the bitter end or not. As far as seeing the news about how your brain is turning to mush I bet they’re pretty well insulated in their bubbles and even if not, well in her case she probably doesn’t remember it one minute after seeing it anyway so it’s all good.

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Part of my “job” as a member of the county party central committee is to recruit dem/progressive/non-crazy candidates for school boards across the county, especially in the red areas.

It’s gonna be so easy to answer “do you believe in teaching CRT in schools?”.

“No. CRT is a graduate-level curriculum, not an elementary school one.” Boom, Done. Nothing but the truth, your honor. And the stupid rubes up here will eat it up.

No, because she’s black, of course.

I guess I should have caveated my post with the fact that there are like, 10 black people in my town, and any candidate we find will be White or Latino, which the racists up here are usually fine with.

they are going to start asking teachers about what they think about book by book. they already are.

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I thought that this paragraph stood out in that story as well

Standing in line outside the building before a recent school board meeting, mothers identified themselves to each other as “a Marjorie” — meaning a proponent of the speaking style of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, known for her provocative and unfiltered claims.

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Is there any confirmation one way or another on that whole Boebert story with the abortions, surgaring, and Ted Cruz.

Almost certainly fake.

But I’m going to keep emphasizing, she married a dude who whipped his dick out in a crowded bowling alley.

Wasn’t there a large age gap as well?

That’s a shame
