I was going to write “touché” but that’s a stinking French word. Instead I’ll go with “blimey! that’s a top notch point”.
That nails it for peach. Peach pie just too mushy; it’s the texture.
Pumpkin is the goat.
I’ll take the goat pie. Jamaican spices hopefully.
[yeah, yeah, I know… savory pie thread thataway…]
If you want to throw down fisticuffs, fine. I’ve got Jack Johnson and Tom O’Leary waiting for ya, right here.
I don’t know why anyone eats peaches when nectarines exist. Unless you are referring to nectarines (since it’s the best kind of peach) in your post, in which case, strongly agree.
I am an ignorant southern girl who just discovered nectarines are not a kind of orange
juicy but crisp peach
The best and most flavorful peaches are ripe ones that are slightly mushy and drip all over when you eat them.
I don’t know why anyone eats peaches when nectarines exist.
The best peaches >>> best nectarines.
RiskyFlush:juicy but crisp peach
The best and most flavorful peaches are ripe ones that are slightly mushy and drip all over when you eat them.
Melkerson:I don’t know why anyone eats peaches when nectarines exist.
The best peaches >>> best nectarines.
Too messy, do not want.
My (fresh) fruit pie rankings:
(Rhubarb is the best overall, but that’s kind of custard plus fruit.)
Grapefruit might be my favorite fruit.
(not in a pie though)
I’ll take the goat pie. Jamaican spices hopefully.
[yeah, yeah, I know… savory pie thread thataway…]
Savory pie thread would be entertaining AF. We would have things like pizza and empanadas and lawnmowers would be soaring all over the place.
Savory pie thread would be entertaining AF.
Savory pie thread would be entertaining AF. We would have things like pizza and empanadas and lawnmowers would be soaring all over the place.
Can’t wait for those lawnmowers; incl mine. I ain’t got the time or tech-savvy to start that.