GOAT Pie Tourney

I was going to write “touché” but that’s a stinking French word. Instead I’ll go with “blimey! that’s a top notch point”.

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That nails it for peach. Peach pie just too mushy; it’s the texture.

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Pumpkin is the goat.

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I’ll take the goat pie. Jamaican spices hopefully.

[yeah, yeah, I know… savory pie thread thataway…]

If you want to throw down fisticuffs, fine. I’ve got Jack Johnson and Tom O’Leary waiting for ya, right here.

whenever I hear peach pie I think of these two minutes (starts at like 3:05)

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I don’t know why anyone eats peaches when nectarines exist. Unless you are referring to nectarines (since it’s the best kind of peach) in your post, in which case, strongly agree.

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I am an ignorant southern girl who just discovered nectarines are not a kind of orange

Not exactly the same, but reminded me of this:


Haha gimme that grapefruit drink, just add a little purple stuff

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The best and most flavorful peaches are ripe ones that are slightly mushy and drip all over when you eat them.

The best peaches >>> best nectarines.


Too messy, do not want.

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My (fresh) fruit pie rankings:



(Rhubarb is the best overall, but that’s kind of custard plus fruit.)

Grapefruit might be my favorite fruit.

(not in a pie though)

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You might enjoy this grapefruit energy drink. It is tasty indeed.

I don’t drink energy drinks. Some tasty grapefruit things, though:

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Got your final four right here:


Savory pie thread would be entertaining AF. We would have things like pizza and empanadas and lawnmowers would be soaring all over the place.



Can’t wait for those lawnmowers; incl mine. I ain’t got the time or tech-savvy to start that.