GOAT Pie Tourney

Not exactly. It that it’s so much work. Bake sales are about cranking something out without a ton of effort.

I’m going hiking tomorrow, which means I can eat whatever I want tonight. Well within reason. This thread almost inspired me to pull the trigger on an entire coconut creme pie, that I would have eaten in two days and then felt sick.

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Shut your never tasted anything good mouth!

That’s how I avoid temptation at Costco, I know if I buy a pumpkin pie the size of a manhole cover I’ll eat it in a, ok, let’s just say a week, and feel bad…

LOL one week. I’ve eaten a whole one of those in 24hrs. No regrets. Well, not at the time anyway. I have now realized that while fine, Costco pumpkin pie is not top tier. Every Thanksgiving, Mme Melkerson makes me my own pumpkin pie which lasts until Friday morning. Tastes way better and not nearly as big, which I’m sure is for the best.


I just don’t like pecans full stop, so it’s an l for me.

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I or l?

I only like pecans when they are toasted, like in a pie or sticky bun or candied.

I’m starting to spot a trend…

Sweet potato pie! Talk about an abomination!

Pecan losing to banana cream is a fucking joke.

Pecan is an s-tier pie.


I don’t know if there was guidance on this, but I’m judging all pies by themselves without ice cream (or cheese or any other weird shit one might add).

Ice cream really elevates a lot of pies dramatically and does nothing for others. Not fair to include it in the judgement, imo.

That’s why i posted pics without toppings.

Everyone is free to determine how they take their pie.

At Thanksgiving, my sister’s boyfriend would gift my mom a sweet potato pie his mom made.

That sweet potato pie>>>any pumpkin pie I’ve ever had.

Definitely S tier.

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lol an L

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lol sweet pies

Without toppings pumpkin would have a rough go

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They obviously never had a holiday where someone forgot to get the whip cream. And who has time to put a topping on every 1/4" slice of pie surreptitiously taken every time you walk through the kitchen?

Yeah, pumpkin pie doesn’t need whipped cream.

Furthermore, whipped cream doesn’t really count if it’s on the pie to start. There are pumpkin pies like this:

So if you like whipped cream, it can be part of the pie.

On the other hand, no one is making pie with ice cream sitting on top of it.

If you need ice cream for your pie, then that pie is not that great.

No one bakes a pie with whipped cream or ice cream on top. They’re like condiments, added later to enhance the pie.

There’s not much difference between ice cream and whipped cream, ingredients wise, just the prep.

Oh yeah, you don’t bake it on there, but if you put it on the whole pie, then it’s part of the pie, imo.

If you cut out a slice and put it on your slice, it’s a topping.

Hence, ice cream is always a topping. Whipped cream sometimes is.