Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

Ok. Who cares what you think. He’s against this law, which is good. If you support this law, which I’ll bet you do, you’re an anti free speech fascist.

I’m disputing your characterization of Glenn as principled and consistent. That’s literally the only part that I quoted. You’re throwing out all these accusations left and right to obscure the fact that the only reason Glenn and Tucker (an actual right-wing fascist) are blowing up this issue is that the defendants are pro-Russia.

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Ok, like I said, idgaf what you think of greenwald. What do you think of the prosecutions?

These guys are left wing black communists as far as I can tell. He also has and will also defend right wing nazis and white supremacists. His narrative, which is the same as the old school ACLU, is being on the side of free speech absolutism.

His narrative at this time is that Russia isn’t a big deal, and USA is guilty of everything Russia is

What has he said about state GOP legislatures curtailing free speech?

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The Tennessee thing? Probably nothing.

Cool you don’t have to respond if you don’t care, I’m not just posting for your benefit. The online articles about the case don’t have a lot of details so there’s not much to say. It makes sense for there to be disclosure laws regarding political contributions from foreign entities. No, people should not be prosecuted for posting memes, and no, I generally don’t give the benefit of the doubt to the FBI/DOJ.

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If you read what the government says it’s doing and think yeah it makes sense to put members of fringe political parties in court facing ten years in prison, well, I don’t know man.

The defendant is accused of subverting our foreign agent notification laws to promote Russian national interests here in the United States, concealing from the public that her recruitment efforts were funded by a Russian security service,” said U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves for the District of Columbia. “We will continue to expose these serious crimes and hold all who perpetrate them accountable

But hey at least me you and Greenwald will all be on the same side again when the next republican administration prosecutes Hunter for not registering as a foreign agent.

Will we? Because that would actually be notable (and consistent), if Greenwald ever staunchly defended the Bidens about anything.

You may have misread my post because I’m basically agreeing with you.

You’re agreeing with greenwald. Great. Wtf are we even talking about?


Lol as of the Bidens have ever been on the oppressed side of a speech issue? When should greenwald have defended the speech rights of Joe Fucking Biden?

How about any liberal or any liberal free speech issue like the ones pointed out by AQ and me above?

The fringe left wingers he’s talking about here don’t count???

Like the government is trying to put these guys in prison for years but because greenwald didn’t say something about a middle school removing catcher in the rye from the library then something something? You can always find an issue that someone doesn’t take a position on. That’s an absurd standard you’re only applying because you hate greenwald.

Like is there a case where greenwald has ignored the government trying to put someone in prison for speech? That’d be a comparable situation.

It should be obvious why it doesn’t.

It is, very obvious. Because it’s your team doing the anti-speech oppression.