Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

It’s much simpler than that: He’s deep in Musk’s pocket. That’s legit the only explanation for this behavior. He traded his soul for money and access.

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It’s some version of this. Whether it’s Musk or RT or Rumble or just being on substack, guys like Taibbi/Greenwald/Aaron Mate/etc found the niche that makes them hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, and are happy to exploit it to the fullest.

Right on cue

Elon’s great… up until it affects my paycheck

Some relationships are so fragile.

Like the one between a sex worker and a client, to pick a completely random, unrelated example.


It would actually be a smart move for twitter to go after Substack’ core business. That is why I question if that is really going to happen.

Yeah, he got paid by the evil twin of the guy paying Kristol. The cliffs is that everyone sucks.

Sad Trombone

Looking forward to Sy’s take.

Probably because it’s a chilling example of criminalizing political speech that the government doesn’t like. And because greenwald has been a consistent and principled advocate for free speech for decades. Not that you or most here care about free speech, you’re only for free speech for views you like. Goebbles was for free speech for views he liked. Everyone is.

They could have said whatever they wanted if they disclosed they were acting as agents of the Russian government, if I understand this story correctly.

What would the us government call a country if they arrest NED funded dissidents who speak out about their government? Fascists. Authoritarians. They’re right. That’s exactly what this law is. A fascist, authoritarian law. If you support this sort of thing you’re a fucken fascist.

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There’s a difference between overt and covert funding of such speech.

Does this apply to Tucker and Beck as well?

My comment about greenwald applies to greenwald. Why would it be about anyone else?

I mean they are, regardless of how stupid Taibbi is

Meh, only when it suits whatever his current narrative is. Otherwise he ignores censorship/criminalization. Which doesn’t change that he’s correct here, and that anyone taking the other side just because it’s GG, is a huge dumbass at best, full fascist at worst.

Because they’re in the tweet you responded to and I don’t think Greenwald is being principled at all here.

When he defends those 2 by pitting them against liberals knowing that they are only stroking reactionary fears and knowing for instance their “free speech” stances regarding the George Floyd protests, that’s not consistency.

Just like Tucker and Beck, he is a fighter for free speech only when it’s a cause he likes.

When it’s a liberal professor being fired, or books being banned in Florida, or trans people removed from public spaces, he tends to keep his mouth shut.