Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

Taibbi is describing what happened in the past. That’s just factual.

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I mean if you don’t think political persecution leads to banana republics forming, I can’t help ya.

this is not political persecution. this is criminal fraud trying to wriggle out of an investigation with a political smokescreen


Political persecution implies getting charged with fake crimes. Do you think that’s what’s happening here?

No. Only the bad autocrats will refuse to leave now. But they wouldn’t have before. WE MADE THEM DO THIS. o_O

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No, he’s talking about what is happening right now, saying it is what makes leaders autocrats.

The fuck

Exactly what he says. It’s like twenty words long.

I don’t even know what trump is being indicted for and don’t have an opinion yet. If taibbi is right that it’s a trumped up politically motivated charge then I agree with what he’s saying.



The bolded is what’s being disputed my man. ‘I don’t have an opinion but I agree with Taibbi’ - isn’t exactly a consistent statement.

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it trivially follows. just noodle it

If taibbi has already made up his mind about the trump case then sure. I haven’t been following this at all so don’t really know how strong or weak the case is. Reading Matt’s other tweets it looks like he’s made up his mind that it’s a pretextual political prosecution. Maybe, I don’t know. But he’s certainly right that is extremely bad if that’s the case.

He has definitely already made up his mind which is why the whole series of tweets is dumb, dude hasn’t even seen the indictments

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It’s not Trumped up. He did those crimes. True I haven’t read the indictment either, so I’m somewhat assuming what is in them, but this isn’t a new story. I think we have an idea of what is in there. It’s a pretty safe assumption, if not technically 100% accurate.

“You may also like James O’Keefe”

Taibbi’s Twitter page suggestion. Much credibility.

“And you don’t have to be a Trump supporter to see it, although to be clear, I’m totally a whole hog Trump supporter.”


The implication in Matt’s tweet is that it applies to the Trump case. Weird to say that you agree with him while not following or having an opinion on it.


Why is that weird? My reply didn’t have anything to do with trump.

That would seem to be even worse of a position to hold, of course. “We must let presidents get away with literally any crimes at all lest they be tempted to hold onto power,” is not the winning argument you seem to think it is.