Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

It is consistent with allowing Putin to do whatever he wants in “greater Russia”.

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The correct meta-analysis here if we care about reality should be, do we think US politicians, particularly Republicans, particularly TRUMP, have generally suffered from too much unfair prosecution of crimes or have they more often gotten away with crimes that a regular person would have been charged with? Which is the bigger potential issue here?


I think it’s important that the specific crimes he’s being charged with are legitimate crimes that anyone engaging in the same behavior would get prosecuted for. Or that Trump himself would get prosecuted for if he had never run for president. Or rather, since I guess running for office is maybe an element of the crime here, if he had lost to Hilldawg and never become president.

And my point is that given everything we know about how the system works, it’s way more likely that to reach this indictment, there was an overwhelming amount of evidence regarding the crime than an underwhelming amount. Not sure why you and Taibbi would believe otherwise.

It’s not about the evidence, it’s why it was gathered here but not everywhere else

Yes, let’s please direct prosecutorial resources elsewhere. Towards people that don’t pose an existential risk to civilization. Check out the big brain on Chad.

No, I mean that that’s going to be my test. Do I think that Trump would have been prosecuted for this crime if he had lost to Hillary and disappeared for the last six years? If not, it’s a political prosecution regardless of the evidence.

Dozens of prosecutions for falsification of business records.

Multiple examples of prosecutions for concealing the source of campaign contributions.

Trump has gotten all kinds of special treatment throughout his entire life, but let’s have some perspective. The overwhelming, overwhelming majority of it has been him getting away with stuff that most people would not be able to, NOT getting treated more harshly than others


Of course. Everybody here understands that.

Truly a bewildering standard and definition.


Getting Al Copone on tax evasion? There are tons of people who avoid taxes, why focus on him?

Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime, right?

The results of the election are irrelevant to the crime. The way crime prosecution should work is that people notice a crime and then say hey we need to do something about this. Because of the crime itself. Not because there is a Bad Person who we need to Do Something About.

Read Bigoldnit’s post. Trump, as a rich white man with connections, got away with shit his entire life. This one time, perhaps, he will have overstepped and gotten caught. If him winning the presidency and bragging about the issue led to it blowing up and starting an investigation, that’s not political persecution, that’s a fortunate stroke of justice.

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I don’t know the timeline. I know the crime all happened before the election. Was everything not disclosed until after he was elected and in office? If so, assume prosecutors know everything about the hush money payments even though Trump lost to Hilldawg. So their knowledge of the events is the same but Trump has been doing the Apprentice or whatever for the last six years and has no plans for running for office. Does he still get prosecuted? If not it’s a political prosecution.

Every fuckin Super Bowl the DA grabs a few popcorn headlines


I’m not sure “everyone” does.

Trump has:

  • run around for decades bragging about how he gets away with illegal stuff (not paying taxes, sexual assault, lying to banks)

  • has had thousands if not millions of pages written by other people documenting his crimes

  • has had many, many people near him get convicted of crimes that also implicated him

Yet, despite all of this, Taibbi is acting like the charges are totally merit less (despite apparently not even seeing an actual indictment since that hasn’t been unsealed yet) and Keeed thinks it’s unfair to “notice” that Trump is a criminal. GMAFB


That’s not what I said at all. I said that if Trump had lost the election and disappeared, and prosecutors had known the details they know now about what he’s been charged with, and if in that scenario they would not have prosecuted Trump, then I think it’s a political prosecution.

The way crime prosecution actually works is that people like him get the benefit of the doubt every time, while a bunch of other types of people routinely get shafted. I think it’s weird when this guy is potentially getting what he clearly deserves in the course of committing one of his dozens of crimes and your first reaction is to question whether the investigation was perfectly non-biased. I got news for you man… Prosecutors are always biased, this is the last case to be worried about if that’s your concern!

He’s gonna make bail so fast his bucket of chicken will still be warm when he gets back to Florida.