Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

lol the first tweet by Greenwald is obvious satire.

Iā€™m so glad I never got deep into Twitter. Seems to infest your mind.

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Every junkie eventually ends up in the gutter.


Oh Glenn!

Nothing new here but a summerization


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Its trivially true, and why autocrats are often offered amnesty in exchange for stepping down from power.

Itā€™s true that charging former heads of state with crimes leads to autocracy?

Biden Crime, Inc up next! Itā€™s trivially true.

No, what taibbi wrote is true.

Gosh guys, this has me worried now that Trump might try to stay in power and not step down gracefully.

I like the idea that an autocrat bent on overthrowing 250 years of peaceful transfer of power would be encouraged/deterred from Trump being prosecuted for Stormy Daniels. Yeah thatā€™s definitely going to be the tipping point that sends our future Caesar over to the dark side.


Everything bad that conservatives do is the fault of normies criticizing them. This is old hat.


how many american autocrats tried to stay in office past their term?

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So to clarify,

Trump inciting a violent insurrection is not an example of seizing power

Trump getting arrested for a crime he did commit is bad and will cause him to seize power


I donā€™t ythink Tabbi said anything about Trump. Who is already out of office? Itā€™s presumably Biden that will now refuse to leave.

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but this flagrant abuse of power sets the precedent

itā€™s trivial

Yea but thatā€™s only because the white house has the best chocolate chip ice cream

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What do you think heā€™s saying in that tweet?

it is weird that more presidents didnā€™t abuse their power since there was a gentlemanā€™s agreement to give them amnesty in the end. gotta noodle that one, it is not trivially true

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