Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

I’ve made it very clear that I’m against all military aid to Ukraine and I said so before and after the invasion. We should have stayed out of it.

Because you don’t care how much Ukrainians suffer, or how many others suffer in countries that get toppled in their wake. Yes we’ve established that.

You’d have stayed out of Europe in WWII as well. Charles Lindbergh and the original America First movement approves. Boy those guys sure came out looking great in history, huh? The same will go for those who advocate immediate capitulation to Putin now.

How many countries does Russia get to conquer before you change your mind?

I don’t know about that, but for sure I would have stayed out of Iraq, Afghanistan after three months, Vietnam. Would I turn the other cheek after Pearl Harbor? Opinions vary I guess but I’m pretty sure I’d have supported the declaration of war after Japan killed 2000 servicemen and sank a dozen warships. Would I have stoically ignored Hitler’s declaration of war? Again, you’re the expert but I don’t see how that would work.

It’s almost like some things are not like other things.

I think that if we had left Ukraine alone Russia wouldn’t have invaded at all.

Do you think people who would have stayed out of Iraq and Vietnam but support Ukraine are being inconsistent?

You keep making that claim despite all the evidence to the contrary.

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No I think they supported Iraq and would have supported Vietnam at the time. Basically no one opposed Vietnam in like 1964-67. Iraq, there was significant opposition before but the war was broadly popular. Not as popular as Ukraine or 1991 but still very popular.

What evidence?

We’ve been over this so I will limit myself to pointing to the annexation of Crimea and de facto Donetsk and Luhansk. Beyond that you will have to reread the Ukraine thread.

It’s just a pure nonsense non-falsifiable thing to say. But whatever helps you sleep at night.

The US didn’t make the 2014 revolution happen. There also exists a thing called Europe that believe it or not have their own free will on matters in their backyards!

The US actually seemed pretty restrained until they and the world saw how seemingly every Ukrainian was willing to die to have what the West has and not be brutalized by Putin. For some reason that never gets any credit with you and the other appeasers. Only after the US saw how much Ukrainians were willing to fight did they go all in. Which is the right course of action imo.


All caused by US support of Ukraine because reasons.

Um, I opposed the Iraq War from the start and also support a proxy war in Ukraine. Not sure how I would have felt about Vietnam if I had been alive at the time.

I mean Vicky Nuland was recorded talking about who they were going to get installed in Ukraine after the coup! We maybe had something to do with it…would the CIA tell us the extent of their involvement? Not really their style.

The CIA’s reach is limited only by the power of your imagination.

Ukraine did have an free election after the coup. Pretty sure the US didn’t install Zelensky.

Right, the CIA do a coup? Why I never! Totally unprecedented, could never happen.

I mean to be fair it could have been the State Department

Has nothing to do with Putin’s reaction to the 2014 revolution/coup/whatever.

Yeah the CIA motivated every Ukrainian citizen and personally supplied the molotov cocktails.

Clearly the Ukrainians have no desire to fight for what they have and are just being manipulated into thinking they want it. Not like they’re out there dying in droves to keep from being under Putin’s thumb.

Poor bastards have just been conned into thinking a liberal democracy is any different than a stasi-state. But clever people like GG in his Brazilian fortress know better.