Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

It has to do with the idea that the US installed a puppet leader in Ukraine - as pro-Russia twitter loves to double-speak. Black is white, up is down.

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You guys don‘t get it. The US of A instigated this by [details currently unavailable, please come back later]. Now Russia gets 1 (one) Ukraine free of charge. Sorry, Ukraine, those are the rules.


An all-powerful CIA would just assassinate Putin.

It is fun to read Legacy Of Ashes and compare/contrast the sheer incompetence of the actual CIA with the post-left’s vision of mind control rays and whatnot.

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computer, dehance!

This is embarrassing. Everyone can see that even you know you don’t have a leg to stand on, so you’re left to bring up completely separate issues rather than defend the indefensible position that you think Russia should just get to do genocide free from interference.


I think probably the US was involved in the coup that overthrew the pro-Russia leader and installed someone friendlier to the West. Was he a US puppet? I don’t know anything about him and certainly never said he was a puppet. I just think that the US probably did the coup to some extent, and Putin probably thinks so too. And that’s what Putin was reacting to in 2014: a US-backed coup to depose his guy and derail his trade deal with Ukraine.

The US “supported” the coup by supporting non-profits composed of real living human being Ukranians that sincerely wanted democracy and vague promises of economic relations in the future.

You are 100% all-in on fascism at this point and too dense to even get how vociferously you are arguing for it.


Keed is an expert on coups.


Really incredible how, still, the only people with any agency at all are Americans in Keed’s worldview. Americans can decide to do a coup or not, and the Ukrainians just have to go along with it (And also there’s basically no chance it was their own coup. Could you believe – Ukrainians! – doing something themselves?). And then Putin will just have to commit genocide in response. Sorry about the Americans causing your genocide, Ukrainians, but now you’ll have no choice but to accept American weapons and fight a war you don’t want to fight to stop a genocide you should have just let happen but can’t.

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But not on “proxy wars”. He doesn’t know what the term means.

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On our side is Lindsey Graham, Dick Cheney, and Dan Crenshaw. On Keeeeeeeed’s, Putin, Xi, and

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man these proxy argument wars are pretty weird

Where did it even come from? It’s genuinely not a proxy war! The USA/others are only not sending troops because that would escalate the conflict, something keed/gg/others seem very much against, in theory.

“BungusChigg” is like a Bach fuge of a meme, can we all just reflect on how next-level it is?

I don’t really care to argue whether it’s a proxy war or not. It’s purely semantics. The ethics of sending weapons to a people under threat of genocide are completely unaffected by whether or not doing so meets an arbitrary definition of “proxy war,” and wars become neither worth fighting nor not worth fighting based on being proxy or non-proxy wars. Keeed’s obviously here to argue that proxy wars are bad per se, regardless of the ethics of the underlying war, so if he can scaremonger about this being a “proxy war” and disregard the core fact that this is a super power invading a lesser power with genocidal intent, then he can score internet points on his enemies. I’m not going to deny that this is a “proxy war” if Keeed wants to include helping out people fighting against their own genocide in the definition of proxy wars, but I’m also not going to concede that proxy wars are unacceptable. The central question of this war is a superpower threatening conquest and genocide on a lesser power, and that threat of conquest and genocide is indeed unprovoked, no matter what he says. If Russia wanted to keep Ukraine in its orbit ethically, it had numerous diplomatic, non-violent options with which to compete with western meddling. It eschewed all of those options, and it refused to accept defeat without violence. Russia chose to invade with the intent of conquest and genocide, and thus it is ethical both for them to fight back and for others to support those fighters.


Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill…

I am not making this up: I literally thought as I opened this thread with all the new posts in it “the great thing about the Greenwald thread is that it’s always a good time to read, with other threads you never know if there has been an outbreak of thread aids”.


keeed, you know ukraine isn’t listed on that wiki for either 2004 or 2014, right?
