ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I have trouble understanding the argument of those who say that the fact that Biden’s statement surely gains him more votes than it costs him, is not a sufficient reason for him to make it a week before the election.

I’ll put the odds you listened to the whole 3 min clip at 7%.

I’ll put the odds of you defending what he says no matter what at 100%


I understand . But it seems like some people are saying he should not say it if he doesn’t think it.

I know you didn’t watch it because the stupid thing he said wasn’t looting is wrong (which it obviously is) but that he wants to work with republicans on the ACA.

One sabo posts gets through the ignore somehow and this is it. I take back any regret I might have claimed to have about feeling gaslit by cassette. Shit I’m going to go make the very short term ignore on cassette a hell of a lot longer. Simply unreal that anyone can’t see how absolutely over the top this is.

Honestly it had been so long since I read a sabo post that I really doubted myself for a split second when I read cassettes first post. I wondered if I was being unreasonable, my getting hazier memories of sabos posting didn’t feel particularly reliable in that moment, and I had to stop a second and evaluate. Then I really thought about it and decided that no, it was the other guy who was wrong.

And yeah I got a little bent out of shape about it, then regretted that almost immediately as well. Then through serendipity this particular sample slides through the great barrier of ignore and sears into my fucking eyeballs. Holy shit. What an experience. Fuck you again cassette.

The way he just shits all over people and assumes the moral high ground. Here of all places. It’s really gross. The lack of doubt really upsets me. I see the lack of doubt as a really serious problem too… every time you see some really ugly shit happen these true believers finger prints are all over it. When things stop going their way they just actively disbelieve it and act as if they are correct. Every time they are prevented from achieving their ends they just escalate to the next level of force. It ends with camps.

This has always seem weird to me too.

I’m not following the whole fight here, but noticed this because it got quoted. I’m guilty of this, and new people should be welcomed of course, but some people come here who pretty obviously know all of us, but they hide their identity? Weak sauce imo. If they’ve been talking to people here for years on 2p2, they should not hide that history.


I do it too out of curiosity.

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Looks like they deleted their heroics.

if you thought that was over and nothing crazier could happen, boy were you wrong

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One thing I’m interested in looking into more after the election is the way social media is driving this polarization and the way it’s being exploited. Like it’s easy to just say look at this crowd of absolute monsters cheering on murder, but algorithms are literally pushing people farther and farther into corners.

While I think the discussion over what blame goes where is relatively pointless (I don’t care because I know which side is good and which is bad and all that matters is winning and ending injustice), I do think it’s important to understand so that we can fight it.

Example: Philly cops pull an innocent black couple from their van, beat them, detain them for nothing. Female cop scoops up their kid and holds him.

I see: video of the beating.

MAGA sees: Cops protect kid who awful parents left on the street in a lawless riot

Replay this process hundreds of times and people get brainwashed. While I chose one where the protesters are 0% to blame and the cops 100% and the cops lied and made propaganda, I think the most important point is that some of us are seeing all the police violence and nothing protesters are doing that might be bad, and MAGA racists are seeing everything that makes protests look bad (even if it requires editing or out of context clips) and nothing the other way around. Their reality feels as real to them as ours does to us.

I feel 99.99% confident that my perception more closely matches reality than theirs, but if nothing else this helps me understand how there are these apparent racist lunatics having parades and waving flags in support of police brutality (or worse). The reality they are being presented is so warped that this becomes their response.

They certainly shoulder some blame for falling for it, but the bigger question is how to break the cycle.


A first thing to do is identify the teams, so to speak. For our purposes here, let’s focus on five groupings: (1) violent RWNJs, (2) MAGAs not also #1, (3) what you would call “the protestors” but I’ll call “civil society”, (4) the cops, and (5) those whose interests the cops protect in fact.

  1. Group #1 has always been with us. This is nothing new. Remember Oklahoma City? They are not benign… but they aren’t a significant organized force on the field either. Group #4 holds that distinction.

  2. Group #2 are the Tea Party 2020. It’s all astroturf. It doesn’t, and can’t exist on Ytoobz alone. Somebody has to keep writing those checks to prop up it’s existence. This crap will have rebranded again in a few years. Gotta keep the “product” “new”. They are certainly annoying… but they are otherwise benign, as they quite literally do nothing, never had, never will.

  3. That’s one side.

  4. That’s the agents of the other side.

  5. I know you don’t like us chatting about these folks… but you know.

Groups #3 and #5 aren’t really that effected by the algorithms.

This is such a massive problem when a shared reality is necessary to have a peaceful society. But the blame doesn’t belong solely to social media. Take the local Philly news for example. Their coverage the past few nights has been 90% about looting/vandalism/needing national guard to protect the city from rioters/etc. and 10% about the Philadelphia police murdering yet another black man. This works wonders on shaping the perception of events on people our parents age, even if they’re well intentioned.

It’s a massive uphill battle when all the levers of power work to promote the copaganda side of these events, and one has to actively work to find - and now how to find - what we perceive as the truth (because it is ldo).


Not to take away from that, but showing videos of what is happening has helped change my parents minds quite a bit even though my exposure to arrest is extremely low (I’ve only been to peaceful demonstrations and stay in the safe area as much as possible).

If not for COVID that would have changed in May/June, but they don’t necessarily know that.

The cops provided our side with a lot of examples of brutality that even moderate white folks struggle to ignore.

Not any more. Most RWNJ militias are white supremacists. While some have supported BLM, it’s not many.

They’re showing up with blue line flags and lining roadways. They’re a huge part of the right wing voting base. They’re being propagandized at a dizzying rate via social media.

Ok, a relatively small group unless you include the people who support them quietly in spirit and such. This group is also being heavily influenced by the algos.

These people are mostly split across other groups imo unless you’re only counting the ones who support the cops, but do so more quietly. They’re definitely influenced by Fox News, if not the algos directly.

Yup I agree with this and this problem is tied to the others. Like a lot of these reporters and anchors think they’re reporting fairly and don’t realize they’re being lied to. It’s not like Joe Schmo from channel 3 is getting up every morning trying to protect racist institutions by slanting his coverage to protect police committing brutality.

Like I’m sure some are, but just just believe the bullshit they’re fed and peddle it to us as a result.

I definitely wouldn’t want anyone to call them and give them a piece of their mind, in fact I think it’s appalling that this phone number was even shared. That’s the real crime here. That this publicly listed phone number was Tweeted out and now a bunch of people will call this Sheriff’s Office and rip them a new one.


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Children have the right to assemble too. Families have the right to assemble together. A better classroom doesn’t exist.

The violent and insane and dangerous repression the capitalists bring down on civil society is child abuse, full stop.

The workers in Lawrence lived in crowded and dangerous apartment buildings, often with many families sharing each apartment… Half of children died before they were six, and 36% of the adults who worked in the mill died before they were 25. The average life expectancy was 39…

The IWW raised funds on a nationwide basis to provide weekly benefits for strikers and dramatized the strikers’ needs by arranging for several hundred children to go to supporters’ homes in New York City for the duration of the strike. When city authorities tried to prevent another 100 children from going to Philadelphia on February 24 by sending police and the militia to the station to detain the children and arrest their parents, the police began clubbing both the children and their mothers and dragged them off to be taken away by truck; one pregnant mother miscarried… when the women and children were taken to the Police Court, most of them refused to pay the fines levied and opted for a jail cell, some with babies in arms.

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