Your Vote Counts! You Can't Complain if You Don't Vote!

I agree, I wasn’t meaning to underemphasise the situation. As someone heavily invested in climate change concerns, Trump re-election (and full blown end of democracy in USA) would basically be GG earth let alone American society, safety, hope etc.


No one has yet explained how a niche thread on a niche forum could impact the result of the election in a week’s time.


I think our democracy is already borderline illegitimate given 40% abstention, gerrymandering, voter suppression, electoral college, etc. The way to make it more legitimate is to increase participation and fight for fair voter rights. Compulsory voting would be great. Don’t understand why you’d want to make it even less legitimate unless you’re only interested in revolution.

I don’t think I’ve missed an election in my eligible to vote life, but I’ll stop voting it’s compulsory.

AUer has mandatory voting. I was told even for non-citizens. The law isn’t enforced, and my ex-pat sister has never voted over decades.

However, she and my niece are US passport holders, and even though their votes here would be wholly illegitimate, I get IRL emails like this just yesterday…

Have you voted, or if not for yourself for me?

Now, I ain’t going to prison to pwn the Unstuck Centrists… but I could have “created” those two IRL votes for the stupid potato by legal GOTV-ing these AUers. I literally left that decision up to my fellow UnStuckers.

And… my fellow UnStuckers chose trolling instead. GJGE. SMH.

You must have missed the post at top. It’s called the Quantum Butterfly Effect. At some point things don’t need to be explaned. The fact is literally 25% or more of UnStuck regs literally believe it’s true. They are acting on those believes here in our community. And that trolling is spilling over into other threads (exs: here and here).

There is nothing inherently wrong with self-censorship. Less than 25% of UnStuck regs self-associate as black folk… and we still self-censor the n-word. Less than 25% of UnStuck regs self-identify as women… and we still self-censor the c-word. This is really no different.

Unlike what the trolls say, I’m not a monster. I hear the heart-felt anguish of my fellow UnStuckers. I suggest that, if say 10%, of our community feel any topic should be self-censored, we should do so, no questions asked. So… what fuckin’ next, another poll… but this time it’s a “We’re all outta here” poll…

I literally believe in the Quantum Butterfly Effect.
  • Nuke this thread from orbit (8 vote minimum).
0 voters
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Maybe it’s bad for the mental health of everyone reading? I don’t see any downside to waiting a week before starting a thread to discourage voting.

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How come my display doesn’t have a bell thingy.

Good question but wrong thread.

We have common ground since we both perceive the current state of the electoral process as at least borderline illegitimate because of the things you mentioned.

I think it would be odd for anyone to only be interested in revolution. Personally, my goals and dreams are based upon a desire for peace, love and solidarity amongst people, other living creatures, and our earthly environment. Because I consider aspects of the system that we live in to be partly or wholly opposed to those goals, my desire is to cooperatively find ways to improve our condition–a better world is possible.

For all of my life, we’ve been told we have freedom to vote. And like many us, I’ve voted many times. I’m sure most of us have seen or heard the South Park epsidode where the options on the ballot are: shit sandwich vs douchebag. Well, that’s what’s been on the ballot our entire lives. If we went out to eat and that’s what’s on the menu every time, eventually we may need consider that we are not in a legitimate restaurant. Even if the entire country is for the time being stuck eating there-a better restaurant is possible.:grinning:

IMO, the reason we are left with these choices between shit sandwiches and douche bags, is not because the system is broken, it’s because it was designed this way. We can attempt to change aspects of the system by using the system against itself, but I see no reason to strictly confine ourselves to finding solutions within social contructs created by our masters. Which is why I see value in chatting about this topic.

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You can vote in the post just 1 up from here to make this happen.



In this forum that hardly anyone reads?

But wouldn’t voting in that poll violate the premise of this thread?

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I touched on this a bit in post #75 of this thread. I’m happy to chat with you more. Maybe you can give me your take on that post, and that will help us advance our dialogue. If not, that’s OK, I don’t want you to feel obligated to participate in this thread if you don’t want to.

Fellow UnStuckers are in mental anguish. Their trolling is spilling over into other threads. Maybe this thread needs to be thrown under the bus for the collective good of the community?

OK, I voted just to be sociable.

Well…the usual (and good) advice here if someone annoys you a lot is to put them on ignore, and the same goes for a single thread.

This thread isn’t remotely like one asking why women should have the right to say no, or whether climate change is a hoax.


You can show you care by voting here.


I don’t disagree with any part of the post… I just think it’s super obvious that the absolute best way to capsize the current system is to get more people to vote not less. The system is designed to discourage turnout for reasons, and all of those reasons have to do with making it easier for politicians to retain power once they’ve gotten it.

Encouraging non participation when the problem is low participation is… kind of perverse and it pisses me off tbh. I don’t think the argument has any validity and I think the people defending sabo are just defending sabo because they’re really on team burn it all down.

I don’t think I’ve ever made a post that was negative about looting. I’m actually massively pro looting because I think it helps to align the incentives of the powerful with the incentives of the population. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and the people in power will say pretty words to people who are polite while doing nothing… but destroying big corporate property turns your anger into a real problem that needs to be solved.

I’m just very certain that the right plays here are all of the above, and that telling anyone who isn’t a Trump voter to not vote is insanely toxic.