ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Other news definitely. Poor dude. Is that looting related or…?

You started strawmanning right off the top. My initial response to you said the protests need to happen aka I clearly support them, and you just ignored it and started strawmanning. But yeah sure constructive criticism.

No it’s riot related.

Saying the protests need to happen while saying they are also causing the votes to turn and that bugs you is what you did. So, coolstorybro! What a weird take to come back to this.

I wish it was cops who did it, but no.

Yeah that’s also not what I said. Keep conflating.

Uh huh. You were torn. smh

You realize there were other people who said the minorities deserved to protest but jfc they were torn about it tearing up the fabric of society? Therefore, stifle their protests for the greater good. That’s you.

I made it clear that I was not torn about the protests themselves, and I literally have repeatedly tonight and for years openly supported the protests not just in this community but on social media and IRL.

I’m not going to get triggered into behaving like a raging lunatic asshole again, but feel free to keep trying to provoke it because I know that’s all you’re doing.

I’m an emotional dude who can fly off the handle when I’m attacked for something I think is unfair, you got me, good for you. Congrats, you won and I made a complete asshole of myself. You were still full of shit, you were still strawmanning the whole time, the only thing you won at was making me lose my cool and act like a dickhead.

You’re not going to get me to do it a second time in one night.

Another strawman. In like my first reply to your criticism I said the protests need to happen, I was never torn about that or conflicted about that or against the protests.

This is me literally saying the protests are clearly right and need to happen even if they cost us the election:

Holy Christ. I’m talking about protesters being mad enough and deserve to blow up and you commenting about them blowing the election and you being torn about which side to take. Here, you’re worried about me trolling you to make you mad. Dude, fuck off.

Your last comment is the strawman. You specifically say “peaceful protests” are right ignoring that some people get too fed up and violence can happen.

You need a day off or two to think about things or something. You are the rager here. You’ve lost the plot.

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I also know cuse needs the last comment so can’t wait to hear it. Later y’all. I’m out of this toxic place after the election. I love most of y’all but this is just dumb. I can talk music and politics with non toxic people on reddit and shit which is weird since I expected better from this place. Posted a Bootsy article the other night that Zik read half of before telling me to fuck off but then have to deal with this shit. Just lol.

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We’re not talking about protesters who got too angry and spilled over. The looters went to the Walmart, that’s it. They’re a separate group of people.

I’m not torn about what side to take, Jesus this is ridiculous. I’ve always been on the protesters side, but I see the good guys side at every level getting screwed in real time here, so I’m torn emotionally because I am:

A) Mad over the murder

B) Mad at the mayor for how he handled the George Floyd protests AND how he’s already handled these

C) Rooting for the protesters and inspired by them

D) Fearfully seeing the cops essentially cause looting, scared because I know this will overshadow what I want to get covered a week before and election

So I’m torn: should I be more inspired by C or fearful of D? That doesn’t mean I’m questioning how I feel about the protests, which should be clear given my posting on this particular protest and all the rest, but you refuse to acknowledge or accept that. Pretending I’m torn about what side to take is ridiculous.

Yeah when you repeatedly and intentionally take me out of context or just make up my position out of thin air contrary to what I’m posting, you’re trolling me.

I quoted you moron.

Cuse, I really try to like you but jfc.

Later. Hope the forum works. I love that I invited hundreds of people to have people question any new name that signs up as to which 2+2 alias they were. Fucking insanity here.

Protesters should loot downtown to take away attention from the Walmart looters.

I’m old enough to remember the good old days when people on 2p2 swore we were an echo chamber of like minded sheep who would just be boring and agree on everything if we ever left.

I’m old enough to remember you telling us we were too extreme and the FBI were ruining your political career.


Everyone on this forum and 2p2 keeps asking who ever would be the guy that wants to pursue politics for real. Cuserounder everybody. Legit almost quit the forum because we were ruining his political prospects lmao.

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I feel like the best strategy is to just show them videos on social media of cops and protesters. Like am I crazy to think a lot of city council members and such have a wildly distorted picture of what’s going on because they get their info from local TV, the local paper, and the police chief and assume it’s all totally fair and accurate?

I was hoping you would come back but am having second thoughts now that I know that you opposed the protests organized by Martin Luther King.

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