ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

FWIW, I know people form Scranton and Philly suburbs and they seem way more not scared to walk in public than you let on. You kind of act like Wil3000 where you expect us to respect you like you’ve been waling through the hood for years just because of where you are from.

You could read all the posts where I point out how much bullshit this is and lay out my position as previously stated, but no just keep saying it over and over because you’re enjoying pissing me off and making ridiculous attacks on my character and causing me to have a fucking breakdown because I’m enraged.

Fuck off.

Jesus Christ this is a stupid post. I never said I lived in the hood, and I never said I lived anywhere dangerous.


I never said you lived in the hood, bro.

Nah just say 90% of it and when I say it’s bullshit say oh no that’s not quite what I said. You’re super smart dude very clever.

Wait, is Scranton the hood? But, as English master here said I never said he lived in the hood or anywhere in Philly. I specifically said my own friends lived in the suburbs I’m pretty sure. Sheeeet.


That’s a first step. I’d suggest a good second step would be research. How did folks in the 1960s confront this? How about the 1930s? The 1840s? What has worked in the past? What has not?

Another thing to realize is that you are in fact helpless here. Utterly helpless. You might want to consider why that is some day… but that considering won’t change this fact in the least.

You can’t change reality by yelling at it to fit what you feel would make you, or the stupid potato for that matter, happy. It’s best for all of our mental health if you realize that yelling at reality (ex: Now’s the time for GOTV not TAKETV!) doesn’t make a lick-o-sense.

In this case it’s the opposite. Cops are purposely leaving the area alone and making it clear that’s what they’re doing to cause the looting, they’re devoting almost no resources to it. I mean I’m just assuming that tonight I guess because it’s too soon to confirm, but it was 100% what happened this summer in the exact same location.

Yeah I mean I’m not saying the looters are bad people or that I feel sorry for WalMart, and a lot of them are probably desperate with a pandemic and high unemployment and a shitty social safety net. I get that.

What I am saying is that it’s running on the local news, it’s distracting from the protests, it’s likely playing into Trump’s hands and Pennsylvania may decide the entire election.

This isn’t like looting that broke out when protesting tipped over into rioting/looting. This is the cops basically baiting people into it.

Like fuck Jim Kenney for allowing his police department to use this strategy, fuck the police for all of it, fuck the right wing for lying about what’s going on and who’s doing what… But none of that is going to change and it’s basically up to the good guys to try to prevent that narrative somehow or suffer the potential consequences of it because nobody else will, so yeah it’s something I’m extremely worried about a week out.

We’re trying to flip a state house where the gerrymander took a 55% to 44% popular vote win and delivered a 54% to 46% GOP margin. Maybe we flip it and the Dems do nothing and I’ll rage at them for it, but the GOP state house is just blocking everything on every issue from criminal justice reform to legalizing weed to fair elections. This will also decide who draws the maps.

The outcome of this election up and down the ballot will go a long way to determining whether there is any reform in PA in the next decade. Progressives have won some primaries, but they’ll be powerless in the minority.

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You may be many things but a coward is certainly not one of them.

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Here you are again wishing MLK didn’t protest because of a few bad apples. Then, bitch at me for whatever.

And as I mentioned, you are utterly helpless to stop this from happening.

Think about it. What if this looting was taking advantage of a natural disaster, instead of a policing disaster? Nothing would change. That would still be running on the local news, and likely play into the hands of whoever was the elephant of fear at that moment.

The fact of the matter is you’re a donkey loving centrist. The elephants of fear, to your relative right, will always be able to play the “law and order” card upon your heroes. That’ll be true as long as the donkeys and elephants rule the savannah. And you are helpless to do anything about it.



smoking is bad. mkay?

I’m wishing the attention would stay on the protests not wishing they wouldn’t happen. Fuck off with the straw manning.

I suppose this would be good, but I’m not sure like Walmart corporate knows what’s happening.

I suppose, but the cops are doing this for a reason - it helps them.

It’s sort of a catch-22, we really need to turn all these voters out in the primary to vote for non-shitty Dems, starting in the Philly mayoral and city council primaries. Until we do that it’s going to be hard to get them to listen and act.

Naw dude, you said you were torn about it swaying Republican voters. Don’t fucking gaslight me.

You’re intentionally conflating separate points to try to make me look bad. Go back to just triggering me into telling you to fuck off, it’s a much easier way to make me look bad than this low-level effort.

Naw, I don’t try to make anyone look bad on this site. I try to not have any conflict ever. I felt the need to speak out though. You are being insane here imo.

Just the fact you took some constructive criticism this far is a tell.

In other news my friend who drives for Uber was just almost pulled from his car and beaten for trying to drop off a passenger who lives in West Philly.

Someone was literally grabbing at his door handle and saying shit I don’t even want to post online.