ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

  1. I’m scared this will end poorly for us.
  2. I’m angry as fuck at the police
  3. I’m angry as fuck as the centrist Dem mayor who has been backing the police all year
  4. I’m afraid it’s going to get even worse if Trump wins

Zero condemnation of protesters. I’ve condemned and complained about looters, who are like three miles away looting a WalMart in the same place they looted one far away from protesters in May/June, and I’ve even blamed the police for the looting.

Fuck off with the lies about my statements and positions.

Dude has posted multiple videos of the cops busting passerby windows but shit, it’s the few looters causing the issue. just lol

Fucking people getting shot over nothing everyday but yet stealing some shoes from looting is going to steal the election and change all cuse’s political expectations. coolstorybro! Selfish af

Yeah I’m sorry we live in a country with a lot of shitty selfish people and I’m sorry to be the one explaining that, but the looting is going to get major media coverage in this area, and it’s going to cost us some votes, whereas our side is already energized and theirs is demoralized.

If I’m selfish for not wanting to fall into an authoritarian right wing dictatorship, so be it.

But don’t you dare accuse me of condemning protests I’ve supported from the jump with my words, time, activism, money, and votes.

Again, there are no “the protestors”. Framing things this way is buying into this whole good -vs- bad protestors trope. It’s a divide and suppress strategy. Don’t fall for it.


I dared. I did it already. I said what I have to say. Later.

I don’t get what we are arguing about right now

  1. People on the streets are fucking angry and should be, and have every right to be out there and should be

  2. Timing of this does suck

Is there anyone arguing against either of those points?

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If that actually is the case, there is nothing you can do about it. So why not do nothing? At least it doesn’t make things worse.

By taking this opportunity to spew this good -vs- bad protestor trope, you are making things worse.

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Yeah, someone is arguing that even though everyone is mad af and some looting might occur we should do everything we can do to prevent the looting, even though everyone wants to distance themselves from them. We are essentially supposed to presuppose our actions to prevent the crazies from doing anything . Nope.

Yeah, I’m a huge piece of hippie loving poop. I never said anything like you just did ever.

Yeah I posted that already, despicable.

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Why did I get mentioned in this post?

I am not. My position is identical to Chuckleslovakian.

No what you said was way worse. And obviously you’re thrilled you triggered me into saying fuck you a million times and I’ll eat a ban for it I don’t give a fuck, but you’ve mischaracterized my position repeatedly and I’ve requoted my posts repeatedly to prove its a lie and you keep doing it in bad faith. That’s fucking bullshit.

mkay. WAY WORSE! Another just lol.

Cuse, take some time off the forum and chill, you’ve been going ham on here all day.


A month easily. Any “lefty” does anything and he’s clutching pearls about how it’s swaying polls. 20/7 at least for a few weeks. Relax cuse.

The people at the Walmart in Philly aren’t protesting and aren’t angry demonstrators, and I’m sure like five people here will drag me for this but I lived a couple miles from it and know the area and I know what activists in the community said about it then.

The cops stood down there in May or June and made it clear they would and they got the word out, and people predictably looted it and the media coverage was bad for the cause and good for the cops. Of course this location was nowhere near the protests but it didn’t matter.

Coincidentally it’s happening again in the exact same location that’s once again nowhere near the protests a week before the election, and right wing streamers and media just so happened to be there ready to film it and cops just so happened to let literally lines of cars get in there to loot without intervening at all except to tell the media/public it was happening.

Coincidentally this got as much coverage on CNN as the protests.

I don’t know the best way to fight the narrative, but I know the looting hurts our cause, and I know nobody other than the movement has any reason to try to change the course of events cause the cops want the looting and the media gets ratings off the looting while sharpening it’s both sides credentials.

Ignoring it isn’t working.

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I’m not going to relax when you are lying about my position on matters of protests against racism. I’ve supported BLM and these protests for a long time in terms of my personal and public opinion, I’ve literally lost close friends over it, I’ve donated to it, I’ve made it a voting priority, I’ve offered assistance locally to the extent I could during the pandemic when I was afraid to go out in the crowd, and it’s one of the key factors motivating me to knock on doors and such.

I’m not going to relax when I’m accused of condemning the protests. That’s one of the most insulting and bullshit things anyone here could say to me.

Coolstorybro. Weird that you are torn about shit then.