ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Not to take away from that, but showing videos of what is happening has helped change my parents minds quite a bit even though my exposure to arrest is extremely low (I’ve only been to peaceful demonstrations and stay in the safe area as much as possible).

If not for COVID that would have changed in May/June, but they don’t necessarily know that.

The cops provided our side with a lot of examples of brutality that even moderate white folks struggle to ignore.

Not any more. Most RWNJ militias are white supremacists. While some have supported BLM, it’s not many.

They’re showing up with blue line flags and lining roadways. They’re a huge part of the right wing voting base. They’re being propagandized at a dizzying rate via social media.

Ok, a relatively small group unless you include the people who support them quietly in spirit and such. This group is also being heavily influenced by the algos.

These people are mostly split across other groups imo unless you’re only counting the ones who support the cops, but do so more quietly. They’re definitely influenced by Fox News, if not the algos directly.

Yup I agree with this and this problem is tied to the others. Like a lot of these reporters and anchors think they’re reporting fairly and don’t realize they’re being lied to. It’s not like Joe Schmo from channel 3 is getting up every morning trying to protect racist institutions by slanting his coverage to protect police committing brutality.

Like I’m sure some are, but just just believe the bullshit they’re fed and peddle it to us as a result.

I definitely wouldn’t want anyone to call them and give them a piece of their mind, in fact I think it’s appalling that this phone number was even shared. That’s the real crime here. That this publicly listed phone number was Tweeted out and now a bunch of people will call this Sheriff’s Office and rip them a new one.


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Children have the right to assemble too. Families have the right to assemble together. A better classroom doesn’t exist.

The violent and insane and dangerous repression the capitalists bring down on civil society is child abuse, full stop.

The workers in Lawrence lived in crowded and dangerous apartment buildings, often with many families sharing each apartment… Half of children died before they were six, and 36% of the adults who worked in the mill died before they were 25. The average life expectancy was 39…

The IWW raised funds on a nationwide basis to provide weekly benefits for strikers and dramatized the strikers’ needs by arranging for several hundred children to go to supporters’ homes in New York City for the duration of the strike. When city authorities tried to prevent another 100 children from going to Philadelphia on February 24 by sending police and the militia to the station to detain the children and arrest their parents, the police began clubbing both the children and their mothers and dragged them off to be taken away by truck; one pregnant mother miscarried… when the women and children were taken to the Police Court, most of them refused to pay the fines levied and opted for a jail cell, some with babies in arms.

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lolll reassigned cool. Put him in the riot squad or SWAT maybe.



Black Lives Matter. Fuck 12.




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Power corrupts I’m guessing.

Jfc wtf is this shit

That looks like an expensive way to transport a Port-a-Potty.


Seriously what the fuck is that thing?

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That is a late '80s GI Joe toy


It’s incredibly stupid, but here’s a picture that shows how they might use it.


You can deliver like 4 cops somewhere, maybe even a 2nd floor.

