ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

If you’re allowed to gun down Karen’s for refusing to wear masks in public I’ll allow it. They’re definitely engaging in behavior that results in the interruption or impairment of a business operation.

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Debt sucks a lot. You were going to do a thread on stuff you can do to make some more money I think. Did you start that?

The quoted tweet won’t display on here because of the characters in the SN



First thing I thought after reading that string of tweets was, “I’d like to see a racial breakdown of the kids on that list.”

Reading the article and no surprises:

Experts said having school resource officers single out children could be harmful, especially if the kids were struggling at home or in school, or if they didn’t trust police.

They also said the effort was based on flawed science and likely biased against children of color and children with disabilities.

“It is a recipe for violating people’s rights and civil liberties,” said Harold Jordan, a senior policy advocate for the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania.


In Pasco County, Black students and students with disabilities are twice as likely to be suspended or referred to law enforcement, according to federal data.

Bacardi Jackson, a senior supervising attorney for children’s rights for the Southern Poverty Law Center, said designating those kids as potential criminals could have a “circular effect.” They would likely receive even more attention from school resource officers and as a result, face additional discipline.

What really grinds my gears about this is that they’re taking information that should be confidential and used to help the kids, and instead using it to target them for harassment by law enforcement. I mean, JFC, it’s hard enough for a kid when their dad beats up their mom but now the sheriff is going to be on their ass too? WTF.

The article is really good reporting. We can only pray that it makes some kind of difference.



I’ve always wondered what ol’ Ricky’s been up to, we haven’t heard much out of him since his breakout role as officer #7 in Crimson Tide

Apparently calling garbage R congresspeople a pussy on twitter will get you a suspension. I have 11 hours in the hole to think about it.

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Looks like you gotta join Parler if you want the freedom to abuse congresspeople.


I’m with Dan Savage, using pussy to mean weak reinforces sexist norms. Not to mention, biologically pussies are really strong. Scrotum is a much better word for weakness, for both reasons.

Pussy as an insult originated as a comparison to a child’s pet cat and predates its use as slang for vagina. It is only recently that people who think about sex way too much *ahem* have decided to retroactively change its etymology and take away a perfectly fine word.

Lol if you polled people I’d bet more than 80% think of vagina and not a child’s cat.

That is a recent thing and I can assure you that most people using it as a derogatory slur are not comparing somebody to a vagina, and at most only obliquely calling them feminine. Unfortunately I think the language pussies police are destined to win this one, but it will be due to stubborn ignorance and not because they have correctly identified sexist language.

So recent I vaguely remember someone referring to an actual cat as a pussy back in the 80s. Language changes dude, get over it.

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I always thought it was vagina and cats are incredibly tough.


-n. A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle.

I’m sure you’re historically correct but @clovis8 is 100% right here. The way the word is wielded derisively by toxic brodudes to assert that other men are not tough is conclusive. The usage in the 21st century is just obviously an application of misogyny, you have to ignore way too much evident context to argue otherwise.


Based on a comic published between 1963 and 1982!