General Strike May 1st: no Work, no Shopping, no School

This is so incredibly facile and shortsighted, I would think it bad faith from anyone who wasn’t so earnest.

This is almost arguing that the virus is a net good for health. Well, then, the GND doesn’t include nearly enough virus funding.

Ad hominem is not always inappropriate. Thinking it is is some freshman gotcha B.S.

This calculus only works if you assume a massive reduction in the global economy doesn’t also mean significant suffering and death. We know it does.

Now as to the overall net between the two I don’t know the answer to that but I don’t think it’s that obvious either.

We also know for sure a massive reduction in the global economy will cause suffering and death.

You are looking at only one side of the ledger.

Both are really bad. The question is how to do both while minimizing the downside.

It is complicated, but I think Johnny almost has to be right if you value future lives as much as you value people alive now.

It’s a scale issue for sure. Long term there is zero doubt he is right. Like you say if you add in future lost lives it’s not close.

But that is the rub. We need to convince people to accept significant suffering and death now to prevent future death of unnamed people.

This is the foundational reason the climate change problem is so difficult.

Except Johnny. It’s an absolute certainty that a massive reduction in the global economy will hurt the already poor to a much greater extent than the rich.

Religion is a good vehicle for getting people to accept a trade off of less in the here and now in exchange for what is future and unseen. More should be done to cultivate a religious left constituency.

Which is why addressing climate change should be linked with economic redistribution. Raising class consciousness to increase support for redistribution is ultimately pro-environment. Guillotines are green.

Agree. That’s why it is such a difficult problem.

Agree. That has to be a part of any climate change policy. It’s part of why a carbon tax is so effective.


LMFAO !!!1!

Was sabo right? Did millions take to the streets? Is capitalism over?

I never predicted either of those things. That’s a ‘strawman’ by you. Stop trolling.

That, and you didn’t bother to check the CTAs, now did you? You are just making shit up to troll like usual.

Everybody at my work showed up today.

I’m so much of a filthy capitalist that I only ever work from Monday through Thursday.

What did you do to help the cause today?