Concern trolling right? I think it’s pretty likely in a general conversion about unions where no one is talking about the IWW you’d be all about how unions like the AFL are protectionists to the detriment of workers who aren’t dues paying members.
He’s talking about solidarity and bringing in a critical mass of strikes. You don’t do that with a tiny membership who doesn’t get along with anyone
Pointing out hypocrisy is not faking concern Microbet.
Claiming you are for solidarity then not actually aligning with what the people who you claim solidarity with want. I don’t think workers in most industries would want Wobbly management at all, or to strike about things unrelated to their own labor relations. They want good protections and benefits and competent management, not a changing group of elected workers running the show.
Well, first of all, you seem to have left Mr.Econ behind you. FYI: standard economics says putting yourself under an owner ‘creates’ more rent-seeking. Congrats!
So, you’d be in favor of letting the employees choose what they want, even if it means they might choose less wealth-creation?
Would you be in favor of letting them choose, say every year, by secret ballot?
You are faking concern though, right? I was clearly not claiming that your post there logically implied you were, but I was accusing you of it. I don’t know who you are well enough to really know though or know if you had an account on 2p2 to see what you sounded like when unions were talked about in another context.
President of the AFL-CIO was a coal miner btw.
You’re taking the point there in another direction that it was in context, but it’s hard to get back into because I think Clovis meant something different than he typed anyway (more like a typo than anything else).
Stop trolling assholes !!!1!
You couldn’t make my point better if you tried.
Quit trolling asshole !!!1!
Not even 200 posts yet but already the most unreadable thread on Unstuck. Well done everyone.
If they own the company then I would be in favor of them running it any way they see fit. Otherwise I would be in favor of them negotiating the terms of their employment collectively as a group with whoever does own the company or starting their own company with their own resources.
I don’t think the USA can really afford to keep bankrolling all this happy feel good climate change work (i.e., slowing the economy, b/c of all the death swimming in the air) without causing a pretty big national debt spiral, economic collapse, and then lots of suicide and what not.
Can’t be right…picking fights with natural allies doesn’t sound like the far left at all.
Faking concern about what?
I definitely think workers have rights to representation. I think Wobblyism or whatever it is called is dumb and not in the interests of workers or any other stakeholders. Larger modern organizations need professional managers who are empowered to make decisions that might be unpopular with many employees at times.
I think the Works Council system they have in Germany seems to lead to better outcomes for society but probably drags a little bit on GDP. Overall I would say it is a net positive. I still think some unions suck, like the police unions in the USA.
I certainly think that organizations like AFL and UAW have been important to the creation of the middle class in the USA decades ago when they were powerful, and unions were definitely important in the first half of the 1900’s to fight for things like basic workplace safety and reasonable working hours.
No, it’s progressive taxation.
It’s the wealth tax.
It’s Bernie and AOC.
If everyone gives up everything what’s left? Should African Americans give their land back to the Cherokee? Where does it end?
Not only is this correct, but it’s a much stronger, more inclusive, winning message.
LOL at agreeing with any anachronistic post. Pretty big warning sign that you need to rethink things.
Wow that’s a totally original argument that’s never been used before.
LOL at using character assassination in lieu of an actual rebuttal. Pretty big warning sign that you need to rethink things.
read up bitch
No. If “happy bullshit” means maintaining our current status quo and drastically reducing transportation, then humanity will die off before Miami’s beachfront property gets even a little wet.
USA managed to do this in the 50s when we were so much less enlightened. Have more faith in humanity.
How is promoting the wealth tax furthering bolded?
Cite plz
Why? When you get sick do you say “fuck it, I’m going to die anyway; don’t give me any medicine?”
You’re going to have to flesh out “choice” here a bit more. I get the feeling your choice isn’t going to mitigate as much as other choices.