More news from the General Strike…
Good job idiots don’t they realize they’ll die if they don’t eat? I am very smart
Funny you should ask. I actually signed up this morning to help design messaging for my local NDP candidate. This weekend I am volunteering at the drop in centre.
Dude, he asked what you did to HELP the cause. SMH.
Have you overthrown the government yet? Do you anticipate millions of volunteers to join you on the weekend?
Our election is 3 years away so pretty hard to do this year.
Aha! Just what I thought…
So, what are going to do for the next three years?
Oh yeah, LOL @ your political boss. He has a “message”-ista who thought that May Day was a terrible day for a strike.
What do we want? Messaging!
When do we want it? Three years from now!
I totally forgot. Don’t keep track of the date much. I have worked today (not that anyone but me will notice). I haven’t bought anything. I’ll stop working in like 30 min and won’t buy anything today.
You forgot about May Day? The most wonderful day of the year. How is that even possible? I just don’t understand.
I haven’t seen anyone but my mom today* and no one bumped this thread until now.
If someone asked the date I could have been three days off easy.
*not quite literally true
If @Bro were around I’m sure I would have known. Sadly she is not. :(
The purpose of a calendar is to count days to May Day. If you are just going to forget May Day anyways, why bother to even have a calendar at all? Or… is the problem you didn’t have a calendar? No, I know you have a phone.
So once again, I just don’t understand.
All the stores here in Germany were closed for Labor Day so I didn’t work or shop.
I wish the workers of these companies the best but I really doubt this was much of a speed bump to their employers’ operations
Yeah, even though May Day started in Chicago, we are one of the few countries where it is not a holiday,
Instead, insulting the very history of May Day itself, it’s “Law Day”,
Sorry. Remind me next year in the morning. I wouldn’t have gone if I’d have thought of it.
A prof friend of mine once forgot May Day. I said EZ game, just take your class out on the quad, and “teach the controversy” (a time honored action on campuses). She said “sounds good to me”.
Jobs pay.
Lol me for this “heads up for rollz” post but…
I would snap bet a lot of money I’ve done more actual hours of real world work for progressive causes than you have. I’ve been volunteering for and working with progressive groups for 30 years now. Literally thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars.
I’ll continue to do so.
You can continue to take pride in how many times you screamed LIBBERALS! on the Internet today.
Maybe head down to your local homeless shelter. They need a lot of help right now due to covid.
This isn’t a dick measuring contest. I wasn’t making fun of your effort. I was making fun of what you were putting your effort into. I’d rank these things this way…
Organizing with homeless folk (which I’ve done) >>>>
Taunting the likes of you on the interwebs (which is a zero) >>>>
‘messaging’ (which besides making me want to puke, is a neg)