Fun Poster Data


I have the most posts read. Biggest loser might be most time reading, which you can’t sort by, but isn’t me.

Username              Likes
cuserounder            999
RiskyFlush             971
Riverman               941
jman220                697
Marksman               412
Trolly                 396
beetlejuice            395
WichitaDM              355
eyebooger              318
suzzer99               299
MattyLice              291
Danspartan             289
JohnnyTruant           285
simplicitus            274
mosdef                 246
wheatrich              231
DrJenniferMelfi        229
econophile             228
Supwithbates           224
ChrisV                 206
MrWookie               202
wirelessgrinder        198
boredsocial            194
PocketChads            189
Smacc_25               178
StimAbuser             175
MimosaDef              174
dlk9s                  170
CanadaMatt3004         170
imjosh                 170
MysteryConman          168
champ                  164
LouisCyphre            164
Fatboy8                163
pvn                    160
ggoreo                 159
smrk4                  155
JordanIB               153
Yuv                    146
Jbro                   142
CaffeineNeeded         141
Devil                  138
VoteForSocialists      134
NotBruceZ              133
Nicholasp27            130
skydiver8              124
clovis8                123
Rexx                   121
prana                  120
kre8tive               118
Goebs80                117
m_reed05               114
Coasterbrad            113
tabbaker               113
6ix                    111
grue                   106
goofyballer            104
otatop                 103
Thin_Slicing           102
superuberbob           101
microbet               100
spidercrab              95
SenorKeeed              95
Chippa58                90
zikzak                  89
jalfrezi                84
Tych                    78
Chuckleslovakian        77
Melkerson               77
LFS                     74
AllTheCheese            74
mukdukaluk              74
meb                     71
DodgerIrish             70
Nononocantsleep         69
Lawnmower_Man           69
ThisGuy                 67
jjshabado               66
realDonaldTrump         64
Tilted                  63
Aofrantic               63
amead                   61
DrChesspain             59
hokie                   59
jmakin                  58
WAR                     56
cassette                55
Crunchyblack            54
hey_you                 53
jwax13                  53
pyatnitski              52
nobody                  51
Sabo                    51
marty                   51
TheDuker                48
zarapochka              48
TheHip41                47
AOC                     46
Surf                    44
Bobnewton               41
nonfiction              40
Ikioi                   39
jhall23                 37
TrueNorth32             37
sriracha                37
Vict0ar                 36
Hired_Goons             36
Bigoldnit               36
geewhysee               34
dbvm                    33
MaxCut                  33
JackBando               33
bobman0330              32
runout                  32
R.C                     32
mjiggy                  31
DUCY                    30
ParlaySlow              30
ViridianDreams          29
Dunkman                 29
King_of_NY              27
Cornboy                 27
MasterofthePwn          27
All-InFlynn             27
oneeyedtripping         25
Theorangone             23
Huehuecoyotl            23
von_Internet            23
Krayz                   22
Rugby                   22
TheNewT50               22
Triceratops             22
Twist                   22
GoingViral              20
Kep                     19
d2_e4                   19
SwankyWilder            19
SensiblePerson          19
PapaSmurf               18
Nozetradamus            18
Fossilkid93             18
00cooler00              18
tomrh3                  18
feedthabeast            17
churchill               17
freddbird               17
seities                 16
Soulman                 16
MichaelDavis            15
Deuce                   14
fidgetUK                14
Superleeds              14
baddis                  14
Mendoza                 14
fluff                   13
darksideofthewall       13
m_hood115               13
ElSapo                  12
MonsterJMcGee           12
kerowo                  12
poopypants              12
catfacemeowmers         11
goofball                11
DancingPallbearers      11
klingbard               11
SPIFF                   10
chupacabre              10
monetary_expert         10
PaulMcSwizzle           10
iron81                   9
ripdog                   9
bigt2k4                  9
NhlNut                   8
JonnyA                   7
Watevs                   7
jerry                    7
Rivaldo                  7
outdrawed                6
Joog                     6
Catastrophe              6
IrishRunner              6
Sean                     6
FuncrusherPlus           5
eeAWW                    5
Pauwl                    5
olink                    5
Mr_Unstoppable           5
NYTimes                  5
miliboo                  5
Canada                   5
David_Sklansky           4
Dutch101                 4
KingTaxLV                4
Formula72                4
breakin                  4
Spinetta                 4
atrupar                  4
Habsfan09                4
RegretS                  4
craptor                  3
d10                      3
JimHammer                3
ddale8                   2
Twadds                   2
Incorporeal              2
TempletonFearrariIII     2
Effen                    2
Koss                     2
dreamcrusher28           2
Preet_Bharara            2
MikeLikesOrgies          2
corvette24               1
beyeond                  1
alex                     1
anon92450360             1
tRuMp2029                1
dogsballs                1
Cactus                   1
TJ_Eckleburg12           1
BestOf                   1
L.Washington             1
la2sb91                  1
Username                      Likes/Post    Posts
Nononocantsleep                6.273         11
kre8tive                       5.900         20
pvn                            4.324         37
m_reed05                       3.931         29
Tilted                         3.706         17
LFS                            3.700         20
AllTheCheese                   3.700         20
Fatboy8                        3.543         46
Riverman                       3.422        275
MaxCut                         3.300         10
JackBando                      3.300         10
champ                          3.280         50
Supwithbates                   3.246         69
otatop                         3.219         32
MrWookie                       3.206         63
MattyLice                      3.198         91
ChrisV                         3.169         65
MimosaDef                      3.164         55
jman220                        3.126        223
hey_you                        3.118         17
hokie                          3.105         19
geewhysee                      3.091         11
JohnnyTruant                   2.879         99
Danspartan                     2.861        101
RiskyFlush                     2.839        342
MysteryConman                  2.754         61
spidercrab                     2.714         35
Coasterbrad                    2.690         42
dlk9s                          2.656         64
beetlejuice                    2.651        149
TrueNorth32                    2.643         14
imjosh                         2.615         65
Surf                           2.588         17
eyebooger                      2.544        125
wirelessgrinder                2.538         78
Tych                           2.516         31
econophile                     2.426         94
simplicitus                    2.425        113
Bobnewton                      2.412         17
JordanIB                       2.391         64
skydiver8                      2.385         52
amead                          2.346         26
LouisCyphre                    2.343         70
Smacc_25                       2.342         76
Devil                          2.339         59
6ix                            2.312         48
Trolly                         2.302        172
Ikioi                          2.294         17
Chippa58                       2.250         40
Jbro                           2.152         66
Rexx                           2.123         57
jwax13                         2.120         25
pyatnitski                     2.080         25
Nicholasp27                    2.000         65
Krayz                          2.000         11
WichitaDM                      1.972        180
ViridianDreams                 1.933         15
zikzak                         1.894         47
Chuckleslovakian               1.878         41
Crunchyblack                   1.862         29
ThisGuy                        1.861         36
CaffeineNeeded                 1.855         76
dbvm                           1.833         18
goofyballer                    1.825         57
Fossilkid93                    1.800         10
boredsocial                    1.796        108
smrk4                          1.782         87
bobman0330                     1.778         18
cuserounder                    1.768        565
grue                           1.767         60
Bigoldnit                      1.714         21
All-InFlynn                    1.688         16
DrChesspain                    1.686         35
oneeyedtripping                1.667         15
Huehuecoyotl                   1.643         14
Marksman                       1.635        252
Cornboy                        1.588         17
TheHip41                       1.567         30
tabbaker                       1.527         74
Thin_Slicing                   1.522         67
meb                            1.511         47
00cooler00                     1.500         12
StimAbuser                     1.496        117
SensiblePerson                 1.462         13
DodgerIrish                    1.429         49
PocketChads                    1.410        134
jjshabado                      1.404         47
Superleeds                     1.400         10
PapaSmurf                      1.385         13
Rugby                          1.375         16
mosdef                         1.359        181
DrJenniferMelfi                1.347        170
nobody                         1.342         38
suzzer99                       1.335        224
cassette                       1.310         42
R.C                            1.280         25
mukdukaluk                     1.276         58
CanadaMatt3004                 1.269        134
Goebs80                        1.258         93
wheatrich                      1.249        185
Hired_Goons                    1.241         29
nonfiction                     1.212         33
microbet                       1.176         85
Deuce                          1.167         12
mjiggy                         1.148         27
Aofrantic                      1.145         55
MasterofthePwn                 1.125         24
Kep                            1.118         17
ParlaySlow                     1.111         27
marty                          1.109         46
MonsterJMcGee                  1.091         11
Yuv                            1.074        136
clovis8                        1.060        116
ggoreo                         1.060        150
DUCY                           1.034         29
Triceratops                    1.000         22
prana                          0.992        121
jalfrezi                       0.944         89
zarapochka                     0.923         52
Lawnmower_Man                  0.920         75
klingbard                      0.917         12
VoteForSocialists              0.912        147
Mendoza                        0.824         17
Theorangone                    0.821         28
ripdog                         0.818         11
NotBruceZ                      0.811        164
superuberbob                   0.795        127
AOC                            0.793         58
Sabo                           0.761         67
Vict0ar                        0.735         49
PaulMcSwizzle                  0.714         14
WAR                            0.709         79
bigt2k4                        0.692         13
Melkerson                      0.670        115
SenorKeeed                     0.664        143
iron81                         0.600         15
JonnyA                         0.583         12
jmakin                         0.574        101
eeAWW                          0.417         12
Canada                         0.417         12
NhlNut                         0.348         23
churchill                      0.347         49
David_Sklansky                 0.333         12
Formula72                      0.308         13
realDonaldTrump                0.259        247
breakin                        0.250         16
d2_e4                          0.178        107
Cactus                         0.056         18
ddale8                         0.010        198
atrupar                        0.008        477


Username                      Likes/Post    Posts
00cooler00                     1.500         12
6ix                            2.312         48
All-InFlynn                    1.688         16
AllTheCheese                   3.700         20
amead                          2.346         26
AOC                            0.793         58
Aofrantic                      1.145         55
atrupar                        0.008        477
beetlejuice                    2.651        149
Bigoldnit                      1.714         21
bigt2k4                        0.692         13
bobman0330                     1.778         18
Bobnewton                      2.412         17
boredsocial                    1.796        108
breakin                        0.250         16
Cactus                         0.056         18
CaffeineNeeded                 1.855         76
Canada                         0.417         12
CanadaMatt3004                 1.269        134
cassette                       1.310         42
champ                          3.280         50
Chippa58                       2.250         40
ChrisV                         3.169         65
Chuckleslovakian               1.878         41
churchill                      0.347         49
clovis8                        1.060        116
Coasterbrad                    2.690         42
Cornboy                        1.588         17
Crunchyblack                   1.862         29
cuserounder                    1.768        565
d2_e4                          0.178        107
Danspartan                     2.861        101
David_Sklansky                 0.333         12
dbvm                           1.833         18
ddale8                         0.010        198
Deuce                          1.167         12
Devil                          2.339         59
dlk9s                          2.656         64
DodgerIrish                    1.429         49
DrChesspain                    1.686         35
DrJenniferMelfi                1.347        170
DUCY                           1.034         29
econophile                     2.426         94
eeAWW                          0.417         12
eyebooger                      2.544        125
Fatboy8                        3.543         46
Formula72                      0.308         13
Fossilkid93                    1.800         10
geewhysee                      3.091         11
ggoreo                         1.060        150
Goebs80                        1.258         93
goofyballer                    1.825         57
grue                           1.767         60
hey_you                        3.118         17
Hired_Goons                    1.241         29
hokie                          3.105         19
Huehuecoyotl                   1.643         14
Ikioi                          2.294         17
imjosh                         2.615         65
iron81                         0.600         15
JackBando                      3.300         10
jalfrezi                       0.944         89
Jbro                           2.152         66
jjshabado                      1.404         47
jmakin                         0.574        101
jman220                        3.126        223
JohnnyTruant                   2.879         99
JonnyA                         0.583         12
JordanIB                       2.391         64
jwax13                         2.120         25
Kep                            1.118         17
klingbard                      0.917         12
Krayz                          2.000         11
kre8tive                       5.900         20
Lawnmower_Man                  0.920         75
LFS                            3.700         20
LouisCyphre                    2.343         70
m_reed05                       3.931         29
Marksman                       1.635        252
marty                          1.109         46
MasterofthePwn                 1.125         24
MattyLice                      3.198         91
MaxCut                         3.300         10
meb                            1.511         47
Melkerson                      0.670        115
Mendoza                        0.824         17
microbet                       1.176         85
MimosaDef                      3.164         55
mjiggy                         1.148         27
MonsterJMcGee                  1.091         11
mosdef                         1.359        181
MrWookie                       3.206         63
mukdukaluk                     1.276         58
MysteryConman                  2.754         61
NhlNut                         0.348         23
Nicholasp27                    2.000         65
nobody                         1.342         38
nonfiction                     1.212         33
Nononocantsleep                6.273         11
NotBruceZ                      0.811        164
oneeyedtripping                1.667         15
otatop                         3.219         32
PapaSmurf                      1.385         13
ParlaySlow                     1.111         27
PaulMcSwizzle                  0.714         14
PocketChads                    1.410        134
prana                          0.992        121
pvn                            4.324         37
pyatnitski                     2.080         25
R.C                            1.280         25
realDonaldTrump                0.259        247
Rexx                           2.123         57
ripdog                         0.818         11
RiskyFlush                     2.839        342
Riverman                       3.422        275
Rugby                          1.375         16
Sabo                           0.761         67
SenorKeeed                     0.664        143
SensiblePerson                 1.462         13
simplicitus                    2.425        113
skydiver8                      2.385         52
Smacc_25                       2.342         76
smrk4                          1.782         87
spidercrab                     2.714         35
StimAbuser                     1.496        117
Superleeds                     1.400         10
superuberbob                   0.795        127
Supwithbates                   3.246         69
Surf                           2.588         17
suzzer99                       1.335        224
tabbaker                       1.527         74
TheHip41                       1.567         30
Theorangone                    0.821         28
Thin_Slicing                   1.522         67
ThisGuy                        1.861         36
Tilted                         3.706         17
Triceratops                    1.000         22
Trolly                         2.302        172
TrueNorth32                    2.643         14
Tych                           2.516         31
Vict0ar                        0.735         49
ViridianDreams                 1.933         15
VoteForSocialists              0.912        147
WAR                            0.709         79
wheatrich                      1.249        185
WichitaDM                      1.972        180
wirelessgrinder                2.538         78
Yuv                            1.074        136
zarapochka                     0.923         52
zikzak                         1.894         47

I’m a fast reader.

It’s really annoying when you only compare yourself with your best mate and you want to beat him and your best mate happens to be JT!


I feel you man

Most liked post of mine ever involved begging for likes. Pathetic.


So close!! Damn you


Hey you’ve had two posts with more likes since then

Rush meme

and this

Hey man I’m bummed too. If I knew I was going to be stuck on 999 I would have gone back and liked one of my own posts or something lol…


These are some of the biggest numbers I’ve ever seen while reporting these.

Total likes:

Username            Likes
Riverman              2293
cuserounder           2067
jman220               1851
suzzer99              1436
RiskyFlush            1266
imjosh                1153
PocketChads            950
Yuv                    874
wirelessgrinder        832
simplicitus            829
JordanIB               709
econophile             681
goofyballer            676
dlk9s                  662
smrk4                  597
WichitaDM              579
MrWookie               568
DrJenniferMelfi        564
Goebs80                553
champ                  529
Marksman               520
6ix                    513
eyebooger              486
JohnnyTruant           478
Danspartan             459
Trolly                 453
clovis8                441
mosdef                 433
ChrisV                 429
Smacc_25               411
kre8tive               398
SenorKeeed             389
boredsocial            373
MimosaDef              370
Coasterbrad            367
IrishRunner            362
MattyLice              361
beetlejuice            356
tabbaker               349
wheatrich              347
skydiver8              344
jmakin                 324
jalfrezi               320
MichaelDavis           313
grue                   297
pvn                    289
AllTheCheese           274
NotBruceZ              274
nonfiction             271
hokie                  266
CanadaMatt3004         263
Jbro                   262
prana                  255
StimAbuser             247
jjshabado              242
ggoreo                 234
Tilted                 229
catfacemeowmers        229
microbet               225
Lawnmower_Man          214
oneeyedtripping        205
miajag                 203
Nicholasp27            181
Dunkman                175
zikzak                 175
LouisCyphre            175
Fatboy8                170
geewhysee              166
superuberbob           165
CaffeineNeeded         158
LFS                    156
Tych                   155
Fossilkid93            154
Koss                   153
feedthabeast           152
Melkerson              151
freddbird              147
Kep                    146
VoteForSocialists      142
PaulMcSwizzle          141
mukdukaluk             140
marty                  139
m_reed05               135
JackBando              135
meb                    133
Devil                  132
von_Internet           131
Nononocantsleep        130
TheHip41               125
TheNewT50              124
mjiggy                 123
All-InFlynn            121
otatop                 120
King_of_NY             120
ParlaySlow             114
Cornboy                112
WAR                    112
amead                  112
AOC                    111
MysteryConman          111
DrChesspain            106
Chuckleslovakian       105
Aofrantic              102
Vict0ar                101
MasterofthePwn          99
Krayz                   99
StrontiumDog            96
Sabo                    95
goofball                95
Leslie_Nielsen          95
Thin_Slicing            93
LetsGambool2            91
ripdog                  91
Huehuecoyotl            90
bobman0330              88
realDonaldTrump         88
Joog                    85
Chippa58                84
iron81                  81
monetary_expert         81
edc5036                 81
Supwithbates            79
dbvm                    79
pyatnitski              78
jwax13                  74
Rusemandingo            71
spidercrab              70
Theorangone             70
TrueNorth32             68
Hired_Goons             68
Jake7777                64
Rugby                   64
cassette                63
fluff                   63
Crunchyblack            62
VinceMcMahon            61
nobody                  59
Soulman                 58
■■■■■■■■■■■■■           57
corvette24              57
fidgetUK                55
Rexx                    53
bigt2k4                 50
Twadds                  49
zimmer4141              49
joltinjake              48
TheDuker                45
NhlNut                  45
Mendoza                 43
JonnyA                  42
MaxCut                  41
Surf                    40
Superleeds              40
ViridianDreams          40
Nozetradamus            38
rockfsh                 38
LoonsAndLFC             37
d2_e4                   37
zarapochka              36
klingbard               35
Sogge                   35
vincent                 34
Twist                   33
SvenO                   32
SensiblePerson          32
Spinetta                30
seities                 30
Sean                    30
sriracha                30
craptor                 29
tomrh3                  29
CS04                    28
Bobnewton               28
MonsterJMcGee           28
00cooler00              27
Ikioi                   26
Will1530                26
hey_you                 26
DUCY                    25
jerry                   25
mystical                25
RegretS                 25
Fart                    24
runout                  24
PlzBeALevel             24
ThisGuy                 23
Preet_Bharara           22
BillHaywood             22
DodgerIrish             22
d10                     21
Bigoldnit               21
GermanGuy               21
hemstock                20
Habsfan09               20
TrollyWantACracker      20
SweetSummerChild        19
SirOsis                 19
Deuce                   18
EpicWestern             18
Psithurism              18
ElSapo                  18
atrupar                 18
churchill               18
darksideofthewall       17
UnreliableNarrator      17
jhall23                 17
eeAWW                   15
PapaSmurf               14
Cactus                  12
dogsballs               12
Rivaldo                 12
poopypants              12
TJ_Eckleburg12          12
chupacabre              12
JimHammer               11
marmot                  11
tiltstermc              10
Slighted                10
KSR                     10
kerowo                  10
TimBuktuuf               9
gman42                   9
Formula72                9
Triceratops              7
Tiptopdaddy              7
Canada                   7
Quartermaster            6
Dutch101                 6
SPIFF                    6
R.C                      6
olink                    6
Watevs                   6
wiper                    6
erroneous                5
MikeLikesOrgies          5
FuncrusherPlus           5
alex                     4
thebeercow               4
ddale8                   4
Urasofty                 4
UNCLECLIMAX              3
outdrawed                3
bode                     3
EmpireMan                3
baddis                   3
anon92450360             3
HamishMcBagpipe          3
miliboo                  3
Mr_Unstoppable           2
breakin                  2
KingTaxLV                2
m_hood115                2
Needle                   2
SwankyWilder             1
cilldroichid             1
MCG                      1
la2sb91                  1
Incorporeal              1
oscark                   1
Pauwl                    1
Boardgamer               1


Username                    Likes/Post       Posts
Nononocantsleep                8.667         15
Leslie_Nielsen                 8.636         11
IrishRunner                    8.044         45
JackBando                      7.500         18
LFS                            5.778         27
spidercrab                     5.385         13
MimosaDef                      5.362         69
geewhysee                      5.188         32
Cornboy                        4.667         24
pvn                            4.587         63
goofball                       4.524         21
TheDuker                       4.500         10
JohnnyTruant                   4.467        107
MysteryConman                  4.440         25
skydiver8                      4.354         79
kre8tive                       4.326         92
Riverman                       4.270        537
Fatboy8                        4.250         40
StrontiumDog                   4.174         23
Crunchyblack                   4.133         15
Joog                           3.864         22
Coasterbrad                    3.823         96
meb                            3.694         36
simplicitus                    3.589        231
Tilted                         3.470         66
goofyballer                    3.467        195
wirelessgrinder                3.438        242
nonfiction                     3.346         81
ChrisV                         3.300        130
von_Internet                   3.275         40
econophile                     3.274        208
Twadds                         3.267         15
WichitaDM                      3.164        183
DrChesspain                    3.118         34
jwax13                         3.083         24
miajag                         3.030         67
RiskyFlush                     3.014        420
otatop                         3.000         40
PocketChads                    2.941        323
Nozetradamus                   2.923         13
Smacc_25                       2.854        144
hokie                          2.830         94
Nicholasp27                    2.828         64
PaulMcSwizzle                  2.820         50
feedthabeast                   2.815         54
imjosh                         2.799        412
oneeyedtripping                2.770         74
champ                          2.741        193
dlk9s                          2.736        242
zikzak                         2.734         64
sriracha                       2.727         11
Theorangone                    2.692         26
ripdog                         2.676         34
bobman0330                     2.667         33
joltinjake                     2.667         18
eyebooger                      2.641        184
beetlejuice                    2.637        135
Tych                           2.627         59
jmakin                         2.571        126
AllTheCheese                   2.561        107
Jake7777                       2.560         25
edc5036                        2.531         32
Trolly                         2.503        181
Sogge                          2.500         14
jerry                          2.500         10
Rugby                          2.462         26
smrk4                          2.457        243
grue                           2.455        121
King_of_NY                     2.449         49
CaffeineNeeded                 2.431         65
TrueNorth32                    2.429         28
MrWookie                       2.427        234
fidgetUK                       2.391         23
m_reed05                       2.368         57
freddbird                      2.333         63
amead                          2.333         48
zimmer4141                     2.333         21
Supwithbates                   2.324         34
Soulman                        2.320         25
TheHip41                       2.315         54
6ix                            2.290        224
SensiblePerson                 2.286         14
suzzer99                       2.261        635
clovis8                        2.250        196
Kep                            2.246         65
MattyLice                      2.228        162
Dunkman                        2.215         79
Yuv                            2.185        400
d2_e4                          2.176         17
TheNewT50                      2.175         57
SenorKeeed                     2.173        179
cassette                       2.172         29
pyatnitski                     2.167         36
Mendoza                        2.150         20
NhlNut                         2.143         21
Goebs80                        2.119        261
microbet                       2.045        110
fluff                          2.032         31
ParlaySlow                     2.000         57
tabbaker                       1.994        175
All-InFlynn                    1.984         61
Thin_Slicing                   1.979         47
marty                          1.931         72
catfacemeowmers                1.924        119
mosdef                         1.899        228
Huehuecoyotl                   1.875         48
MichaelDavis                   1.874        167
jman220                        1.866        992
Danspartan                     1.866        246
Koss                           1.866         82
Will1530                       1.857         14
Twist                          1.833         18
Habsfan09                      1.818         11
dbvm                           1.795         44
Fossilkid93                    1.791         86
LouisCyphre                    1.786         98
CanadaMatt3004                 1.765        149
d10                            1.750         12
nobody                         1.735         34
jhall23                        1.700         10
Devil                          1.692         78
jjshabado                      1.681        144
Lawnmower_Man                  1.646        130
cuserounder                    1.631       1267
00cooler00                     1.588         17
MaxCut                         1.577         26
NotBruceZ                      1.575        174
mjiggy                         1.557         79
DrJenniferMelfi                1.549        364
ViridianDreams                 1.538         26
AOC                            1.521         73
Jbro                           1.506        174
eeAWW                          1.500         10
ggoreo                         1.462        160
StimAbuser                     1.453        170
boredsocial                    1.446        258
Spinetta                       1.429         21
Krayz                          1.414         70
prana                          1.386        184
Chuckleslovakian               1.382         76
Chippa58                       1.377         61
Ikioi                          1.368         19
Bobnewton                      1.333         21
hey_you                        1.300         20
Vict0ar                        1.278         79
PlzBeALevel                    1.263         19
Marksman                       1.253        415
Surf                           1.250         32
JordanIB                       1.248        568
Aofrantic                      1.172         87
Bigoldnit                      1.167         18
Hired_Goons                    1.133         60
monetary_expert                1.125         72
CS04                           1.120         25
JonnyA                         1.105         38
MasterofthePwn                 1.100         90
iron81                         1.095         74
klingbard                      1.094         32
PapaSmurf                      1.077         13
wheatrich                      1.064        326
VoteForSocialists              1.060        134
WAR                            1.047        107
Superleeds                     1.026         39
jalfrezi                       1.022        313
bigt2k4                        1.020         49
Rexx                           0.981         54
Sabo                           0.979         97
DUCY                           0.893         28
Formula72                      0.818         11
superuberbob                   0.813        203
Cactus                         0.800         15
mukdukaluk                     0.791        177
hemstock                       0.769         26
Sean                           0.732         41
Canada                         0.700         10
Melkerson                      0.645        234
kerowo                         0.625         16
olink                          0.600         10
corvette24                     0.533        107
zarapochka                     0.419         86
churchill                      0.409         44
realDonaldTrump                0.373        236
DodgerIrish                    0.278         79
breakin                        0.118         17
atrupar                        0.030        594
ddale8                         0.014        295


Username                    Likes/Post       Posts
00cooler00                     1.588         17
6ix                            2.290        224
All-InFlynn                    1.984         61
AllTheCheese                   2.561        107
amead                          2.333         48
AOC                            1.521         73
Aofrantic                      1.172         87
atrupar                        0.030        594
beetlejuice                    2.637        135
Bigoldnit                      1.167         18
bigt2k4                        1.020         49
bobman0330                     2.667         33
Bobnewton                      1.333         21
boredsocial                    1.446        258
breakin                        0.118         17
Cactus                         0.800         15
CaffeineNeeded                 2.431         65
Canada                         0.700         10
CanadaMatt3004                 1.765        149
cassette                       2.172         29
catfacemeowmers                1.924        119
champ                          2.741        193
Chippa58                       1.377         61
ChrisV                         3.300        130
Chuckleslovakian               1.382         76
churchill                      0.409         44
clovis8                        2.250        196
Coasterbrad                    3.823         96
Cornboy                        4.667         24
corvette24                     0.533        107
Crunchyblack                   4.133         15
CS04                           1.120         25
cuserounder                    1.631       1267
d10                            1.750         12
d2_e4                          2.176         17
Danspartan                     1.866        246
dbvm                           1.795         44
ddale8                         0.014        295
Devil                          1.692         78
dlk9s                          2.736        242
DodgerIrish                    0.278         79
DrChesspain                    3.118         34
DrJenniferMelfi                1.549        364
DUCY                           0.893         28
Dunkman                        2.215         79
econophile                     3.274        208
edc5036                        2.531         32
eeAWW                          1.500         10
eyebooger                      2.641        184
Fatboy8                        4.250         40
feedthabeast                   2.815         54
fidgetUK                       2.391         23
fluff                          2.032         31
Formula72                      0.818         11
Fossilkid93                    1.791         86
freddbird                      2.333         63
geewhysee                      5.188         32
ggoreo                         1.462        160
Goebs80                        2.119        261
goofball                       4.524         21
goofyballer                    3.467        195
grue                           2.455        121
Habsfan09                      1.818         11
hemstock                       0.769         26
hey_you                        1.300         20
Hired_Goons                    1.133         60
hokie                          2.830         94
Huehuecoyotl                   1.875         48
Ikioi                          1.368         19
imjosh                         2.799        412
IrishRunner                    8.044         45
iron81                         1.095         74
JackBando                      7.500         18
Jake7777                       2.560         25
jalfrezi                       1.022        313
Jbro                           1.506        174
jerry                          2.500         10
jhall23                        1.700         10
jjshabado                      1.681        144
jmakin                         2.571        126
jman220                        1.866        992
JohnnyTruant                   4.467        107
joltinjake                     2.667         18
JonnyA                         1.105         38
Joog                           3.864         22
JordanIB                       1.248        568
jwax13                         3.083         24
Kep                            2.246         65
kerowo                         0.625         16
King_of_NY                     2.449         49
klingbard                      1.094         32
Koss                           1.866         82
Krayz                          1.414         70
kre8tive                       4.326         92
Lawnmower_Man                  1.646        130
Leslie_Nielsen                 8.636         11
LFS                            5.778         27
LouisCyphre                    1.786         98
m_reed05                       2.368         57
Marksman                       1.253        415
marty                          1.931         72
MasterofthePwn                 1.100         90
MattyLice                      2.228        162
MaxCut                         1.577         26
meb                            3.694         36
Melkerson                      0.645        234
Mendoza                        2.150         20
miajag                         3.030         67
MichaelDavis                   1.874        167
microbet                       2.045        110
MimosaDef                      5.362         69
mjiggy                         1.557         79
monetary_expert                1.125         72
mosdef                         1.899        228
MrWookie                       2.427        234
mukdukaluk                     0.791        177
MysteryConman                  4.440         25
NhlNut                         2.143         21
Nicholasp27                    2.828         64
nobody                         1.735         34
nonfiction                     3.346         81
Nononocantsleep                8.667         15
NotBruceZ                      1.575        174
Nozetradamus                   2.923         13
olink                          0.600         10
oneeyedtripping                2.770         74
otatop                         3.000         40
PapaSmurf                      1.077         13
ParlaySlow                     2.000         57
PaulMcSwizzle                  2.820         50
PlzBeALevel                    1.263         19
PocketChads                    2.941        323
prana                          1.386        184
pvn                            4.587         63
pyatnitski                     2.167         36
realDonaldTrump                0.373        236
Rexx                           0.981         54
ripdog                         2.676         34
RiskyFlush                     3.014        420
Riverman                       4.270        537
Rugby                          2.462         26
Sabo                           0.979         97
Sean                           0.732         41
SenorKeeed                     2.173        179
SensiblePerson                 2.286         14
simplicitus                    3.589        231
skydiver8                      4.354         79
Smacc_25                       2.854        144
smrk4                          2.457        243
Sogge                          2.500         14
Soulman                        2.320         25
spidercrab                     5.385         13
Spinetta                       1.429         21
sriracha                       2.727         11
StimAbuser                     1.453        170
StrontiumDog                   4.174         23
Superleeds                     1.026         39
superuberbob                   0.813        203
Supwithbates                   2.324         34
Surf                           1.250         32
suzzer99                       2.261        635
tabbaker                       1.994        175
TheDuker                       4.500         10
TheHip41                       2.315         54
TheNewT50                      2.175         57
Theorangone                    2.692         26
Thin_Slicing                   1.979         47
Tilted                         3.470         66
Trolly                         2.503        181
TrueNorth32                    2.429         28
Twadds                         3.267         15
Twist                          1.833         18
Tych                           2.627         59
Vict0ar                        1.278         79
ViridianDreams                 1.538         26
von_Internet                   3.275         40
VoteForSocialists              1.060        134
WAR                            1.047        107
wheatrich                      1.064        326
WichitaDM                      3.164        183
Will1530                       1.857         14
wirelessgrinder                3.438        242
Yuv                            2.185        400
zarapochka                     0.419         86
zikzak                         2.734         64
zimmer4141                     2.333         21

Just a lotta :heart: going around the forum this week!


If you count all legally cast hearts, I’m winning








I sucked this time. I’m sorry. I’ll do better next week.

1 Like

Universal Basic Likes, UBl.


I gotta toot my own horn on this one, almost cracked the top 10 in total likes and I thought I was gonna kill it with a 3.592 likes/post but as usual you guys left me in the dust. Overall I don’t think there weren’t as many <3’s as last week which surprised me since we have all been celebrating Biden’s win. One interesting thing - Barely anyone was below 1.0 likes/post, good job!

Username             Likes
Riverman              1574
suzzer99              1262
jman220               1154
RiskyFlush             979
cuserounder            783
WichitaDM              727
JordanIB               723
JohnnyTruant           596
mosdef                 577
boredsocial            558
jmakin                 546
MrWookie               521
eyebooger              512
Coasterbrad            501
PocketChads            479
Yuv                    454
beetlejuice            450
goofyballer            430
Trolly                 429
skydiver8              427
dlk9s                  422
Marksman               420
Danspartan             408
oneeyedtripping        394
wirelessgrinder        370
ChrisV                 354
smrk4                  346
CanadaMatt3004         342
MattyLice              327
microbet               317
6ix                    301
champ                  297
DrJenniferMelfi        292
imjosh                 284
CaffeineNeeded         269
Goebs80                265
Smacc_25               257
Tilted                 255
hokie                  254
econophile             250
NotBruceZ              246
prana                  245
Lawnmower_Man          231
grue                   230
simplicitus            229
AllTheCheese           222
ggoreo                 218
pvn                    215
StimAbuser             204
tabbaker               203
MysteryConman          202
AOC                    198
Fatboy8                188
Jbro                   186
clovis8                186
LFS                    180
Nononocantsleep        180
jwax13                 178
Melkerson              171
otatop                 170
Devil                  166
ParlaySlow             161
MichaelDavis           151
All-InFlynn            150
kre8tive               150
feedthabeast           147
Nicholasp27            138
Thin_Slicing           137
superuberbob           136
jalfrezi               136
Chippa58               131
MasterofthePwn         130
zikzak                 129
meb                    129
realDonaldTrump        125
Aofrantic              120
MimosaDef              116
TheNewT50              115
Chuckleslovakian       112
DrChesspain            111
SenorKeeed             110
Kep                    109
IrishRunner            106
Vict0ar                103
LouisCyphre            103
Crunchyblack           100
TrueNorth32             99
mukdukaluk              96
wheatrich               94
marty                   93
dbvm                    92
Rexx                    90
VoteForSocialists       89
TheDuker                89
JackBando               88
Koss                    87
Huehuecoyotl            87
ViridianDreams          85
olink                   83
amead                   83
pyatnitski              81
Bobnewton               80
King_of_NY              79
nobody                  77
WAR                     77
GrittyNHL               76
ThisGuy                 75
ripdog                  70
Surf                    67
TheHip41                63
spidercrab              61
PaulMcSwizzle           60
Spinetta                58
nonfiction              58
klingbard               58
NateSilver538           58
geewhysee               56
bigt2k4                 56
DodgerIrish             56
catfacemeowmers         55
MaxCut                  53
hey_you                 52
Joog                    52
iron81                  51
Rivaldo                 51
Bigoldnit               50
m_reed05                50
Hired_Goons             50
Ikioi                   49
Soulman                 47
Fossilkid93             47
Rugby                   46
monetary_expert         46
Cornboy                 45
Dutch101                43
DUCY                    42
sriracha                42
zimmer4141              42
rockfsh                 41
Twadds                  40
LongtimeLurker          39
Sean                    39
tomrh3                  39
wiper                   37
mjiggy                  37
Will1530                36
Tych                    35
Dunkman                 35
Cactus                  34
chupacabre              34
bobman0330              34
jjshabado               32
MonsterJMcGee           32
JonnyA                  29
Mr_Unstoppable          29
fluff                   29
SensiblePerson          28
Sogge                   28
fidgetUK                28
cassette                26
Theorangone             26
outdrawed               25
von_Internet            24
zarapochka              23
StrontiumDog            23
jhall23                 22
TJ_Eckleburg12          22
ctyri                   21
TrollyWantACracker      20
00cooler00              20
Formula72               20
kerowo                  19
SweetSummerChild        19
alex                    18
Supwithbates            18
churchill               18
Superleeds              17
NhlNut                  16
atrupar                 15
freddbird               15
CS04                    15
Krayz                   15
eeAWW                   15
runout                  15
edc5036                 14
HamishMcBagpipe         14
seities                 13
R.C                     13
BUIDS                   13
marmot                  13
BillHaywood             13
Quartermaster           13
SwankyWilder            12
thebeercow              12
GermanGuy               10
Nozetradamus            10
SPIFF                   10
d2_e4                   10
Deuce                    9
Twist                    8
EmpireMan                8
UNCLECLIMAX              7
Galerider                6
Canada                   6
Fart                     6
Psithurism               6
Pauwl                    6
joltinjake               6
Jake7777                 5
la2sb91                  5
jerry                    5
ElSapo                   5
Sabo                     5
Narrator                 5
Preet_Bharara            5
ddale8                   4
darksideofthewall        4
Leslie_Nielsen           4
Habsfan09                4
mousemat                 4
KingTaxLV                4
ChipsAhoy                4
PapaSmurf                4
Espen_Sjovoll            3
RegretS                  3
LoonsAndLFC              3
dogsballs                3
corvette24               3
Ericmiles                3
FuncrusherPlus           3
aceforbrains             3
Slighted                 2
LodenPants               2
craptor                  2
fjbourne                 2
Boardgamer               2
hemstock                 2
crimedopay               2
gman42                   2
MikeLikesOrgies          2
SvenO                    2
LetsGambool2             2
Watevs                   2
KSR                      1
emmpee                   1
anon92450360             1
sumey                    1
breakin                  1
Mendoza                  1


Username                     Likes/Post    Posts
Nononocantsleep                8.571         21
otatop                         8.095         21
TrueNorth32                    7.615         13
jwax13                         6.846         26
Coasterbrad                    6.680         75
pvn                            6.515         33
skydiver8                      6.279         68
champ                          6.188         48
AllTheCheese                   5.842         38
JackBando                      5.500         16
Riverman                       5.318        296
wirelessgrinder                5.286         70
Smacc_25                       5.245         49
kre8tive                       5.000         30
Crunchyblack                   5.000         20
CaffeineNeeded                 4.981         54
MysteryConman                  4.927         41
Koss                           4.833         18
hokie                          4.792         53
Tilted                         4.722         54
econophile                     4.717         53
MrWookie                       4.694        111
TheDuker                       4.684         19
Rugby                          4.600         10
m_reed05                       4.545         11
Cornboy                        4.500         10
GrittyNHL                      4.471         17
PocketChads                    4.435        108
LFS                            4.390         41
dbvm                           4.381         21
JohnnyTruant                   4.319        138
ChrisV                         4.317         82
eyebooger                      4.231        121
goofyballer                    4.216        102
Goebs80                        4.206         63
Huehuecoyotl                   4.143         21
Fatboy8                        4.087         46
imjosh                         4.000         71
Bobnewton                      4.000         20
All-InFlynn                    3.947         38
meb                            3.909         33
JordanIB                       3.846        188
DrChesspain                    3.828         29
jmakin                         3.592        152
zikzak                         3.583         36
Dutch101                       3.583         12
WichitaDM                      3.546        205
oneeyedtripping                3.518        112
beetlejuice                    3.516        128
geewhysee                      3.500         16
prana                          3.451         71
klingbard                      3.412         17
MimosaDef                      3.314         35
jman220                        3.278        352
MattyLice                      3.270        100
Ikioi                          3.267         15
smrk4                          3.264        106
Surf                           3.190         21
Dunkman                        3.182         11
Fossilkid93                    3.133         15
chupacabre                     3.091         11
Yuv                            3.088        147
dlk9s                          3.080        137
pyatnitski                     3.000         27
RiskyFlush                     2.994        327
grue                           2.987         77
hey_you                        2.889         18
TheNewT50                      2.875         40
Danspartan                     2.853        143
Rexx                           2.812         32
tabbaker                       2.743         74
Devil                          2.677         62
simplicitus                    2.632         87
LouisCyphre                    2.575         40
Chippa58                       2.569         51
Kep                            2.535         43
feedthabeast                   2.534         58
Tych                           2.500         14
Thin_Slicing                   2.491         55
MichaelDavis                   2.475         61
Will1530                       2.400         15
catfacemeowmers                2.391         23
6ix                            2.389        126
Chuckleslovakian               2.383         47
Bigoldnit                      2.381         21
mosdef                         2.355        245
microbet                       2.348        135
nonfiction                     2.320         25
Trolly                         2.319        185
AOC                            2.302         86
MonsterJMcGee                  2.286         14
suzzer99                       2.270        556
bobman0330                     2.267         15
Aofrantic                      2.264         53
Lawnmower_Man                  2.243        103
SensiblePerson                 2.154         13
ThisGuy                        2.143         35
ripdog                         2.121         33
marty                          2.067         45
mjiggy                         2.056         18
TheHip41                       2.032         31
ViridianDreams                 2.024         42
bigt2k4                        2.000         28
Marksman                       1.944        216
ParlaySlow                     1.940         83
monetary_expert                1.917         24
ggoreo                         1.879        116
DodgerIrish                    1.867         30
cuserounder                    1.851        423
amead                          1.844         45
jhall23                        1.833         12
iron81                         1.759         29
CanadaMatt3004                 1.745        196
Theorangone                    1.733         15
Superleeds                     1.700         10
WAR                            1.674         46
Nicholasp27                    1.663         83
Rivaldo                        1.645         31
Sean                           1.625         24
clovis8                        1.603        116
MasterofthePwn                 1.529         85
zimmer4141                     1.500         28
StimAbuser                     1.489        137
NhlNut                         1.455         11
Hired_Goons                    1.429         35
NotBruceZ                      1.422        173
jalfrezi                       1.417         96
superuberbob                   1.402         97
olink                          1.383         60
nobody                         1.375         56
mukdukaluk                     1.371         70
StrontiumDog                   1.353         17
jjshabado                      1.333         24
PaulMcSwizzle                  1.304         46
DrJenniferMelfi                1.292        226
Melkerson                      1.276        134
Jbro                           1.257        148
cassette                       1.238         21
SenorKeeed                     1.222         90
00cooler00                     1.176         17
boredsocial                    1.153        484
realDonaldTrump                1.136        110
kerowo                         1.118         17
VoteForSocialists              1.047         85
DUCY                           1.024         41
Vict0ar                        1.020        101
JonnyA                         0.935         31
wheatrich                      0.922        102
Supwithbates                   0.818         22
zarapochka                     0.793         29
Deuce                          0.692         13
R.C                            0.650         20
Cactus                         0.540         63
churchill                      0.486         37
atrupar                        0.041        363
ddale8                         0.039        103


Username                     Likes/Post    Posts
00cooler00                     1.176         17
6ix                            2.389        126
All-InFlynn                    3.947         38
AllTheCheese                   5.842         38
amead                          1.844         45
AOC                            2.302         86
Aofrantic                      2.264         53
atrupar                        0.041        363
beetlejuice                    3.516        128
Bigoldnit                      2.381         21
bigt2k4                        2.000         28
bobman0330                     2.267         15
Bobnewton                      4.000         20
boredsocial                    1.153        484
Cactus                         0.540         63
CaffeineNeeded                 4.981         54
CanadaMatt3004                 1.745        196
cassette                       1.238         21
catfacemeowmers                2.391         23
champ                          6.188         48
Chippa58                       2.569         51
ChrisV                         4.317         82
Chuckleslovakian               2.383         47
chupacabre                     3.091         11
churchill                      0.486         37
clovis8                        1.603        116
Coasterbrad                    6.680         75
Cornboy                        4.500         10
Crunchyblack                   5.000         20
cuserounder                    1.851        423
Danspartan                     2.853        143
dbvm                           4.381         21
ddale8                         0.039        103
Deuce                          0.692         13
Devil                          2.677         62
dlk9s                          3.080        137
DodgerIrish                    1.867         30
DrChesspain                    3.828         29
DrJenniferMelfi                1.292        226
DUCY                           1.024         41
Dunkman                        3.182         11
Dutch101                       3.583         12
econophile                     4.717         53
eyebooger                      4.231        121
Fatboy8                        4.087         46
feedthabeast                   2.534         58
Fossilkid93                    3.133         15
geewhysee                      3.500         16
ggoreo                         1.879        116
Goebs80                        4.206         63
goofyballer                    4.216        102
GrittyNHL                      4.471         17
grue                           2.987         77
hey_you                        2.889         18
Hired_Goons                    1.429         35
hokie                          4.792         53
Huehuecoyotl                   4.143         21
Ikioi                          3.267         15
imjosh                         4.000         71
iron81                         1.759         29
JackBando                      5.500         16
jalfrezi                       1.417         96
Jbro                           1.257        148
jhall23                        1.833         12
jjshabado                      1.333         24
jmakin                         3.592        152
jman220                        3.278        352
JohnnyTruant                   4.319        138
JonnyA                         0.935         31
JordanIB                       3.846        188
jwax13                         6.846         26
Kep                            2.535         43
kerowo                         1.118         17
klingbard                      3.412         17
Koss                           4.833         18
kre8tive                       5.000         30
Lawnmower_Man                  2.243        103
LFS                            4.390         41
LouisCyphre                    2.575         40
m_reed05                       4.545         11
Marksman                       1.944        216
marty                          2.067         45
MasterofthePwn                 1.529         85
MattyLice                      3.270        100
meb                            3.909         33
Melkerson                      1.276        134
MichaelDavis                   2.475         61
microbet                       2.348        135
MimosaDef                      3.314         35
mjiggy                         2.056         18
monetary_expert                1.917         24
MonsterJMcGee                  2.286         14
mosdef                         2.355        245
MrWookie                       4.694        111
mukdukaluk                     1.371         70
MysteryConman                  4.927         41
NhlNut                         1.455         11
Nicholasp27                    1.663         83
nobody                         1.375         56
nonfiction                     2.320         25
Nononocantsleep                8.571         21
NotBruceZ                      1.422        173
olink                          1.383         60
oneeyedtripping                3.518        112
otatop                         8.095         21
ParlaySlow                     1.940         83
PaulMcSwizzle                  1.304         46
PocketChads                    4.435        108
prana                          3.451         71
pvn                            6.515         33
pyatnitski                     3.000         27
R.C                            0.650         20
realDonaldTrump                1.136        110
Rexx                           2.812         32
ripdog                         2.121         33
RiskyFlush                     2.994        327
Rivaldo                        1.645         31
Riverman                       5.318        296
Rugby                          4.600         10
Sean                           1.625         24
SenorKeeed                     1.222         90
SensiblePerson                 2.154         13
simplicitus                    2.632         87
skydiver8                      6.279         68
Smacc_25                       5.245         49
smrk4                          3.264        106
StimAbuser                     1.489        137
StrontiumDog                   1.353         17
Superleeds                     1.700         10
superuberbob                   1.402         97
Supwithbates                   0.818         22
Surf                           3.190         21
suzzer99                       2.270        556
tabbaker                       2.743         74
TheDuker                       4.684         19
TheHip41                       2.032         31
TheNewT50                      2.875         40
Theorangone                    1.733         15
Thin_Slicing                   2.491         55
ThisGuy                        2.143         35
Tilted                         4.722         54
Trolly                         2.319        185
TrueNorth32                    7.615         13
Tych                           2.500         14
Vict0ar                        1.020        101
ViridianDreams                 2.024         42
VoteForSocialists              1.047         85
WAR                            1.674         46
wheatrich                      0.922        102
WichitaDM                      3.546        205
Will1530                       2.400         15
wirelessgrinder                5.286         70
Yuv                            3.088        147
zarapochka                     0.793         29
zikzak                         3.583         36
zimmer4141                     1.500         28
1 Like

@realDonaldTrump getting that ratio above 1. Solid work there on the comedic front.


I gotta start posting memes.