Fun Poster Data

Working hard, thank you!


I’m kinda positive the gameday threads are less busy exactly for this exact reason. #bantheLike #dontreallycareatalltbh

I’m talking to myself in the gameday thread, its annoying!

Don’t be such a like grubber bro

Likes should be private

1 Like



if you’re wondering how Triceratops got so many likes, it’s because Keed literally liked every single post of his in the containment thread this week for some reason.

Username            Total likes
Riverman               943
suzzer99               489
cuserounder            451
RiskyFlush             432
jman220                421
WichitaDM              388
dlk9s                  335
simplicitus            325
smrk4                  302
beetlejuice            295
Trolly                 293
mosdef                 272
Triceratops            258
prana                  253
wirelessgrinder        242
Smacc_25               231
MattyLice              228
Tilted                 213
kre8tive               195
econophile             178
eyebooger              178
Marksman               170
6ix                    163
JordanIB               162
PocketChads            161
ggoreo                 156
imjosh                 153
DrJenniferMelfi        153
LouisCyphre            142
Thin_Slicing           142
goofyballer            140
CanadaMatt3004         138
otatop                 137
MrWookie               134
pvn                    133
MichaelDavis           117
grue                   116
MimosaDef              116
Watevs                 115
Goebs80                114
boredsocial            113
skydiver8              113
Fatboy8                110
m_reed05               107
clovis8                107
VoteForSocialists      106
Lawnmower_Man          106
spidercrab              99
Yuv                     96
JohnnyTruant            96
microbet                93
Danspartan              92
hokie                   91
Aofrantic               88
TheDuker                86
superuberbob            86
StimAbuser              85
LFS                     84
marty                   82
Chuckleslovakian        82
Devil                   79
wheatrich               77
jmakin                  77
zikzak                  77
Supwithbates            74
tabbaker                72
Huehuecoyotl            72
Bigoldnit               70
realDonaldTrump         69
MysteryConman           68
Nicholasp27             65
pyatnitski              64
Jbro                    63
oneeyedtripping         63
meb                     63
SenorKeeed              62
mukdukaluk              62
CaffeineNeeded          62
IrishRunner             62
Twist                   60
champ                   60
jalfrezi                60
ChrisV                  58
Coasterbrad             57
catfacemeowmers         52
Nononocantsleep         52
DrChesspain             51
FuncrusherPlus          50
amead                   50
Chippa58                48
geewhysee               47
fidgetUK                46
NotBruceZ               46
MikeLikesOrgies         46
iron81                  45
TrueNorth32             44
Melkerson               43
joltinjake              43
Rexx                    42
churchill               41
Will1530                40
Mr_Unstoppable          39
dbvm                    39
Hired_Goons             38
ripdog                  37
jwax13                  37
cassette                36
MasterofthePwn          35
Koss                    35
All-InFlynn             33
Sabo                    31
Rivaldo                 30
Ikioi                   29
Rugby                   28
R.C                     27
MonsterJMcGee           27
AllTheCheese            26
ViridianDreams          26
nobody                  24
StrontiumDog            24
SwankyWilder            23
Soulman                 23
outdrawed               22
nonfiction              21
Superleeds              21
darkandcoldak           21
d2_e4                   20
Nozetradamus            20
PapaSmurf               20
jjshabado               20
JonnyA                  19
Bobnewton               18
BillHaywood             18
chupacabre              17
ThisGuy                 16
ParlaySlow              16
Theorangone             16
atrupar                 16
TheHip41                16
Dutch101                16
mjiggy                  15
Preet_Bharara           15
SensiblePerson          15
eeAWW                   14
Deuce                   14
bigt2k4                 14
AOC                     13
TJ_Eckleburg12          13
Canada                  12
SirOsis                 11
poopypants              11
00cooler00              11
WAR                     11
kerowo                  10
m_hood115               10
King_of_NY              10
Tych                     9
Kep                      8
Fossilkid93              8
Sean                     7
Cornboy                  7
TimBuktuuf               6
klingbard                6
tomrh3                   6
UNCLECLIMAX              6
feedthabeast             6
Dunkman                  6
von_Internet             6
Vict0ar                  6
JackBando                6
TheNewT50                6
Sogge                    6
Cactus                   5
DUCY                     5
sriracha                 5
dogsballs                5
Uethym                   5
Quartermaster            5
zarapochka               5
Needle                   5
GermanGuy                4
miliboo                  4
Spinetta                 4
Surf                     4
Pauwl                    4
Krayz                    3
JimHammer                3
David_Sklansky           3
L.Washington             3
wiper                    3
Sweet_Summer_Child       3
ddale8                   3
Habsfan09                3
dreamcrusher28           2
Slighted                 2
Galerider                2
DodgerIrish              2
Formula72                2
hey_you                  2
SweetSummerChild         2
NhlNut                   2
PaulMcSwizzle            2
runout                   1
EmpireMan                1
Crunchyblack             1
fjbourne                 1
RegretS                  1
d10                      1
LodenPants               1
Tiptopdaddy              1
corvette24               1
Username                    Likes/Post      Posts
JohnnyTruant                   7.385         13
kre8tive                       6.500         30
m_reed05                       6.294         17
Bigoldnit                      5.000         14
TheDuker                       4.526         19
imjosh                         4.500         34
smrk4                          4.441         68
grue                           4.143         28
hokie                          3.957         23
Coasterbrad                    3.800         15
MysteryConman                  3.778         18
dlk9s                          3.681         91
amead                          3.571         14
Tilted                         3.550         60
fidgetUK                       3.538         13
Thin_Slicing                   3.463         41
spidercrab                     3.414         29
6ix                            3.396         48
Huehuecoyotl                   3.273         22
wirelessgrinder                3.270         74
LouisCyphre                    3.227         44
otatop                         3.186         43
pvn                            3.093         43
econophile                     3.017         59
LFS                            3.000         28
Riverman                       2.875        328
champ                          2.857         21
jman220                        2.845        148
beetlejuice                    2.810        105
Rugby                          2.800         10
Fatboy8                        2.750         40
skydiver8                      2.690         42
Ikioi                          2.636         11
Trolly                         2.616        112
TrueNorth32                    2.588         17
DrChesspain                    2.550         20
Hired_Goons                    2.533         15
Koss                           2.500         14
ripdog                         2.467         15
MattyLice                      2.452         93
dbvm                           2.438         16
churchill                      2.412         17
WichitaDM                      2.410        161
Chippa58                       2.400         20
StrontiumDog                   2.400         10
Rexx                           2.333         18
RiskyFlush                     2.310        187
simplicitus                    2.305        141
catfacemeowmers                2.261         23
Watevs                         2.170         53
eyebooger                      2.119         84
Supwithbates                   2.114         35
MichaelDavis                   2.089         56
zikzak                         2.081         37
Devil                          2.079         38
MimosaDef                      2.071         56
Mr_Unstoppable                 2.053         19
StimAbuser                     1.977         43
joltinjake                     1.955         22
pyatnitski                     1.939         33
boredsocial                    1.915         59
oneeyedtripping                1.909         33
cuserounder                    1.864        242
ViridianDreams                 1.857         14
Danspartan                     1.840         50
Marksman                       1.828         93
microbet                       1.824         51
Nicholasp27                    1.806         36
mosdef                         1.778        153
suzzer99                       1.746        280
goofyballer                    1.728         81
Chuckleslovakian               1.708         48
ChrisV                         1.706         34
JordanIB                       1.620        100
FuncrusherPlus                 1.613         31
PocketChads                    1.594        101
Jbro                           1.575         40
Smacc_25                       1.550        149
CanadaMatt3004                 1.500         92
iron81                         1.500         30
mukdukaluk                     1.476         42
meb                            1.465         43
Theorangone                    1.455         11
Lawnmower_Man                  1.452         73
All-InFlynn                    1.435         23
prana                          1.413        179
nonfiction                     1.400         15
MrWookie                       1.354         99
ParlaySlow                     1.333         12
superuberbob                   1.323         65
Goebs80                        1.281         89
eeAWW                          1.273         11
VoteForSocialists              1.233         86
clovis8                        1.126         95
ggoreo                         1.122        139
MikeLikesOrgies                1.095         42
R.C                            1.080         25
CaffeineNeeded                 1.033         60
Triceratops                    1.012        255
cassette                       1.000         36
MasterofthePwn                 1.000         35
Sabo                           1.000         31
nobody                         1.000         24
TheHip41                       1.000         16
NotBruceZ                      0.979         47
Yuv                            0.941        102
jalfrezi                       0.938         64
Superleeds                     0.875         24
AOC                            0.867         15
DrJenniferMelfi                0.841        182
tabbaker                       0.837         86
marty                          0.837         98
JonnyA                         0.792         24
mjiggy                         0.789         19
Rivaldo                        0.750         40
d2_e4                          0.741         27
wheatrich                      0.713        108
jmakin                         0.675        114
ThisGuy                        0.667         24
Canada                         0.667         18
Aofrantic                      0.647        136
00cooler00                     0.647         17
SenorKeeed                     0.626         99
King_of_NY                     0.625         16
Melkerson                      0.512         84
dogsballs                      0.500         10
Vict0ar                        0.462         13
WAR                            0.440         25
von_Internet                   0.429         14
TheNewT50                      0.400         15
DUCY                           0.357         14
realDonaldTrump                0.340        203
NhlNut                         0.182         11
DodgerIrish                    0.154         13
atrupar                        0.035        454
ddale8                         0.014        208


Username                    Likes/Post      Posts
00cooler00                     0.647         17
6ix                            3.396         48
All-InFlynn                    1.435         23
amead                          3.571         14
AOC                            0.867         15
Aofrantic                      0.647        136
atrupar                        0.035        454
beetlejuice                    2.810        105
Bigoldnit                      5.000         14
boredsocial                    1.915         59
CaffeineNeeded                 1.033         60
Canada                         0.667         18
CanadaMatt3004                 1.500         92
cassette                       1.000         36
catfacemeowmers                2.261         23
champ                          2.857         21
Chippa58                       2.400         20
ChrisV                         1.706         34
Chuckleslovakian               1.708         48
churchill                      2.412         17
clovis8                        1.126         95
Coasterbrad                    3.800         15
cuserounder                    1.864        242
d2_e4                          0.741         27
Danspartan                     1.840         50
dbvm                           2.438         16
ddale8                         0.014        208
Devil                          2.079         38
dlk9s                          3.681         91
DodgerIrish                    0.154         13
dogsballs                      0.500         10
DrChesspain                    2.550         20
DrJenniferMelfi                0.841        182
DUCY                           0.357         14
econophile                     3.017         59
eeAWW                          1.273         11
eyebooger                      2.119         84
Fatboy8                        2.750         40
fidgetUK                       3.538         13
FuncrusherPlus                 1.613         31
ggoreo                         1.122        139
Goebs80                        1.281         89
goofyballer                    1.728         81
grue                           4.143         28
Hired_Goons                    2.533         15
hokie                          3.957         23
Huehuecoyotl                   3.273         22
Ikioi                          2.636         11
imjosh                         4.500         34
iron81                         1.500         30
jalfrezi                       0.938         64
Jbro                           1.575         40
jmakin                         0.675        114
jman220                        2.845        148
JohnnyTruant                   7.385         13
joltinjake                     1.955         22
JonnyA                         0.792         24
JordanIB                       1.620        100
King_of_NY                     0.625         16
Koss                           2.500         14
kre8tive                       6.500         30
Lawnmower_Man                  1.452         73
LFS                            3.000         28
LouisCyphre                    3.227         44
m_reed05                       6.294         17
Marksman                       1.828         93
marty                          0.837         98
MasterofthePwn                 1.000         35
MattyLice                      2.452         93
meb                            1.465         43
Melkerson                      0.512         84
MichaelDavis                   2.089         56
microbet                       1.824         51
MikeLikesOrgies                1.095         42
MimosaDef                      2.071         56
mjiggy                         0.789         19
mosdef                         1.778        153
Mr_Unstoppable                 2.053         19
MrWookie                       1.354         99
mukdukaluk                     1.476         42
MysteryConman                  3.778         18
NhlNut                         0.182         11
Nicholasp27                    1.806         36
nobody                         1.000         24
nonfiction                     1.400         15
NotBruceZ                      0.979         47
oneeyedtripping                1.909         33
otatop                         3.186         43
ParlaySlow                     1.333         12
PocketChads                    1.594        101
prana                          1.413        179
pvn                            3.093         43
pyatnitski                     1.939         33
R.C                            1.080         25
realDonaldTrump                0.340        203
Rexx                           2.333         18
ripdog                         2.467         15
RiskyFlush                     2.310        187
Rivaldo                        0.750         40
Riverman                       2.875        328
Rugby                          2.800         10
Sabo                           1.000         31
SenorKeeed                     0.626         99
simplicitus                    2.305        141
skydiver8                      2.690         42
Smacc_25                       1.550        149
smrk4                          4.441         68
spidercrab                     3.414         29
StimAbuser                     1.977         43
StrontiumDog                   2.400         10
Superleeds                     0.875         24
superuberbob                   1.323         65
Supwithbates                   2.114         35
suzzer99                       1.746        280
tabbaker                       0.837         86
TheDuker                       4.526         19
TheHip41                       1.000         16
TheNewT50                      0.400         15
Theorangone                    1.455         11
Thin_Slicing                   3.463         41
ThisGuy                        0.667         24
Tilted                         3.550         60
Triceratops                    1.012        255
Trolly                         2.616        112
TrueNorth32                    2.588         17
Vict0ar                        0.462         13
ViridianDreams                 1.857         14
von_Internet                   0.429         14
VoteForSocialists              1.233         86
WAR                            0.440         25
Watevs                         2.170         53
wheatrich                      0.713        108
WichitaDM                      2.410        161
wirelessgrinder                3.270         74
Yuv                            0.941        102
zikzak                         2.081         37

Maybe just sorta vague like on Instagram? They updated their UI to say liked by a bunch of people, but only the OP can see who and how many likes

Rough week im under the mendoza line :frowning:


I didn’t post for a week? I am feeling quite a lot happier too. :thinking:

1 Like

and grue surges into top ten likes/post on the back of “fuck you guys who ignore the trump bot”


Here it is again.

Total likes:

Username              Likes
Riverman               941
RiskyFlush             732
cuserounder            633
simplicitus            496
beetlejuice            469
jman220                390
Danspartan             373
suzzer99               371
JohnnyTruant           335
Trolly                 311
dlk9s                  305
mosdef                 290
WichitaDM              283
wirelessgrinder        283
Marksman               274
econophile             273
eyebooger              255
CanadaMatt3004         249
imjosh                 226
DrJenniferMelfi        218
kre8tive               217
StimAbuser             202
boredsocial            195
Goebs80                186
clovis8                178
pvn                    175
SenorKeeed             171
MattyLice              157
MichaelDavis           152
wheatrich              150
Yuv                    150
ChrisV                 148
Smacc_25               146
champ                  143
VoteForSocialists      141
von_Internet           136
otatop                 127
prana                  126
smrk4                  123
JordanIB               120
grue                   117
LouisCyphre            115
Devil                  115
goofyballer            113
tabbaker               109
LFS                    108
Thin_Slicing           102
6ix                    101
NotBruceZ               91
skydiver8               90
superuberbob            89
m_reed05                86
ggoreo                  86
IrishRunner             83
MrWookie                83
ParlaySlow              82
MysteryConman           81
Chuckleslovakian        79
microbet                79
DrChesspain             78
Watevs                  78
ripdog                  73
zikzak                  73
spidercrab              72
Melkerson               72
Fatboy8                 70
Nononocantsleep         70
MimosaDef               69
Coasterbrad             68
AllTheCheese            66
PocketChads             62
meb                     62
catfacemeowmers         61
Lawnmower_Man           58
mukdukaluk              56
baddis                  56
TheHip41                55
realDonaldTrump         55
StrontiumDog            54
joltinjake              54
CaffeineNeeded          51
geewhysee               50
TrueNorth32             50
nobody                  46
Mr_Unstoppable          45
Hired_Goons             43
Nicholasp27             41
pyatnitski              41
Canada                  40
Chippa58                39
SensiblePerson          37
Jbro                    37
Koss                    37
Rexx                    37
jjshabado               37
AOC                     36
Bobnewton               35
Supwithbates            35
TimBuktuuf              34
Bigoldnit               34
Aofrantic               33
DodgerIrish             33
L.Washington            31
jmakin                  31
jalfrezi                30
Sabo                    30
Surf                    29
MaxCut                  29
Crunchyblack            28
WAR                     28
Fart                    26
Lostrich                26
cassette                25
Tych                    25
oneeyedtripping         23
MasterofthePwn          23
Tilted                  23
bigt2k4                 23
jwax13                  22
hey_you                 22
amead                   22
gman42                  21
Kep                     21
dbvm                    21
ThisGuy                 20
TheDuker                19
GermanGuy               19
SweetSummerChild        19
TheNewT50               19
UNCLECLIMAX             18
Superleeds              18
SirOsis                 18
R.C                     17
marty                   17
DUCY                    17
atrupar                 17
Krayz                   16
sriracha                15
Deuce                   15
MonsterJMcGee           15
la2sb91                 14
vincent                 14
JimHammer               13
Vict0ar                 13
runout                  13
iron81                  13
kerowo                  13
nonfiction              13
King_of_NY              13
Twist                   12
All-InFlynn             12
tomrh3                  12
m_hood115               12
klingbard               11
00cooler00              11
Fossilkid93             11
ViridianDreams          11
ddale8                   9
Nozetradamus             9
Ikioi                    9
monetary_expert          8
freddbird                8
zarapochka               8
Cornboy                  7
Theorangone              7
Tiptopdaddy              7
Preet_Bharara            6
Triceratops              6
Formula72                6
Rugby                    6
mjiggy                   6
seities                  6
hokie                    6
FuncrusherPlus           5
jerry                    5
sumey                    5
NhlNut                   5
darkandcoldak            5
Sean                     5
Cactus                   4
Will1530                 4
Dunkman                  4               4
Rivaldo                  4
JackBando                4
SwankyWilder             4
JonnyA                   3
corvette24               3
feedthabeast             3
TJ_Eckleburg12           3
Dutch101                 2
SPIFF                    2
BillHaywood              2
chupacabre               2
rockfsh                  2
MikeLikesOrgies          2
My_Pony                  2
Pauwl                    2
Sogge                    2
dreamcrusher28           1
KSR                      1
Soulman                  1
beyeond                  1
Twadds                   1
miliboo                  1
hemstock                 1
ElSapo                   1
David_Sklansky           1
bobman0330               1

Riverman leads the pack this week. Cuse not crushing as hard as he has been.


Username                    Likes/Post      Posts
von_Internet                   5.667         24
IrishRunner                    5.533         15
kre8tive                       5.167         42
imjosh                         5.136         44
baddis                         5.091         11
LFS                            4.500         24
JohnnyTruant                   4.408         76
otatop                         3.848         33
geewhysee                      3.846         13
StrontiumDog                   3.600         15
skydiver8                      3.333         27
ParlaySlow                     3.154         26
beetlejuice                    3.106        151
Fatboy8                        3.043         23
Riverman                       3.016        312
spidercrab                     3.000         24
TrueNorth32                    2.941         17
ripdog                         2.920         25
champ                          2.918         49
Surf                           2.900         10
Coasterbrad                    2.833         24
TimBuktuuf                     2.833         12
econophile                     2.730        100
dlk9s                          2.699        113
eyebooger                      2.629         97
Chippa58                       2.600         15
Koss                           2.467         15
pvn                            2.465         71
MysteryConman                  2.455         33
LouisCyphre                    2.447         47
MrWookie                       2.441         34
VoteForSocialists              2.431         58
Danspartan                     2.406        155
TheHip41                       2.391         23
m_reed05                       2.389         36
AllTheCheese                   2.357         28
DodgerIrish                    2.357         14
zikzak                         2.355         31
RiskyFlush                     2.346        312
ChrisV                         2.312         64
Tych                           2.273         11
6ix                            2.244         45
simplicitus                    2.234        222
amead                          2.200         10
WichitaDM                      2.177        130
SensiblePerson                 2.176         17
microbet                       2.135         37
jman220                        2.131        183
suzzer99                       2.084        178
Thin_Slicing                   2.082         49
L.Washington                   2.067         15
smrk4                          2.050         60
MichaelDavis                   2.027         75
grue                           2.017         58
MattyLice                      2.013         78
Watevs                         2.000         39
hey_you                        2.000         11
goofyballer                    1.982         57
cuserounder                    1.972        321
MimosaDef                      1.971         35
catfacemeowmers                1.968         31
StimAbuser                     1.942        104
DrChesspain                    1.902         41
Trolly                         1.885        165
Hired_Goons                    1.870         23
mosdef                         1.859        156
Devil                          1.855         62
meb                            1.824         34
SirOsis                        1.800         10
Tilted                         1.769         13
Yuv                            1.765         85
wirelessgrinder                1.747        162
tabbaker                       1.730         63
TheDuker                       1.727         11
Nicholasp27                    1.708         24
jwax13                         1.692         13
Supwithbates                   1.591         22
Chuckleslovakian               1.580         50
Crunchyblack                   1.556         18
Bigoldnit                      1.545         22
ThisGuy                        1.538         13
oneeyedtripping                1.533         15
bigt2k4                        1.533         15
dbvm                           1.500         14
CaffeineNeeded                 1.457         35
CanadaMatt3004                 1.456        171
Smacc_25                       1.431        102
Jbro                           1.423         26
prana                          1.416         89
TheNewT50                      1.357         14
Goebs80                        1.348        138
JordanIB                       1.333         90
superuberbob                   1.328         67
clovis8                        1.299        137
PocketChads                    1.292         48
Marksman                       1.274        215
boredsocial                    1.250        156
NotBruceZ                      1.247         73
Kep                            1.235         17
SenorKeeed                     1.213        141
MasterofthePwn                 1.211         19
nobody                         1.179         39
jalfrezi                       1.154         26
Rexx                           1.121         33
cassette                       1.000         25
DrJenniferMelfi                0.991        220
jjshabado                      0.974         38
Sabo                           0.968         31
iron81                         0.929         14
DUCY                           0.895         19
ViridianDreams                 0.846         13
wheatrich                      0.838        179
pyatnitski                     0.837         49
Ikioi                          0.818         11
Aofrantic                      0.805         41
mukdukaluk                     0.778         72
WAR                            0.778         36
kerowo                         0.765         17
Lawnmower_Man                  0.763         76
ggoreo                         0.748        115
R.C                            0.739         23
marty                          0.739         23
AOC                            0.720         50
jmakin                         0.705         44
Melkerson                      0.673        107
Superleeds                     0.667         27
zarapochka                     0.667         12
nonfiction                     0.619         21
00cooler00                     0.611         18
Vict0ar                        0.481         27
realDonaldTrump                0.372        148
Theorangone                    0.368         19
NhlNut                         0.312         16
JonnyA                         0.273         11
ddale8                         0.044        204
atrupar                        0.037        454

Jfc atrupar tweets a lot. The small post, high quality people continue to dominate the likes/post category. I’m wondering if I should raise the threshold to 20 posts.


Username                    Likes/Post      Posts
00cooler00                     0.611         18
6ix                            2.244         45
AllTheCheese                   2.357         28
amead                          2.200         10
AOC                            0.720         50
Aofrantic                      0.805         41
atrupar                        0.037        454
baddis                         5.091         11
beetlejuice                    3.106        151
Bigoldnit                      1.545         22
bigt2k4                        1.533         15
boredsocial                    1.250        156
CaffeineNeeded                 1.457         35
CanadaMatt3004                 1.456        171
cassette                       1.000         25
catfacemeowmers                1.968         31
champ                          2.918         49
Chippa58                       2.600         15
ChrisV                         2.312         64
Chuckleslovakian               1.580         50
clovis8                        1.299        137
Coasterbrad                    2.833         24
Crunchyblack                   1.556         18
cuserounder                    1.972        321
Danspartan                     2.406        155
dbvm                           1.500         14
ddale8                         0.044        204
Devil                          1.855         62
dlk9s                          2.699        113
DodgerIrish                    2.357         14
DrChesspain                    1.902         41
DrJenniferMelfi                0.991        220
DUCY                           0.895         19
econophile                     2.730        100
eyebooger                      2.629         97
Fatboy8                        3.043         23
geewhysee                      3.846         13
ggoreo                         0.748        115
Goebs80                        1.348        138
goofyballer                    1.982         57
grue                           2.017         58
hey_you                        2.000         11
Hired_Goons                    1.870         23
Ikioi                          0.818         11
imjosh                         5.136         44
IrishRunner                    5.533         15
iron81                         0.929         14
jalfrezi                       1.154         26
Jbro                           1.423         26
jjshabado                      0.974         38
jmakin                         0.705         44
jman220                        2.131        183
JohnnyTruant                   4.408         76
JonnyA                         0.273         11
JordanIB                       1.333         90
jwax13                         1.692         13
Kep                            1.235         17
kerowo                         0.765         17
Koss                           2.467         15
kre8tive                       5.167         42
L.Washington                   2.067         15
Lawnmower_Man                  0.763         76
LFS                            4.500         24
LouisCyphre                    2.447         47
m_reed05                       2.389         36
Marksman                       1.274        215
marty                          0.739         23
MasterofthePwn                 1.211         19
MattyLice                      2.013         78
meb                            1.824         34
Melkerson                      0.673        107
MichaelDavis                   2.027         75
microbet                       2.135         37
MimosaDef                      1.971         35
mosdef                         1.859        156
MrWookie                       2.441         34
mukdukaluk                     0.778         72
MysteryConman                  2.455         33
NhlNut                         0.312         16
Nicholasp27                    1.708         24
nobody                         1.179         39
nonfiction                     0.619         21
NotBruceZ                      1.247         73
oneeyedtripping                1.533         15
otatop                         3.848         33
ParlaySlow                     3.154         26
PocketChads                    1.292         48
prana                          1.416         89
pvn                            2.465         71
pyatnitski                     0.837         49
R.C                            0.739         23
realDonaldTrump                0.372        148
Rexx                           1.121         33
ripdog                         2.920         25
RiskyFlush                     2.346        312
Riverman                       3.016        312
Sabo                           0.968         31
SenorKeeed                     1.213        141
SensiblePerson                 2.176         17
simplicitus                    2.234        222
SirOsis                        1.800         10
skydiver8                      3.333         27
Smacc_25                       1.431        102
smrk4                          2.050         60
spidercrab                     3.000         24
StimAbuser                     1.942        104
StrontiumDog                   3.600         15
Superleeds                     0.667         27
superuberbob                   1.328         67
Supwithbates                   1.591         22
Surf                           2.900         10
suzzer99                       2.084        178
tabbaker                       1.730         63
TheDuker                       1.727         11
TheHip41                       2.391         23
TheNewT50                      1.357         14
Theorangone                    0.368         19
Thin_Slicing                   2.082         49
ThisGuy                        1.538         13
Tilted                         1.769         13
TimBuktuuf                     2.833         12
Trolly                         1.885        165
TrueNorth32                    2.941         17
Tych                           2.273         11
Vict0ar                        0.481         27
ViridianDreams                 0.846         13
von_Internet                   5.667         24
VoteForSocialists              2.431         58
WAR                            0.778         36
Watevs                         2.000         39
wheatrich                      0.838        179
WichitaDM                      2.177        130
wirelessgrinder                1.747        162
Yuv                            1.765         85
zarapochka                     0.667         12
zikzak                         2.355         31

You know what’s weird, is triceratops is missing from this list. That wasn’t on purpose. Are posts made in french bbv invisible to the API, I wonder? Because I know I had at least 44 posts in that containment thread alone, and it says I only had 44 posts this week.

edit: nvm my shit works. I forgot about minimum post limit. He only had 6 posts. I must be remembering a different week. Man, shit flies by with covid. The days all blend together, now the weeks are starting to.

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Are you hitting the API with credentials or as an anonymous user? French BBV isn’t visible to unregistered accounts.

Yea I am just sending curls without any credentials. I am looking into it - the data I gathered from the API says he had 6 posts. But I felt he had more than that.

I just looked, and he has like 20 posts in the last 24 hours. It seems like the API is not picking up some of these. But he ONLY posts in french bbv, right? So I feel like I should see zero data or all of his data, not some of it.

I think he briefly escaped containment or something. Not sure of the details.

Is there updated lurker data?

Suburban women, please like me!


I found this post amusing, but as I am not a suburban woman it appears I cannot offer a formal like.

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I’m no longer the biggest loser without a life around here. Riskyflush and Cuse have passed me in post count!!!