Fun Poster Data

Oh I’m usually in the 1.25 range. I’m happy with 2.3 without memes.

I’m warning you memeing is crack.

I tried it partially as a joke and now I’m a fiend.

It would be interesting to see if the average number of images posted/day has risen since these stats first appeared.

The global likes/post has doubled in the last 2 weeks. At least.


The Pozzening brought forth an era of good feeling.


You need to get memeing then. gl


hahaha i thought that for sure too

1 Like

I would guess the top search by the end of October will be “trump ded yet?”

Definitely more likes going around this week.

Total likes:

Username             Likes
cuserounder           2099
Riverman              1654
suzzer99              1389
jman220               1067
RiskyFlush             814
dlk9s                  619
simplicitus            612
Trolly                 578
beetlejuice            570
WichitaDM              520
MattyLice              449
Yuv                    430
Goebs80                426
mosdef                 415
PocketChads            404
hokie                  402
MrWookie               400
econophile             385
Danspartan             380
wirelessgrinder        379
prana                  377
kre8tive               377
eyebooger              353
Jbro                   349
Smacc_25               348
IrishRunner            346
Coasterbrad            339
DrJenniferMelfi        334
CaffeineNeeded         320
clovis8                316
champ                  310
Marksman               283
JordanIB               265
ggoreo                 251
6ix                    250
smrk4                  247
CanadaMatt3004         245
imjosh                 242
Lawnmower_Man          230
boredsocial            226
jalfrezi               224
Nicholasp27            212
Fatboy8                209
MimosaDef              209
Chippa58               208
microbet               203
StimAbuser             200
oneeyedtripping        197
skydiver8              190
All-InFlynn            179
zikzak                 175
catfacemeowmers        168
otatop                 163
Koss                   162
TrueNorth32            161
Tilted                 156
Nononocantsleep        154
meb                    151
Kep                    147
jmakin                 139
Watevs                 137
marty                  136
NotBruceZ              136
LouisCyphre            135
Melkerson              133
FuncrusherPlus         133
goofyballer            125
SenorKeeed             125
d2_e4                  123
Thin_Slicing           123
LFS                    122
superuberbob           121
Deuce                  119
pvn                    119
DrChesspain            114
pyatnitski             113
nonfiction             109
wheatrich              108
tabbaker               108
Devil                  108
mukdukaluk             107
MichaelDavis           106
grue                   103
Mr_Unstoppable         102
Rexx                   102
m_hood115               96
fidgetUK                94
MysteryConman           93
TheDuker                92
ChrisV                  88
ripdog                  86
TheHip41                85
hey_you                 83
cassette                82
geewhysee               78
iron81                  75
Tych                    74
realDonaldTrump         73
R.C                     72
StrontiumDog            72
Preet_Bharara           71
spidercrab              71
Pauwl                   71
m_reed05                71
Huehuecoyotl            70
MasterofthePwn          69
JohnnyTruant            68
poopypants              68
HamishMcBagpipe         66
amead                   64
JonnyA                  64
AOC                     62
jwax13                  60
Sogge                   60
ViridianDreams          60
Chuckleslovakian        59
JimHammer               59
Bigoldnit               58
Sean                    58
Rivaldo                 58
SirOsis                 57
beyeond                 56
SweetSummerChild        54
Hired_Goons             53
Aofrantic               51
Cornboy                 51
TheNewT50               48
Mendoza                 48
Supwithbates            48
Will1530                47
Ikioi                   46
feedthabeast            45
joltinjake              44
00cooler00              43
eeAWW                   41
Sabo                    40
AllTheCheese            39
Dunkman                 38
Europa                  38
kerowo                  36
mjiggy                  36
Crunchyblack            35
Surf                    35
VoteForSocialists       34
King_of_NY              34
von_Internet            32
craptor                 32
Canada                  31
DUCY                    31
sriracha                30
UNCLECLIMAX             29
Soulman                 29
nobody                  29
bobman0330              29
MikeLikesOrgies         28
runout                  27
MCG                     27
outdrawed               26
Boardgamer              25
David_Sklansky          25
BillHaywood             24
klingbard               23
Rugby                   22
Superleeds              22
WAR                     22
L.Washington            21
PapaSmurf               20
dbvm                    20
Nozetradamus            20
monetary_expert         19
My_Pony                 19
alex                    19
dogsballs               19
Bobnewton               19
Twist                   18
StimAbuserGhost         16
Fossilkid93             15
Krayz                   13
Cactus                  13
zarapochka              13
ParlaySlow              12
Vict0ar                 11
atrupar                 11
churchill               10
oscark                   8
DodgerIrish              7
JackBando                7
SPIFF                    6
Narrator                 6
PaulMcSwizzle            6
Quartermaster            6
RegretS                  6
la2sb91                  5
GermanGuy                5
wiper                    5
anon                     5
tomrh3                   5
TJ_Eckleburg12           5
BadPokerAnalogy          5
SensiblePerson           5
seities                  4
Uethym                   4
EpicWestern              3
chupacabre               3
MonsterJMcGee            3
miliboo                  3
Theorangone              3
ThisGuy                  2
Triceratops              2
anon92450360             2
darksideofthewall        2
SwankyWilder             2
NhlNut                   2
Formula72                2
gman42                   2
corvette24               2
Galerider                2
KSR                      2
Needle                   1
ElSapo                   1
rockfsh                  1
crimedopay               1
jerry                    1
Spinetta                 1
Habsfan09                1
MaxCut                   1
Username                     Likes/Post    Posts
IrishRunner                    10.485         33
Nononocantsleep                9.625         16
Koss                           9.000         18
Fatboy8                        6.742         31
HamishMcBagpipe                6.600         10
skydiver8                      6.129         31
hokie                          6.091         66
imjosh                         6.050         40
hey_you                        5.533         15
All-InFlynn                    5.424         33
kre8tive                       5.236         72
jwax13                         5.000         12
Tych                           4.933         15
JohnnyTruant                   4.857         14
Will1530                       4.700         10
dlk9s                          4.619        134
JimHammer                      4.538         13
poopypants                     4.533         15
Coasterbrad                    4.346         78
catfacemeowmers                4.308         39
MimosaDef                      4.265         49
m_reed05                       4.176         17
geewhysee                      4.105         19
nonfiction                     4.037         27
spidercrab                     3.944         18
Pauwl                          3.944         18
Mr_Unstoppable                 3.923         26
champ                          3.875         80
Deuce                          3.839         31
TrueNorth32                    3.833         42
TheDuker                       3.833         24
Riverman                       3.785        437
smrk4                          3.742         66
otatop                         3.622         45
MattyLice                      3.621        124
TheHip41                       3.542         24
eyebooger                      3.427        103
Bigoldnit                      3.412         17
Rexx                           3.400         30
Thin_Slicing                   3.324         37
grue                           3.323         31
suzzer99                       3.284        423
AllTheCheese                   3.250         12
Kep                            3.128         47
VoteForSocialists              3.091         11
ChrisV                         3.034         29
MrWookie                       3.030        132
simplicitus                    3.030        202
zikzak                         3.017         58
beetlejuice                    3.000        190
LFS                            2.905         42
Trolly                         2.905        199
WichitaDM                      2.873        181
RiskyFlush                     2.856        285
SirOsis                        2.850         20
fidgetUK                       2.848         33
cuserounder                    2.848        737
King_of_NY                     2.833         12
StimAbuser                     2.817         71
PocketChads                    2.806        144
microbet                       2.781         73
Tilted                         2.737         57
Yuv                            2.654        162
Soulman                        2.636         11
jman220                        2.615        408
DrChesspain                    2.591         44
joltinjake                     2.588         17
pvn                            2.587         46
kerowo                         2.571         14
Ikioi                          2.556         18
Smacc_25                       2.486        140
econophile                     2.484        155
JordanIB                       2.477        107
MasterofthePwn                 2.464         28
wirelessgrinder                2.429        156
Jbro                           2.424        144
oneeyedtripping                2.402         82
AOC                            2.385         26
Watevs                         2.322         59
pyatnitski                     2.306         49
Goebs80                        2.290        186
Nicholasp27                    2.280         93
Danspartan                     2.262        168
Huehuecoyotl                   2.258         31
StrontiumDog                   2.250         32
CaffeineNeeded                 2.222        144
Canada                         2.214         14
ripdog                         2.150         40
Sean                           2.148         27
Chippa58                       2.144         97
amead                          2.133         30
klingbard                      2.091         11
Supwithbates                   2.087         23
LouisCyphre                    2.077         65
marty                          2.061         66
eeAWW                          2.050         20
m_hood115                      1.959         49
Marksman                       1.938        146
TheNewT50                      1.920         25
MysteryConman                  1.898         49
outdrawed                      1.857         14
clovis8                        1.848        171
Rugby                          1.833         12
Hired_Goons                    1.828         29
mosdef                         1.820        228
Lawnmower_Man                  1.783        129
Surf                           1.750         20
goofyballer                    1.736         72
bobman0330                     1.706         17
SenorKeeed                     1.667         75
ViridianDreams                 1.667         36
dbvm                           1.667         12
DUCY                           1.632         19
cassette                       1.608         51
prana                          1.604        235
Devil                          1.588         68
Bobnewton                      1.583         12
boredsocial                    1.569        144
David_Sklansky                 1.562         16
d2_e4                          1.519         81
CanadaMatt3004                 1.512        162
ggoreo                         1.512        166
jmakin                         1.479         94
MichaelDavis                   1.432         74
PapaSmurf                      1.429         14
tabbaker                       1.403         77
00cooler00                     1.387         31
Aofrantic                      1.378         37
mukdukaluk                     1.354         79
superuberbob                   1.330         91
DrJenniferMelfi                1.285        260
Nozetradamus                   1.250         16
Chuckleslovakian               1.229         48
6ix                            1.220        205
JonnyA                         1.208         53
Rivaldo                        1.160         50
Sabo                           1.143         35
jalfrezi                       1.137        197
wheatrich                      1.102         98
Crunchyblack                   1.094         32
Krayz                          1.083         12
NotBruceZ                      1.071        127
R.C                            1.014         71
dogsballs                      1.000         19
Vict0ar                        1.000         11
churchill                      1.000         10
iron81                         0.974         77
Melkerson                      0.899        148
FuncrusherPlus                 0.864        154
Superleeds                     0.759         29
meb                            0.755        200
mjiggy                         0.735         49
WAR                            0.667         33
Cactus                         0.650         20
nobody                         0.644         45
DodgerIrish                    0.636         11
RegretS                        0.600         10
MikeLikesOrgies                0.475         59
realDonaldTrump                0.459        159
NhlNut                         0.167         12
Triceratops                    0.054         37
atrupar                        0.027        402
ddale8                         0.000        105


Username                     Likes/Post    Posts
00cooler00                     1.387         31
6ix                            1.220        205
All-InFlynn                    5.424         33
AllTheCheese                   3.250         12
amead                          2.133         30
AOC                            2.385         26
Aofrantic                      1.378         37
atrupar                        0.027        402
beetlejuice                    3.000        190
Bigoldnit                      3.412         17
bobman0330                     1.706         17
Bobnewton                      1.583         12
boredsocial                    1.569        144
Cactus                         0.650         20
CaffeineNeeded                 2.222        144
Canada                         2.214         14
CanadaMatt3004                 1.512        162
cassette                       1.608         51
catfacemeowmers                4.308         39
champ                          3.875         80
Chippa58                       2.144         97
ChrisV                         3.034         29
Chuckleslovakian               1.229         48
churchill                      1.000         10
clovis8                        1.848        171
Coasterbrad                    4.346         78
Crunchyblack                   1.094         32
cuserounder                    2.848        737
d2_e4                          1.519         81
Danspartan                     2.262        168
David_Sklansky                 1.562         16
dbvm                           1.667         12
ddale8                         0.000        105
Deuce                          3.839         31
Devil                          1.588         68
dlk9s                          4.619        134
DodgerIrish                    0.636         11
dogsballs                      1.000         19
DrChesspain                    2.591         44
DrJenniferMelfi                1.285        260
DUCY                           1.632         19
econophile                     2.484        155
eeAWW                          2.050         20
eyebooger                      3.427        103
Fatboy8                        6.742         31
fidgetUK                       2.848         33
FuncrusherPlus                 0.864        154
geewhysee                      4.105         19
ggoreo                         1.512        166
Goebs80                        2.290        186
goofyballer                    1.736         72
grue                           3.323         31
HamishMcBagpipe                6.600         10
hey_you                        5.533         15
Hired_Goons                    1.828         29
hokie                          6.091         66
Huehuecoyotl                   2.258         31
Ikioi                          2.556         18
imjosh                         6.050         40
IrishRunner                    10.485         33
iron81                         0.974         77
jalfrezi                       1.137        197
Jbro                           2.424        144
JimHammer                      4.538         13
jmakin                         1.479         94
jman220                        2.615        408
JohnnyTruant                   4.857         14
joltinjake                     2.588         17
JonnyA                         1.208         53
JordanIB                       2.477        107
jwax13                         5.000         12
Kep                            3.128         47
kerowo                         2.571         14
King_of_NY                     2.833         12
klingbard                      2.091         11
Koss                           9.000         18
Krayz                          1.083         12
kre8tive                       5.236         72
Lawnmower_Man                  1.783        129
LFS                            2.905         42
LouisCyphre                    2.077         65
m_hood115                      1.959         49
m_reed05                       4.176         17
Marksman                       1.938        146
marty                          2.061         66
MasterofthePwn                 2.464         28
MattyLice                      3.621        124
meb                            0.755        200
Melkerson                      0.899        148
MichaelDavis                   1.432         74
microbet                       2.781         73
MikeLikesOrgies                0.475         59
MimosaDef                      4.265         49
mjiggy                         0.735         49
mosdef                         1.820        228
Mr_Unstoppable                 3.923         26
MrWookie                       3.030        132
mukdukaluk                     1.354         79
MysteryConman                  1.898         49
NhlNut                         0.167         12
Nicholasp27                    2.280         93
nobody                         0.644         45
nonfiction                     4.037         27
Nononocantsleep                9.625         16
NotBruceZ                      1.071        127
Nozetradamus                   1.250         16
oneeyedtripping                2.402         82
otatop                         3.622         45
outdrawed                      1.857         14
PapaSmurf                      1.429         14
Pauwl                          3.944         18
PocketChads                    2.806        144
poopypants                     4.533         15
prana                          1.604        235
pvn                            2.587         46
pyatnitski                     2.306         49
R.C                            1.014         71
realDonaldTrump                0.459        159
RegretS                        0.600         10
Rexx                           3.400         30
ripdog                         2.150         40
RiskyFlush                     2.856        285
Rivaldo                        1.160         50
Riverman                       3.785        437
Rugby                          1.833         12
Sabo                           1.143         35
Sean                           2.148         27
SenorKeeed                     1.667         75
simplicitus                    3.030        202
SirOsis                        2.850         20
skydiver8                      6.129         31
Smacc_25                       2.486        140
smrk4                          3.742         66
Soulman                        2.636         11
spidercrab                     3.944         18
StimAbuser                     2.817         71
StrontiumDog                   2.250         32
Superleeds                     0.759         29
superuberbob                   1.330         91
Supwithbates                   2.087         23
Surf                           1.750         20
suzzer99                       3.284        423
tabbaker                       1.403         77
TheDuker                       3.833         24
TheHip41                       3.542         24
TheNewT50                      1.920         25
Thin_Slicing                   3.324         37
Tilted                         2.737         57
Triceratops                    0.054         37
Trolly                         2.905        199
TrueNorth32                    3.833         42
Tych                           4.933         15
Vict0ar                        1.000         11
ViridianDreams                 1.667         36
VoteForSocialists              3.091         11
WAR                            0.667         33
Watevs                         2.322         59
wheatrich                      1.102         98
WichitaDM                      2.873        181
Will1530                       4.700         10
wirelessgrinder                2.429        156
Yuv                            2.654        162
zikzak                         3.017         58

Trumpbot with 73 likes :astonished:

1 Like

Irishrunner GOAT wtf. I will be performing a case study of their post history.

1 Like

It’s a bit skewed by one post that got 56 likes. You can probably guess which one.

You’d be surprised!

I’m a severely underrated internet presence.


Triceratops with 2 likes.

Confession time?


Why am i always completely unfamiliar with these terrible posters? Where does he post?

Count yourself lucky.

He’s still hammering away in

1 Like

One was a sarcastic heart from goofyballer. The other was a like from the coronavirus gimmick after he said something stupid about opening the country.

1 Like

I am in my sweet spot. Consistently mediocre week after week.


Hosting a Walrus killed my likes/post ratio!