Fun Poster Data

This isn’t a bad idea. It’ll help people who care about these things see where they’re been dropping likes.

1 Like

I’m going golfing so I don’t have time this morning to do the +/- difference. Sorry!

Here’s the last week, until approx 8:25am this morning:

Username              Total Likes
cuserounder            447
RiskyFlush             424
skydiver8              375
Riverman               368
beetlejuice            363
mosdef                 331
WichitaDM              320
suzzer99               262
LouisCyphre            245
Devil                  230
NotBruceZ              225
JohnnyTruant           212
cassette               210
Coasterbrad            190
Fatboy8                185
Trolly                 183
simplicitus            181
ggoreo                 171
wirelessgrinder        169
MrWookie               160
smrk4                  160
MichaelDavis           156
Danspartan             153
microbet               153
CanadaMatt3004         148
Smacc_25               147
MysteryConman          145
jmakin                 144
eyebooger              142
econophile             140
6ix                    139
dlk9s                  137
StimAbuser             128
superuberbob           126
SwankyWilder           125
Yuv                    124
jalfrezi               118
zikzak                 115
Rivaldo                 99
kre8tive                97
Goebs80                 96
jman220                 96
clovis8                 95
ripdog                  94
boredsocial             92
Nicholasp27             82
Bigoldnit               79
Pauwl                   78
meb                     77
Rexx                    73
Chuckleslovakian        72
Mr_Unstoppable          70
seities                 68
TheDuker                66
Nononocantsleep         64
nunnehi                 63
catfacemeowmers         61
m_reed05                60
ChrisV                  57
goofyballer             55
Sabo                    55
pyatnitski              55
Jbro                    53
Namath                  53
spidercrab              52
mjiggy                  50
Tilted                  49
PocketChads             49
geewhysee               48
Thin_Slicing            48
grue                    46
prana                   46
fidgetUK                46
DrChesspain             43
ViridianDreams          40
marty                   39
tabbaker                39
nobody                  39
RegretS                 38
CaffeineNeeded          38
zarapochka              38
SensiblePerson          37
MattyLice               37
jwax13                  35
wheatrich               35
jerry                   35
Ikioi                   34
Lawnmower_Man           33
00cooler00              32
otatop                  32
Deuce                   29
Melkerson               29
DodgerIrish             28
FuncrusherPlus          28
hey_you                 28
TheNewT50               26
TrueNorth32             26
Supwithbates            26
Marksman                25
NhlNut                  24
LFS                     24
kerowo                  24
Crunchyblack            23
SenorKeeed              23
iron81                  23
MasterofthePwn          23
ElSapo                  22
Vict0ar                 20
ing                     20
R.C                     20
realDonaldTrump         20
Watevs                  19
Needle                  19
churchill               18
Will1530                18
eeAWW                   18
SirOsis                 17
TJ_Eckleburg12          16
All-InFlynn             16
poopypants              15
mukdukaluk              14
SPIFF                   14
Chippa58                14
tomrh3                  14
StrontiumDog            14
dbvm                    14
sriracha                14
WAR                     13
d10                     13
Tych                    12
Huehuecoyotl            12
MimosaDef               11
Canada                  11
atrupar                 11
champ                   11
IrishRunner             11
DUCY                    11
amead                   10
ddale8                  10
Surf                    10
Theorangone             10
d2_e4                   10
JordanIB                10
Fossilkid93              9
AllTheCheese             9
Quartermaster            8
TheHip41                 8
Nozetradamus             8
Kep                      8
pvn                      8
bowens                   7
edc5036                  7
KingTaxLV                7
outdrawed                7
Formula72                6
AOC                      6
thebeercow               6
JonnyA                   5
Inso0                    5
TempletonFearrariIII     5
David_Sklansky           5
Hired_Goons              4
gman42                   4
Aofrantic                4
chupacabre               4
hokie                    4
Superleeds               4
dogsballs                4
MonsterJMcGee            3
GermanGuy                3
Krayz                    3
oneeyedtripping          3
feedthabeast             3
miliboo                  3
nonfiction               3
DrModern                 3
emmpee                   3
ChipsAhoy                3
Habsfan09                3
Incorporeal              2
Cactus                   2
Catastrophe              2
bobman0330               2
PlzBeALevel              2
Cornboy                  2
Slighted                 1
EmpireMan                1
Effen                    1
Kennywawa                1
UNCLECLIMAX              1
Rugby                    1
JimHammer                1
PapaSmurf                1
von_Internet             1
JackBando                1
alex                     1
Soulman                  1
pueblo                   1
m_hood115                1
Beluga                   1


Username                    Likes/Post     Total Posts
Rexx                           6.083         12
Bigoldnit                      4.938         16
kre8tive                       4.619         21
m_reed05                       4.286         14
Nononocantsleep                4.267         15
geewhysee                      4.000         12
Fatboy8                        3.700         50
TheDuker                       3.474         19
beetlejuice                    3.050        119
Mr_Unstoppable                 3.043         23
Coasterbrad                    2.794         68
meb                            2.655         29
catfacemeowmers                2.652         23
econophile                     2.642         53
smrk4                          2.581         62
MysteryConman                  2.500         58
jwax13                         2.500         14
00cooler00                     2.462         13
RiskyFlush                     2.382        178
spidercrab                     2.364         22
Devil                          2.300        100
pyatnitski                     2.292         24
otatop                         2.286         14
JohnnyTruant                   2.232         95
SwankyWilder                   2.193         57
hey_you                        2.154         13
MrWookie                       2.105         76
simplicitus                    2.105         86
SensiblePerson                 2.056         18
goofyballer                    2.037         27
zikzak                         2.018         57
MichaelDavis                   2.000         78
6ix                            1.986         70
StimAbuser                     1.969         65
Tilted                         1.960         25
dlk9s                          1.957         70
Riverman                       1.947        189
Pauwl                          1.902         41
Danspartan                     1.866         82
seities                        1.838         37
Marksman                       1.786         14
jman220                        1.778         54
PocketChads                    1.750         28
eyebooger                      1.711         83
mosdef                         1.706        194
Yuv                            1.676         74
cassette                       1.667        126
CaffeineNeeded                 1.652         23
Crunchyblack                   1.643         14
churchill                      1.636         11
LouisCyphre                    1.633        150
skydiver8                      1.609        233
ripdog                         1.567         60
SirOsis                        1.545         11
TrueNorth32                    1.529         17
Trolly                         1.525        120
prana                          1.484         31
WichitaDM                      1.481        216
NotBruceZ                      1.480        152
MattyLice                      1.480         25
Goebs80                        1.455         66
Thin_Slicing                   1.455         33
fidgetUK                       1.438         32
ChrisV                         1.425         40
Rivaldo                        1.394         71
boredsocial                    1.353         68
microbet                       1.319        116
WAR                            1.300         10
ViridianDreams                 1.290         31
CanadaMatt3004                 1.276        116
Ikioi                          1.259         27
wirelessgrinder                1.252        135
Nicholasp27                    1.242         66
MasterofthePwn                 1.211         19
grue                           1.179         39
Deuce                          1.160         25
kerowo                         1.143         21
DrChesspain                    1.132         38
marty                          1.114         35
cuserounder                    1.104        405
Chuckleslovakian               1.075         67
Smacc_25                       1.073        137
superuberbob                   1.050        120
Jbro                           1.019         52
clovis8                        1.000         95
Chippa58                       1.000         14
ggoreo                         0.961        178
suzzer99                       0.960        273
Lawnmower_Man                  0.943         35
jmakin                         0.935        154
Canada                         0.917         12
Supwithbates                   0.897         29
iron81                         0.852         27
jalfrezi                       0.849        139
AllTheCheese                   0.818         11
zarapochka                     0.792         48
Needle                         0.760         25
mjiggy                         0.758         66
Vict0ar                        0.690         29
nobody                         0.684         57
Sabo                           0.655         84
Namath                         0.576         92
nunnehi                        0.568        111
SenorKeeed                     0.561         41
Melkerson                      0.558         52
FuncrusherPlus                 0.549         51
d2_e4                          0.526         19
NhlNut                         0.522         46
R.C                            0.513         39
Formula72                      0.500         12
tabbaker                       0.494         79
DUCY                           0.423         26
Aofrantic                      0.364         11
wheatrich                      0.340        103
Inso0                          0.278         18
AOC                            0.222         27
realDonaldTrump                0.107        187
ddale8                         0.045        223
atrupar                        0.032        345


Username                    Likes/Post     Total Posts
00cooler00                     2.462         13
6ix                            1.986         70
AllTheCheese                   0.818         11
AOC                            0.222         27
Aofrantic                      0.364         11
atrupar                        0.032        345
beetlejuice                    3.050        119
Bigoldnit                      4.938         16
boredsocial                    1.353         68
CaffeineNeeded                 1.652         23
Canada                         0.917         12
CanadaMatt3004                 1.276        116
cassette                       1.667        126
catfacemeowmers                2.652         23
Chippa58                       1.000         14
ChrisV                         1.425         40
Chuckleslovakian               1.075         67
churchill                      1.636         11
clovis8                        1.000         95
Coasterbrad                    2.794         68
Crunchyblack                   1.643         14
cuserounder                    1.104        405
d2_e4                          0.526         19
Danspartan                     1.866         82
ddale8                         0.045        223
Deuce                          1.160         25
Devil                          2.300        100
dlk9s                          1.957         70
DrChesspain                    1.132         38
DUCY                           0.423         26
econophile                     2.642         53
eyebooger                      1.711         83
Fatboy8                        3.700         50
fidgetUK                       1.438         32
Formula72                      0.500         12
FuncrusherPlus                 0.549         51
geewhysee                      4.000         12
ggoreo                         0.961        178
Goebs80                        1.455         66
goofyballer                    2.037         27
grue                           1.179         39
hey_you                        2.154         13
Ikioi                          1.259         27
Inso0                          0.278         18
iron81                         0.852         27
jalfrezi                       0.849        139
Jbro                           1.019         52
jmakin                         0.935        154
jman220                        1.778         54
JohnnyTruant                   2.232         95
jwax13                         2.500         14
kerowo                         1.143         21
kre8tive                       4.619         21
Lawnmower_Man                  0.943         35
LouisCyphre                    1.633        150
m_reed05                       4.286         14
Marksman                       1.786         14
marty                          1.114         35
MasterofthePwn                 1.211         19
MattyLice                      1.480         25
meb                            2.655         29
Melkerson                      0.558         52
MichaelDavis                   2.000         78
microbet                       1.319        116
mjiggy                         0.758         66
mosdef                         1.706        194
Mr_Unstoppable                 3.043         23
MrWookie                       2.105         76
MysteryConman                  2.500         58
Namath                         0.576         92
Needle                         0.760         25
NhlNut                         0.522         46
Nicholasp27                    1.242         66
nobody                         0.684         57
Nononocantsleep                4.267         15
NotBruceZ                      1.480        152
nunnehi                        0.568        111
otatop                         2.286         14
Pauwl                          1.902         41
PocketChads                    1.750         28
prana                          1.484         31
pyatnitski                     2.292         24
R.C                            0.513         39
realDonaldTrump                0.107        187
Rexx                           6.083         12
ripdog                         1.567         60
RiskyFlush                     2.382        178
Rivaldo                        1.394         71
Riverman                       1.947        189
Sabo                           0.655         84
seities                        1.838         37
SenorKeeed                     0.561         41
SensiblePerson                 2.056         18
simplicitus                    2.105         86
SirOsis                        1.545         11
skydiver8                      1.609        233
Smacc_25                       1.073        137
smrk4                          2.581         62
spidercrab                     2.364         22
StimAbuser                     1.969         65
superuberbob                   1.050        120
Supwithbates                   0.897         29
suzzer99                       0.960        273
SwankyWilder                   2.193         57
tabbaker                       0.494         79
TheDuker                       3.474         19
Thin_Slicing                   1.455         33
Tilted                         1.960         25
Trolly                         1.525        120
TrueNorth32                    1.529         17
Vict0ar                        0.690         29
ViridianDreams                 1.290         31
WAR                            1.300         10
wheatrich                      0.340        103
WichitaDM                      1.481        216
wirelessgrinder                1.252        135
Yuv                            1.676         74
zarapochka                     0.792         48
zikzak                         2.018         57

Interesting results this week! Cuserounder taking total likes even when he was in a pretty prolonged tussle in the moderation thread. Rexx doing work with only 12 posts!


Little late today, was golfing this morning.

Username            Likes Received
Riverman               603
WichitaDM              323
JohnnyTruant           306
skydiver8              297
cuserounder            287
RiskyFlush             260
suzzer99               237
MrWookie               216
Trolly                 197
Goebs80                190
mosdef                 178
beetlejuice            167
meb                    159
StimAbuser             147
Yuv                    145
Smacc_25               140
microbet               138
MichaelDavis           136
dlk9s                  134
Coasterbrad            127
clovis8                123
smrk4                  122
Danspartan             117
wirelessgrinder        116
MysteryConman          113
jmakin                 110
jman220                109
Fatboy8                106
Devil                  104
ggoreo                 104
kre8tive               102
ChrisV                 100
pvn                     99
eyebooger               96
Chuckleslovakian        93
Nicholasp27             92
Lawnmower_Man           92
zikzak                  87
FuncrusherPlus          87
spidercrab              86
prana                   84
ripdog                  84
CanadaMatt3004          82
hokie                   81
goofyballer             80
econophile              80
jalfrezi                79
simplicitus             76
ViridianDreams          75
tabbaker                70
TheDuker                69
PocketChads             69
anon92450360            64
Thin_Slicing            63
champ                   62
MasterofthePwn          61
Rivaldo                 61
cassette                56
joltinjake              56
Mr_Unstoppable          55
DrChesspain             54
SweetSummerChild        54
jwax13                  52
Bigoldnit               51
StrontiumDog            50
catfacemeowmers         49
LouisCyphre             48
MattyLice               48
m_reed05                47
NotBruceZ               47
iron81                  44
nonfiction              43
Rexx                    43
geewhysee               42
boredsocial             40
Sabo                    40
superuberbob            39
6ix                     35
Kep                     35
zaah1                   34
LFS                     33
Jbro                    32
Huehuecoyotl            32
Crunchyblack            31
SenorKeeed              31
mjiggy                  30
AOC                     29
amead                   29
wheatrich               29
Tilted                  28
Pauwl                   28
TheNewT50               28
Chippa58                28
AllTheCheese            28
GermanGuy               28
pyatnitski              28
All-InFlynn             27
TrueNorth32             27
Marksman                26
R.C                     26
marty                   25
Nononocantsleep         25
Vict0ar                 25
d2_e4                   25
00cooler00              23
fidgetUK                23
TheHip41                23
bobman0330              23
otatop                  22
Preet_Bharara           22
miliboo                 21
seities                 20
realDonaldTrump         20
Watevs                  17
DrJenniferMelfi         17
Melkerson               17
zarapochka              17
Hired_Goons             16
CaffeineNeeded          15
King_of_NY              14
Soulman                 14
poopypants              14
JordanIB                14
WAR                     13
Ikioi                   13
NhlNut                  12
Canada                  12
ParlaySlow              12
grue                    10
hey_you                 10
atrupar                 10
SensiblePerson           9
tomrh3                   9
Fossilkid93              9
runout                   9
chupacabre               9
Surf                     8
mukdukaluk               7
von_Internet             7
SwankyWilder             7
Nozetradamus             7
jerry                    7
Theorangone              7
d10                      6
synapse                  6
MonsterJMcGee            6
Supwithbates             5
Habsfan09                5
dogsballs                5
nobody                   5
SvenO                    4
DUCY                     4
Will1530                 4
Deuce                    4
MimosaDef                4
craptor                  4
Tych                     4
BestOf                   4
SirOsis                  4
Spinetta                 4
wiper                    4
kerowo                   4
Sogge                    4
thebeercow               3
UNCLECLIMAX              3
feedthabeast             3
ddale8                   3
Sean                     3
RegretS                  3
SPIFF                    3
bigt2k4                  2
BillHaywood              2
gman42                   2
Needle                   2
churchill                2
suzzers_ghost            2
outdrawed                2
imjosh                   2
KSR                      2
dbvm                     2
ChipsAhoy                2
MaxCut                   2
Cactus                   1
Slighted                 1
EmpireMan                1
Dutch101                 1
Formula72                1
nunnehi                  1
Krayz                    1
oneeyedtripping          1
Joog                     1
Aofrantic                1
Rugby                    1
SJCX                     1
PapaSmurf                1
DodgerIrish              1
MikeLikesOrgies          1
PlzBeALevel              1
GuyIncognito             1
David_Sklansky           1
Username                   Likes/Post      Posts
spidercrab                     5.733         15
TheDuker                       4.312         16
Rexx                           4.300         10
nonfiction                     3.909         11
hokie                          3.682         22
kre8tive                       3.643         28
m_reed05                       3.615         13
geewhysee                      3.500         12
MysteryConman                  3.424         33
pvn                            3.300         30
LFS                            3.300         10
Fatboy8                        3.118         34
skydiver8                      2.750        108
smrk4                          2.711         45
JohnnyTruant                   2.661        115
jwax13                         2.600         20
econophile                     2.581         31
Bigoldnit                      2.550         20
Pauwl                          2.545         11
AllTheCheese                   2.545         11
Thin_Slicing                   2.423         26
MrWookie                       2.374         91
Riverman                       2.365        255
fidgetUK                       2.300         10
WichitaDM                      2.259        143
All-InFlynn                    2.250         12
champ                          2.214         28
bobman0330                     2.091         11
beetlejuice                    2.087         80
MattyLice                      2.087         23
6ix                            2.059         17
ChrisV                         2.041         49
Devil                          2.039         51
meb                            2.013         79
StrontiumDog                   2.000         25
TheNewT50                      2.000         14
otatop                         2.000         11
dlk9s                          1.942         69
Yuv                            1.933         75
ViridianDreams                 1.923         39
ripdog                         1.909         44
Coasterbrad                    1.868         68
Danspartan                     1.857         63
Mr_Unstoppable                 1.833         30
PocketChads                    1.816         38
zikzak                         1.812         48
amead                          1.812         16
cassette                       1.806         31
DrChesspain                    1.800         30
mosdef                         1.798         99
Goebs80                        1.792        106
MichaelDavis                   1.766         77
Chuckleslovakian               1.755         53
catfacemeowmers                1.750         28
jman220                        1.677         65
TheHip41                       1.643         14
Nicholasp27                    1.614         57
Lawnmower_Man                  1.614         57
eyebooger                      1.574         61
microbet                       1.568         88
RiskyFlush                     1.538        169
goofyballer                    1.509         53
Smacc_25                       1.489         94
Chippa58                       1.474         19
iron81                         1.467         30
LouisCyphre                    1.455         33
pyatnitski                     1.400         20
CanadaMatt3004                 1.390         59
Trolly                         1.378        143
StimAbuser                     1.349        109
Huehuecoyotl                   1.333         24
MasterofthePwn                 1.326         46
simplicitus                    1.310         58
TrueNorth32                    1.286         21
cuserounder                    1.264        227
jalfrezi                       1.254         63
boredsocial                    1.250         32
jmakin                         1.236         89
Tilted                         1.217         23
d2_e4                          1.190         21
AOC                            1.160         25
clovis8                        1.139        108
wirelessgrinder                1.105        105
Jbro                           1.103         29
marty                          1.087         23
suzzer99                       1.077        220
prana                          1.077         78
Crunchyblack                   1.000         31
grue                           1.000         10
tabbaker                       0.986         71
R.C                            0.963         27
ggoreo                         0.920        113
mjiggy                         0.909         33
anon92450360                   0.889         72
Rivaldo                        0.884         69
CaffeineNeeded                 0.882         17
JordanIB                       0.875         16
Ikioi                          0.867         15
Marksman                       0.788         33
hey_you                        0.769         13
Canada                         0.750         16
ParlaySlow                     0.750         16
SenorKeeed                     0.738         42
NotBruceZ                      0.723         65
DrJenniferMelfi                0.630         27
00cooler00                     0.605         38
FuncrusherPlus                 0.604        144
Vict0ar                        0.568         44
zarapochka                     0.567         30
Surf                           0.533         15
WAR                            0.500         26
superuberbob                   0.487         80
Sabo                           0.471         85
NhlNut                         0.387         31
wheatrich                      0.387         75
Melkerson                      0.309         55
dbvm                           0.182         11
realDonaldTrump                0.156        128
churchill                      0.118         17
Cactus                         0.091         11
atrupar                        0.024        413
ddale8                         0.013        237


Username                   Likes/Post      Posts
00cooler00                     0.605         38
6ix                            2.059         17
All-InFlynn                    2.250         12
AllTheCheese                   2.545         11
amead                          1.812         16
anon92450360                   0.889         72
AOC                            1.160         25
atrupar                        0.024        413
beetlejuice                    2.087         80
Bigoldnit                      2.550         20
bobman0330                     2.091         11
boredsocial                    1.250         32
Cactus                         0.091         11
CaffeineNeeded                 0.882         17
Canada                         0.750         16
CanadaMatt3004                 1.390         59
cassette                       1.806         31
catfacemeowmers                1.750         28
champ                          2.214         28
Chippa58                       1.474         19
ChrisV                         2.041         49
Chuckleslovakian               1.755         53
churchill                      0.118         17
clovis8                        1.139        108
Coasterbrad                    1.868         68
Crunchyblack                   1.000         31
cuserounder                    1.264        227
d2_e4                          1.190         21
Danspartan                     1.857         63
dbvm                           0.182         11
ddale8                         0.013        237
Devil                          2.039         51
dlk9s                          1.942         69
DrChesspain                    1.800         30
DrJenniferMelfi                0.630         27
econophile                     2.581         31
eyebooger                      1.574         61
Fatboy8                        3.118         34
fidgetUK                       2.300         10
FuncrusherPlus                 0.604        144
geewhysee                      3.500         12
ggoreo                         0.920        113
Goebs80                        1.792        106
goofyballer                    1.509         53
grue                           1.000         10
hey_you                        0.769         13
hokie                          3.682         22
Huehuecoyotl                   1.333         24
Ikioi                          0.867         15
iron81                         1.467         30
jalfrezi                       1.254         63
Jbro                           1.103         29
jmakin                         1.236         89
jman220                        1.677         65
JohnnyTruant                   2.661        115
JordanIB                       0.875         16
jwax13                         2.600         20
kre8tive                       3.643         28
Lawnmower_Man                  1.614         57
LFS                            3.300         10
LouisCyphre                    1.455         33
m_reed05                       3.615         13
Marksman                       0.788         33
marty                          1.087         23
MasterofthePwn                 1.326         46
MattyLice                      2.087         23
meb                            2.013         79
Melkerson                      0.309         55
MichaelDavis                   1.766         77
microbet                       1.568         88
mjiggy                         0.909         33
mosdef                         1.798         99
Mr_Unstoppable                 1.833         30
MrWookie                       2.374         91
MysteryConman                  3.424         33
NhlNut                         0.387         31
Nicholasp27                    1.614         57
nonfiction                     3.909         11
NotBruceZ                      0.723         65
otatop                         2.000         11
ParlaySlow                     0.750         16
Pauwl                          2.545         11
PocketChads                    1.816         38
prana                          1.077         78
pvn                            3.300         30
pyatnitski                     1.400         20
R.C                            0.963         27
realDonaldTrump                0.156        128
Rexx                           4.300         10
ripdog                         1.909         44
RiskyFlush                     1.538        169
Rivaldo                        0.884         69
Riverman                       2.365        255
Sabo                           0.471         85
SenorKeeed                     0.738         42
simplicitus                    1.310         58
skydiver8                      2.750        108
Smacc_25                       1.489         94
smrk4                          2.711         45
spidercrab                     5.733         15
StimAbuser                     1.349        109
StrontiumDog                   2.000         25
superuberbob                   0.487         80
Surf                           0.533         15
suzzer99                       1.077        220
tabbaker                       0.986         71
TheDuker                       4.312         16
TheHip41                       1.643         14
TheNewT50                      2.000         14
Thin_Slicing                   2.423         26
Tilted                         1.217         23
Trolly                         1.378        143
TrueNorth32                    1.286         21
Vict0ar                        0.568         44
ViridianDreams                 1.923         39
WAR                            0.500         26
wheatrich                      0.387         75
WichitaDM                      2.259        143
wirelessgrinder                1.105        105
Yuv                            1.933         75
zarapochka                     0.567         30
zikzak                         1.812         48
1 Like

Can you tell us which posters are better than others?

1 Like

By my rough count 122 people posted in the last week. Not bad.


We are all equal (except micro. He is lower :crazy_face:).

I almost fell below the fold there. Everyone please heart this post so I can back up closer to the top next week. Thanks.


Just go delete all the posts that are dragging your average down before the next dump. Or venmo some cash to jmakin. That second one is more likely to work.

My plan is to not give a flying fuck if anybody likes my posts.


I once owned 1.6 small apartment buildings in that neighborhood.

If no one cares about these, I’ll stop :slight_smile:

Username           Total Likes
cuserounder           1275
Riverman              1105
simplicitus            919
suzzer99               756
WichitaDM              552
beetlejuice            482
skydiver8              475
RiskyFlush             467
PocketChads            458
Trolly                 436
jman220                430
kre8tive               417
dlk9s                  375
MrWookie               347
Coasterbrad            345
mosdef                 339
Fatboy8                327
Goebs80                322
Jbro                   316
hokie                  315
econophile             300
JordanIB               298
Yuv                    292
clovis8                287
Lawnmower_Man          284
wirelessgrinder        258
goofyballer            242
JohnnyTruant           237
Smacc_25               232
microbet               230
MattyLice              227
champ                  222
tabbaker               220
NotBruceZ              216
Devil                  216
jalfrezi               212
nonfiction             204
Danspartan             202
smrk4                  194
ChrisV                 184
prana                  182
eyebooger              179
Chuckleslovakian       176
LouisCyphre            173
imjosh                 170
zikzak                 160
FuncrusherPlus         158
Tilted                 152
jmakin                 151
IrishRunner            143
ggoreo                 141
Kep                    140
oneeyedtripping        133
pvn                    133
Mr_Unstoppable         131
CanadaMatt3004         131
Chippa58               127
meb                    126
StimAbuser             121
DrJenniferMelfi        121
superuberbob           115
wheatrich              114
StrontiumDog           112
TheDuker               104
boredsocial            101
realDonaldTrump        100
otatop                  98
iron81                  97
poopypants              90
pyatnitski              90
MichaelDavis            88
6ix                     84
MysteryConman           83
Huehuecoyotl            83
catfacemeowmers         82
Bigoldnit               81
MimosaDef               78
TrueNorth32             78
d2_e4                   77
HamishMcBagpipe         75
Crunchyblack            73
Melkerson               70
CaffeineNeeded          68
Sabo                    67
geewhysee               66
Canada                  63
churchill               61
Rexx                    61
DrChesspain             60
Nononocantsleep         60
mukdukaluk              59
All-InFlynn             57
cassette                56
Ikioi                   56
ripdog                  51
TheHip41                50
Preet_Bharara           49
MasterofthePwn          49
AllTheCheese            49
TheNewT50               48
hey_you                 48
jwax13                  47
Rugby                   46
klingbard               46
Deuce                   45
AOC                     44
Thin_Slicing            42
ViridianDreams          42
m_reed05                40
Pauwl                   40
Koss                    40
Soulman                 40
Boardgamer              38
grue                    37
tomrh3                  36
Marksman                36
MikeLikesOrgies         35
SenorKeeed              34
Sogge                   34
zarapochka              34
nobody                  34
Watevs                  34
GermanGuy               32
spidercrab              32
Rivaldo                 32
bobman0330              31
Vict0ar                 30
Superleeds              30
Surf                    28
amead                   26
marty                   25
mjiggy                  24
Nicholasp27             24
R.C                     24
My_Pony                 23
Krayz                   21
DodgerIrish             21
m_hood115               21
Supwithbates            21
Aofrantic               20
Galerider               20
joltinjake              19
chupacabre              19
Hired_Goons             19
MCG                     19
Habsfan09               19
TimBuktuuf              19
dbvm                    18
Tych                    18
NhlNut                  17
Nozetradamus            17
RegretS                 16
DancingPallbearers      16
JimHammer               16
Sean                    16
00cooler00              15
kerowo                  15
atrupar                 15
fidgetUK                14
thebeercow              14
WAR                     13
feedthabeast            13
Cactus                  13
wiper                   13
L.Washington            13
King_of_NY              13
PapaSmurf               12
corvette24              10
eeAWW                   10
runout                  10
d10                     10
SensiblePerson          10
Bobnewton               10
ElSapo                   9
Spinetta                 8
miliboo                  7
SweetSummerChild         7
DUCY                     6
crash_face               6
BillHaywood              6
Formula72                5
Narrator                 5
PaulMcSwizzle            5
rockfsh                  5
David_Sklansky           5
alex                     5
MonsterJMcGee            5
Theorangone              5
darksideofthewall        4
Twist                    4
ParlaySlow               4
SirOsis                  4
freddbird                4
seities                  4
MaxCut                   4
olink                    4
Jake7777                 3
bigt2k4                  3
nunnehi                  3
BadPokerAnalogy          3
KSR                      3
ddale8                   3
Fossilkid93              3
MaryCra07627359          3
emmpee                   3
Mendoza                  3
JonnyA                   2
Will1530                 2
outdrawed                2
oscark                   2
TempletonFearrariIII     2
UNCLECLIMAX              2
la2sb91                  2
Dutch101                 1
jerry                    1
gman42                   1
dreamcrusher28           1
SwankyWilder             1
ing                      1
synapse                  1
anon92450360             1
TJ_Eckleburg12           1
SJCX                     1
EpicWestern              1
SvenO                    1
sriracha                 1

Username                     Likes/Post   Posts
IrishRunner                    9.533         15
poopypants                     6.429         14
HamishMcBagpipe                6.250         12
kre8tive                       5.957         70
hokie                          5.727         55
Rexx                           5.545         11
nonfiction                     5.100         40
Mr_Unstoppable                 5.038         26
Nononocantsleep                5.000         12
jwax13                         4.700         10
TheDuker                       4.522         23
otatop                         4.261         23
Fatboy8                        4.139         79
goofyballer                    3.841         63
Rugby                          3.538         13
Tilted                         3.535         43
AllTheCheese                   3.500         14
d2_e4                          3.348         23
JohnnyTruant                   3.247         73
Bigoldnit                      3.240         25
smrk4                          3.233         60
Riverman                       3.203        345
spidercrab                     3.200         10
econophile                     3.125         96
MimosaDef                      3.120         25
TrueNorth32                    3.120         25
Coasterbrad                    3.108        111
mukdukaluk                     3.105         19
simplicitus                    3.105        296
dlk9s                          3.074        122
beetlejuice                    2.994        161
MrWookie                       2.966        117
champ                          2.921         76
ChrisV                         2.921         63
Kep                            2.857         49
catfacemeowmers                2.828         29
pyatnitski                     2.812         32
Deuce                          2.812         16
skydiver8                      2.811        169
pvn                            2.771         48
StrontiumDog                   2.667         42
GermanGuy                      2.667         12
Sogge                          2.615         13
Crunchyblack                   2.607         28
eyebooger                      2.594         69
PocketChads                    2.588        177
oneeyedtripping                2.558         52
cuserounder                    2.515        507
WichitaDM                      2.509        220
Soulman                        2.500         16
Jbro                           2.488        127
All-InFlynn                    2.478         23
Trolly                         2.422        180
klingbard                      2.421         19
boredsocial                    2.295         44
RiskyFlush                     2.267        206
imjosh                         2.237         76
microbet                       2.212        104
geewhysee                      2.200         30
MattyLice                      2.162        105
suzzer99                       2.160        350
mosdef                         2.132        159
Devil                          2.019        107
Chuckleslovakian               2.000         88
zikzak                         2.000         80
Watevs                         2.000         17
JordanIB                       1.961        152
grue                           1.947         19
marty                          1.923         13
TheNewT50                      1.920         25
m_hood115                      1.909         11
Habsfan09                      1.900         10
jman220                        1.861        231
TheHip41                       1.852         27
hey_you                        1.846         26
StimAbuser                     1.833         66
Yuv                            1.814        161
Smacc_25                       1.771        131
LouisCyphre                    1.765         98
churchill                      1.743         35
m_reed05                       1.739         23
Pauwl                          1.739         23
Lawnmower_Man                  1.680        169
jmakin                         1.659         91
tabbaker                       1.642        134
amead                          1.625         16
Krayz                          1.615         13
Supwithbates                   1.615         13
MichaelDavis                   1.600         55
CaffeineNeeded                 1.545         44
Ikioi                          1.514         37
Goebs80                        1.505        214
Marksman                       1.500         24
MasterofthePwn                 1.485         33
jalfrezi                       1.483        143
Danspartan                     1.474        137
6ix                            1.474         57
iron81                         1.470         66
Chippa58                       1.460         87
wirelessgrinder                1.441        179
Huehuecoyotl                   1.431         58
DrChesspain                    1.429         42
MysteryConman                  1.407         59
prana                          1.319        138
bobman0330                     1.292         24
ViridianDreams                 1.273         33
clovis8                        1.264        227
Canada                         1.260         50
meb                            1.223        103
Surf                           1.217         23
SenorKeeed                     1.214         28
mjiggy                         1.200         20
Tych                           1.200         15
AOC                            1.189         37
NotBruceZ                      1.168        185
00cooler00                     1.071         14
ripdog                         1.062         48
Hired_Goons                    1.056         18
cassette                       1.037         54
MikeLikesOrgies                1.029         34
dbvm                           1.000         18
corvette24                     1.000         10
Superleeds                     0.968         31
nobody                         0.944         36
CanadaMatt3004                 0.942        139
RegretS                        0.941         17
Sean                           0.941         17
Melkerson                      0.897         78
ggoreo                         0.860        164
zarapochka                     0.850         40
superuberbob                   0.839        137
DrJenniferMelfi                0.834        145
wheatrich                      0.820        139
L.Washington                   0.812         16
Nicholasp27                    0.774         31
realDonaldTrump                0.769        130
Vict0ar                        0.750         40
R.C                            0.750         32
FuncrusherPlus                 0.718        220
Aofrantic                      0.714         28
Sabo                           0.684         98
Thin_Slicing                   0.667         63
Cactus                         0.565         23
Rivaldo                        0.533         60
NhlNut                         0.500         34
PaulMcSwizzle                  0.500         10
WAR                            0.325         40
atrupar                        0.042        359
ddale8                         0.020        152


Username                     Likes/Post   Posts
00cooler00                     1.071         14
6ix                            1.474         57
All-InFlynn                    2.478         23
AllTheCheese                   3.500         14
amead                          1.625         16
AOC                            1.189         37
Aofrantic                      0.714         28
atrupar                        0.042        359
beetlejuice                    2.994        161
Bigoldnit                      3.240         25
bobman0330                     1.292         24
boredsocial                    2.295         44
Cactus                         0.565         23
CaffeineNeeded                 1.545         44
Canada                         1.260         50
CanadaMatt3004                 0.942        139
cassette                       1.037         54
catfacemeowmers                2.828         29
champ                          2.921         76
Chippa58                       1.460         87
ChrisV                         2.921         63
Chuckleslovakian               2.000         88
churchill                      1.743         35
clovis8                        1.264        227
Coasterbrad                    3.108        111
corvette24                     1.000         10
Crunchyblack                   2.607         28
cuserounder                    2.515        507
d2_e4                          3.348         23
Danspartan                     1.474        137
dbvm                           1.000         18
ddale8                         0.020        152
Deuce                          2.812         16
Devil                          2.019        107
dlk9s                          3.074        122
DrChesspain                    1.429         42
DrJenniferMelfi                0.834        145
econophile                     3.125         96
eyebooger                      2.594         69
Fatboy8                        4.139         79
FuncrusherPlus                 0.718        220
geewhysee                      2.200         30
GermanGuy                      2.667         12
ggoreo                         0.860        164
Goebs80                        1.505        214
goofyballer                    3.841         63
grue                           1.947         19
Habsfan09                      1.900         10
HamishMcBagpipe                6.250         12
hey_you                        1.846         26
Hired_Goons                    1.056         18
hokie                          5.727         55
Huehuecoyotl                   1.431         58
Ikioi                          1.514         37
imjosh                         2.237         76
IrishRunner                    9.533         15
iron81                         1.470         66
jalfrezi                       1.483        143
Jbro                           2.488        127
jmakin                         1.659         91
jman220                        1.861        231
JohnnyTruant                   3.247         73
JordanIB                       1.961        152
jwax13                         4.700         10
Kep                            2.857         49
klingbard                      2.421         19
Krayz                          1.615         13
kre8tive                       5.957         70
L.Washington                   0.812         16
Lawnmower_Man                  1.680        169
LouisCyphre                    1.765         98
m_hood115                      1.909         11
m_reed05                       1.739         23
Marksman                       1.500         24
marty                          1.923         13
MasterofthePwn                 1.485         33
MattyLice                      2.162        105
meb                            1.223        103
Melkerson                      0.897         78
MichaelDavis                   1.600         55
microbet                       2.212        104
MikeLikesOrgies                1.029         34
MimosaDef                      3.120         25
mjiggy                         1.200         20
mosdef                         2.132        159
Mr_Unstoppable                 5.038         26
MrWookie                       2.966        117
mukdukaluk                     3.105         19
MysteryConman                  1.407         59
NhlNut                         0.500         34
Nicholasp27                    0.774         31
nobody                         0.944         36
nonfiction                     5.100         40
Nononocantsleep                5.000         12
NotBruceZ                      1.168        185
oneeyedtripping                2.558         52
otatop                         4.261         23
PaulMcSwizzle                  0.500         10
Pauwl                          1.739         23
PocketChads                    2.588        177
poopypants                     6.429         14
prana                          1.319        138
pvn                            2.771         48
pyatnitski                     2.812         32
R.C                            0.750         32
realDonaldTrump                0.769        130
RegretS                        0.941         17
Rexx                           5.545         11
ripdog                         1.062         48
RiskyFlush                     2.267        206
Rivaldo                        0.533         60
Riverman                       3.203        345
Rugby                          3.538         13
Sabo                           0.684         98
Sean                           0.941         17
SenorKeeed                     1.214         28
simplicitus                    3.105        296
skydiver8                      2.811        169
Smacc_25                       1.771        131
smrk4                          3.233         60
Sogge                          2.615         13
Soulman                        2.500         16
spidercrab                     3.200         10
StimAbuser                     1.833         66
StrontiumDog                   2.667         42
Superleeds                     0.968         31
superuberbob                   0.839        137
Supwithbates                   1.615         13
Surf                           1.217         23
suzzer99                       2.160        350
tabbaker                       1.642        134
TheDuker                       4.522         23
TheHip41                       1.852         27
TheNewT50                      1.920         25
Thin_Slicing                   0.667         63
Tilted                         3.535         43
Trolly                         2.422        180
TrueNorth32                    3.120         25
Tych                           1.200         15
Vict0ar                        0.750         40
ViridianDreams                 1.273         33
WAR                            0.325         40
Watevs                         2.000         17
wheatrich                      0.820        139
WichitaDM                      2.509        220
wirelessgrinder                1.441        179
Yuv                            1.814        161
zarapochka                     0.850         40
zikzak                         2.000         80

Man I’m nearly WOAT on UP.

I mean lapka has more likes per post and she spent an entire thread railing on the forum and calling us drama queens.


man i’ve literally posted every minute and i’m still 1000 posts from cuse. how does he do it.

1 Like

I love how small this forum is, and that it basically self-selects for non-idiots. This is just the right amount of content I can reasonably keep up with in real time.

Thanks to everyone posting stuff as it happens, this place is such a wonderful aggregation tool with a bunch of smart commentary and humor.




My reputation for brevity helps.


Yeah, Trump dying seems to be very positive for my standing in the community. I’m moving on up…

1 Like

Mine went up this week and I have nfi why because i felt I was posting horribly.

1 Like