Fun Poster Data

Sweet I am a part of the 88 club like Drew Pearson, Michael Irvin, Dez Bryant and Ceedee Lamb.


I like that our community is so small. It makes a little bit of attention feel like a lot. If I make a post that gets 25 likes, I tell my spouse honey!!! That joke about Progresso soup went viral!


Cluster Yellow


Even with Anachronistic gumming up the works that’s quite the all-star lineup.

Team Yellow4Lyfe
That is an interesting group of people and I’m curious what attribute of my posting has led to me being included in it.

I haven’t been following the forums as much lately but am glad to see this thread pick back up. I’d be glad to mess around with the charts again, though it seems like the data is now in the hands of more technically capable analysts :slight_smile:


You should change cyan to whatever color a walrus is


I was wondering what their unifying them was.

Here are the weekly like stats, from last saturday until roughly 8:35am Pacific Time today. I think it’s much more fun to look at the data week to week, and unless people start getting ragey about it, I’ll post +/- differences from the week before as well.

The post threshold this time was 10 posts, which I think is reasonable.

Like Totals:

Riverman               644
skydiver8              491
cuserounder            459
RiskyFlush             403
JohnnyTruant           271
beetlejuice            263
MrWookie               253
Trolly                 240
Coasterbrad            236
WichitaDM              219
microbet               216
jmakin                 207
ggoreo                 206
dlk9s                  206
CanadaMatt3004         201
Yuv                    193
jalfrezi               189
Smacc_25               189
seities                187
suzzer99               178
simplicitus            173
Nicholasp27            161
Danspartan             161
smrk4                  161
clovis8                159
pyatnitski             159
mosdef                 156
eyebooger              154
Namath                 153
zikzak                 148
marty                  145
Devil                  145
superuberbob           140
Fatboy8                135
cassette               129
MattyLice              126
ripdog                 125
Nononocantsleep        123
Crunchyblack           118
pvn                    118
mjiggy                 116
Rivaldo                115
MysteryConman          114
wirelessgrinder        114
poopypants             111
LouisCyphre            110
Mr_Unstoppable         108
grue                    97
6ix                     97
Sabo                    97
Marksman                96
TrueNorth32             96
ViridianDreams          87
MichaelDavis            85
StimAbuser              83
champ                   83
NotBruceZ               82
Chuckleslovakian        80
TheDuker                79
zarapochka              70
SwankyWilder            68
LFS                     67
DrChesspain             66
kre8tive                65
Pauwl                   64
catfacemeowmers         63
Rexx                    63
IrishRunner             62
Ikioi                   60
All-InFlynn             58
Tilted                  58
econophile              58
geewhysee               55
StrontiumDog            52
Vict0ar                 51
jman220                 51
chupacabre              50
Hired_Goons             49
Bigoldnit               48
tabbaker                48
Watevs                  47
Goebs80                 47
otatop                  44
Tych                    43
jwax13                  43
nunnehi                 42
m_reed05                39
Jbro                    35
realDonaldTrump         35
Melkerson               34
meb                     34
von_Internet            33
ChrisV                  33
Preet_Bharara           32
boredsocial             32
wheatrich               31
JordanIB                30
jerry                   30
Thin_Slicing            30
fidgetUK                28
Supwithbates            28
iron81                  28
dbvm                    28
spidercrab              27
prana                   24
runout                  24
hey_you                 24
goofyballer             22
Kep                     22
JackBando               22
CaffeineNeeded          21
King_of_NY              21
Fossilkid93             20
FuncrusherPlus          19
Sogge                   19
Will1530                19
ElSapo                  18
Lawnmower_Man           18
tomrh3                  18
Aofrantic               18
DUCY                    18
Chippa58                16
WAR                     15
Koss                    15
alex                    14
MimosaDef               14
Deuce                   12
Rugby                   12
Beluga                  12
amead                   10
TheHip41                10
brons1                  10
d2_e4                   10
hokie                   10
nobody                  10
Huehuecoyotl             9
d10                      9
R.C                      9
SensiblePerson           9
Catastrophe              9
MasterofthePwn           9
oneeyedtripping          9
Needle                   9
GermanGuy                8
Theorangone              8
joltinjake               7
atrupar                  7
EmpireMan                7
NhlNut                   6
eeAWW                    6
miliboo                  6
Spinetta                 6
Nozetradamus             6
Surf                     6
SirOsis                  5
sriracha                 5
Cactus                   4
00cooler00               4
ddale8                   4
bobman0330               4
TheNewT50                4
PocketChads              4
Habsfan09                4
ChipsAhoy                4
AOC                      3
LodenPants               3
Krayz                    3
goofball                 3
Inso0                    3
outdrawed                3
DrModern                 3
AllTheCheese             3
Formula72                2
PapaSmurf                2
SPIFF                    2
L.Washington             2
Soulman                  2
TempletonFearrariIII     2
dogsballs                2
olink                    2
CS04                     1
bigt2k4                  1
corvette24               1
Dutch101                 1
KingTaxLV                1
churchill                1
Twadds                   1
nonfiction               1
rockfsh                  1
DudeImBetter             1
Bro                      1
KSR                      1
Superleeds               1
Cornboy                  1
Uethym                   1

Likes per post:

Username                     Likes/Post    Posts
poopypants                     10.091         11
Fatboy8                        4.655         29
Coasterbrad                    4.538         52
ripdog                         4.464         28
TheDuker                       4.389         18
All-InFlynn                    4.143         14
StrontiumDog                   4.000         13
Nononocantsleep                3.968         31
kre8tive                       3.611         18
chupacabre                     3.571         14
Rexx                           3.500         18
MrWookie                       3.466         73
champ                          3.458         24
JohnnyTruant                   3.430         79
SwankyWilder                   3.400         20
Riverman                       3.372        191
Crunchyblack                   3.278         36
Mr_Unstoppable                 3.273         33
beetlejuice                    3.169         83
Hired_Goons                    3.062         16
Namath                         2.942         52
skydiver8                      2.923        168
pyatnitski                     2.839         56
dbvm                           2.800         10
geewhysee                      2.750         20
TrueNorth32                    2.743         35
smrk4                          2.729         59
ViridianDreams                 2.719         32
grue                           2.694         36
Tych                           2.688         16
meb                            2.615         13
MysteryConman                  2.591         44
otatop                         2.588         17
Supwithbates                   2.545         11
econophile                     2.522         23
WichitaDM                      2.461         89
StimAbuser                     2.441         34
LFS                            2.393         28
fidgetUK                       2.333         12
Tilted                         2.320         25
6ix                            2.310         42
seities                        2.309         81
MattyLice                      2.291         55
DrChesspain                    2.276         29
Devil                          2.266         64
catfacemeowmers                2.250         28
zikzak                         2.242         66
Bigoldnit                      2.182         22
dlk9s                          2.168         95
m_reed05                       2.167         18
MichaelDavis                   2.125         40
eyebooger                      2.081         74
Trolly                         2.051        117
jwax13                         2.048         21
RiskyFlush                     2.025        199
LouisCyphre                    2.000         55
hey_you                        2.000         12
Nicholasp27                    1.963         82
Rivaldo                        1.949         59
Pauwl                          1.939         33
Danspartan                     1.809         89
mosdef                         1.773         88
cassette                       1.767         73
jmakin                         1.739        119
simplicitus                    1.632        106
Yuv                            1.595        121
cuserounder                    1.583        290
ggoreo                         1.526        135
Goebs80                        1.516         31
marty                          1.510         96
Smacc_25                       1.488        127
mjiggy                         1.432         81
superuberbob                   1.429         98
Thin_Slicing                   1.429         21
Fossilkid93                    1.429         14
pvn                            1.405         84
Chuckleslovakian               1.356         59
CanadaMatt3004                 1.331        151
wheatrich                      1.292         24
boredsocial                    1.280         25
Vict0ar                        1.275         40
Marksman                       1.263         76
wirelessgrinder                1.253         91
NotBruceZ                      1.242         66
spidercrab                     1.227         22
jman220                        1.214         42
jerry                          1.200         25
Sabo                           1.155         84
Chippa58                       1.143         14
ChrisV                         1.138         29
microbet                       1.131        191
Rugby                          1.091         11
Watevs                         1.000         47
WAR                            0.938         16
iron81                         0.933         30
zarapochka                     0.921         76
FuncrusherPlus                 0.905         21
SensiblePerson                 0.900         10
suzzer99                       0.856        208
jalfrezi                       0.851        222
clovis8                        0.841        189
Lawnmower_Man                  0.818         22
CaffeineNeeded                 0.808         26
tabbaker                       0.762         63
goofyballer                    0.710         31
d2_e4                          0.667         15
DUCY                           0.643         28
Melkerson                      0.618         55
NhlNut                         0.600         10
brons1                         0.556         18
Aofrantic                      0.529         34
nobody                         0.526         19
prana                          0.511         47
Jbro                           0.461         76
nunnehi                        0.416        101
R.C                            0.391         23
Inso0                          0.273         11
bobman0330                     0.267         15
Krayz                          0.231         13
realDonaldTrump                0.182        192
Cactus                         0.148         27
nonfiction                     0.083         12
ddale8                         0.038        104
atrupar                        0.026        268

Alphabetical order (so you can look yours up):

Username                     Likes/Post    Posts
6ix                            2.310         42
All-InFlynn                    4.143         14
Aofrantic                      0.529         34
atrupar                        0.026        268
beetlejuice                    3.169         83
Bigoldnit                      2.182         22
bobman0330                     0.267         15
boredsocial                    1.280         25
brons1                         0.556         18
Cactus                         0.148         27
CaffeineNeeded                 0.808         26
CanadaMatt3004                 1.331        151
cassette                       1.767         73
catfacemeowmers                2.250         28
champ                          3.458         24
Chippa58                       1.143         14
ChrisV                         1.138         29
Chuckleslovakian               1.356         59
chupacabre                     3.571         14
clovis8                        0.841        189
Coasterbrad                    4.538         52
Crunchyblack                   3.278         36
cuserounder                    1.583        290
d2_e4                          0.667         15
Danspartan                     1.809         89
dbvm                           2.800         10
ddale8                         0.038        104
Devil                          2.266         64
dlk9s                          2.168         95
DrChesspain                    2.276         29
DUCY                           0.643         28
econophile                     2.522         23
eyebooger                      2.081         74
Fatboy8                        4.655         29
fidgetUK                       2.333         12
Fossilkid93                    1.429         14
FuncrusherPlus                 0.905         21
geewhysee                      2.750         20
ggoreo                         1.526        135
Goebs80                        1.516         31
goofyballer                    0.710         31
grue                           2.694         36
hey_you                        2.000         12
Hired_Goons                    3.062         16
Inso0                          0.273         11
iron81                         0.933         30
jalfrezi                       0.851        222
Jbro                           0.461         76
jerry                          1.200         25
jmakin                         1.739        119
jman220                        1.214         42
JohnnyTruant                   3.430         79
jwax13                         2.048         21
Krayz                          0.231         13
kre8tive                       3.611         18
Lawnmower_Man                  0.818         22
LFS                            2.393         28
LouisCyphre                    2.000         55
m_reed05                       2.167         18
Marksman                       1.263         76
marty                          1.510         96
MattyLice                      2.291         55
meb                            2.615         13
Melkerson                      0.618         55
MichaelDavis                   2.125         40
microbet                       1.131        191
mjiggy                         1.432         81
mosdef                         1.773         88
Mr_Unstoppable                 3.273         33
MrWookie                       3.466         73
MysteryConman                  2.591         44
Namath                         2.942         52
NhlNut                         0.600         10
Nicholasp27                    1.963         82
nobody                         0.526         19
nonfiction                     0.083         12
Nononocantsleep                3.968         31
NotBruceZ                      1.242         66
nunnehi                        0.416        101
otatop                         2.588         17
Pauwl                          1.939         33
poopypants                     10.091         11
prana                          0.511         47
pvn                            1.405         84
pyatnitski                     2.839         56
R.C                            0.391         23
realDonaldTrump                0.182        192
Rexx                           3.500         18
ripdog                         4.464         28
RiskyFlush                     2.025        199
Rivaldo                        1.949         59
Riverman                       3.372        191
Rugby                          1.091         11
Sabo                           1.155         84
seities                        2.309         81
SensiblePerson                 0.900         10
simplicitus                    1.632        106
skydiver8                      2.923        168
Smacc_25                       1.488        127
smrk4                          2.729         59
spidercrab                     1.227         22
StimAbuser                     2.441         34
StrontiumDog                   4.000         13
superuberbob                   1.429         98
Supwithbates                   2.545         11
suzzer99                       0.856        208
SwankyWilder                   3.400         20
tabbaker                       0.762         63
TheDuker                       4.389         18
Thin_Slicing                   1.429         21
Tilted                         2.320         25
Trolly                         2.051        117
TrueNorth32                    2.743         35
Tych                           2.688         16
Vict0ar                        1.275         40
ViridianDreams                 2.719         32
WAR                            0.938         16
Watevs                         1.000         47
wheatrich                      1.292         24
WichitaDM                      2.461         89
wirelessgrinder                1.253         91
Yuv                            1.595        121
zarapochka                     0.921         76
zikzak                         2.242         66

Lots of people doing much better than their total stats this week. I beat ggoreo by 1 like :slight_smile: . Ins0 only got 3 likes. Poopypants doesn’t post much but damn he pulls the likes.

Riverman doing work as always.

Also, how did realDonaldTrump get 30+ likes?

1 Like

It’s amazing how much some people post. It has to be a full time job to hit those numbers!

I don’t think your weekly number for Canada is correct. He only has 518 likes lifetime. Did he really get 507 of those in the last week?

Shit, you’re right, I’ll look into it.

1 Like

Jmakin is rigging the results! It’s a conspiracy! :grin:


I had some old files in the directory I was reading from. My bad. I’ll update it.

1 Like

Updated, this should be right. That’s what I get for doing this before my coffee kicks in :crazy_face:

1 Like

How come I have 159 posts on first table but 189 in second? More coffee? :grin:

1 Like

Those are likes, not posts in the first table. Shit, you scared me. But nah I’m 100% this is right, at least according to the data that discourse gives me.

I got all paranoid and was going through people’s posts to make sure this adds up LOL.


Oh maybe I need more coffee. :joy:

1 Like

I’ve started holding Riverman to a Riverman above replacement standard. This thread is costing him likes.


Made me lol irl. Well played sir.