Forechecker Banned for Creating 20 New Accounts, Sharing Logins With Others, Impersonating Existing Users, Creating Fake 'Unique Users'

Yet again making a mockery out of sexual harassment victims. Despicable

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The other thread is closed but I should be allowed to respond to this.

Jman has trolled here as much as anyone, Yuv has always posted in good faith.

You don’t like me because I’m not a tribalist - the most primitive, ignorant way of thinking in existence. And I’ve taken your side more often than not here!


I will edit it for you. but I know for a fact he contacted my work. I suspect others were involved but I wont speculate bc I am trying to do better. not gonna respond anymore.

And assuming he’s talking about sexual harassment is the charitable reading of his post…


Econo banned me for my openly mistrusting the intentions of…[checks notes]…Forechecker.

You and I disagree/fight over almost everything but that’s really bad and no one should have this number of insults thrown at them.

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There is plenty of immaturity to go around.

I have been online for 41 years. Most everyone here are in their 30s-50s. The only other time I encountered this level of childishness was when I was 11 years old dealing with 10-15 year olds. I don’t know who is responsible for what to whom. I just know this same shit keeps recycling over and over. I am not both sidseing it. I am no sidesing it,


Again I am not both sidesing anything.

For saying that both sides have acted immaturely! Even if you’re on one of the “sides” this should be inarguable.

One good thing about mindfullness/awareness is that it mostly just makes you feel bad for the person who is so tormented to write a post like that instead of being offended.


Directed at no one in particular:

Personality Disorders are a helluva drug!


Your considered professional opinion no doubt.

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I have no reason to believe this

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Can someone eli5 for me why making obvious gimmicks referencing old drama is wrong? I truly don’t understand this.

Nothing that happens here matters, at all

That isn’t my read of the situation at all, but obviously I can’t speak for anyone else.

Outside of malicious doxxing what exactly are we worried about here?

imo it’s mostly only an issue when it comes to people using them to troll, evade bans, and using gimmicks to dick with community votes. Otherwise silly gimmicks have been a thing since the 22 days.

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Disingenuous people asking trollish questions?

All of those problems go away when moderation goes away. The idea that a niche Internet forum consisting of 100 people in their 40s needs cops is absurd. The stakes couldn’t possibly be any lower here!

We tried that already, the place got overrun by Nazis.


That’s a legit interesting question that I don’t have a great answer to. I do think people naturally fall somewhere on the authoritarian continuum, so I would say conflict arising from that is my best guess at what’s causing the majority of the problems here.

Another stab would be that in the absence of Trump the liberals vs leftist divide has become more contentious, which is normal and expected and fine.

What’s happening here does bother me. This place was pretty great, it’s still ok and may be salvageable, I’m not sure.

@Trolly is lying about the place being overrun by nazis, that didn’t happen of course