Forechecker Banned for Creating 20 New Accounts, Sharing Logins With Others, Impersonating Existing Users, Creating Fake 'Unique Users'

No, he’s not, you’re just not understanding him.

Stakes have risen considerably imo.


He is probably referencing you saying us Euros would end up creating a racist misogynistic cesspit without your benevolent oversight


My first instinct would be to make sure people not mistakenly think I’ve compared them to Nazis when I didn’t mean to. Unless of course I did mean to.

Strange that your first instinct is different.


If it’s not abundantly clear, I’m referring to the people on Unchained who were literally posting white supremacist youtubes and other stuff that was so thoroughly obnoxious that even Skalnsky thought it should be shut down.

Here? Were inso and the like considered nazis or something by Ups standards or did we have actual nazis appear? I’ve met actual nazis. They’re some fucked up motherfuckers and I wouldn’t blend the line between them and the garden variety republicans.

It seemed like folks here got along better when you had conservatives to pile on and there was an increase in discussion. Then it went to banning them for some pretty incredible hypocritical shit and now everyone is turning their hatred onto their own because that’s all that is left.

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Actually things were much better here just a month or two ago when the 4-5 dedicated trolls took a break for a bit for whatever reason. The solution has always been to just eject the repeat troublemakers.

The calls for zero moderation are pretty obviously a ruse to remove what few guardrails there are left here. The people who have been engaging in personal attacks, abusive pms, impersonation of other users, etc. etc. for years aren’t going to magically stop once they’re given an unlimited free hand to do whatever they want. This is precisely why the No Mods forum has very strict rules on who is allowed to post.


2+2 forums with a large user base and internet presence vs Unstuck Politics, a forum no one outside about 100 people in the whole world has ever heard of and which has ~zero online presence.

It’s a ridiculous analogy.

Fear of the online Nazis coming is used as a means of maintaining the power base of mods who perpetually favour one group of posters. It’s Reds Under The Beds for UP.

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So you’d never make an invite only forum? I reckon just do it and don’t invite the 5 posters. Transfer the same mods across (with one or two exceptions I expect) and it’s easy. Ban invited posters who get out of line with the same stuff the 5 posters do.

Just because nmnm also uses invite only doesn’t make it some ideological imperative that the other forum doesn’t.

You don’t post there so have no idea what the “very strict rules” are, or even if they exist (clue: they don’t).

You’re just making things up and ironically it’s exactly the sort of thing that normal people object to.

I mean, we literally do. It’s invite only. Y’all specifically said that anyone can veto an invite previously. I’m still waiting on mine.

Keep waiting, your application is still being considered.

“Invitation only” doesn’t give any indication as to the rules.

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Sure, but I was invited months ago to post on NMNM and was also asked to leave by regs here who possibly think I may be a nazi.

I think it’s transparently bad faith for people to call for this place to be an anything goes forum when their own venue strictly excludes troublemakers. Why not let CN register for an account over there? We’re all just a few dozen 30-50-something grownups, we don’t need any rules, right?


we dont want the people who have made it their mission to drive us from UP.

like why would you guys even want to post with Keed, Jal, Church, Victor, Fidget, 6ix, Max, Forechecker, Sabo? you guys fucking hate us.

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We never stopped posting with any of you, and you never stopped posting with any of us. Why do you guys want to keep posting with us? You fucking hate us.

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keep reading the title as Creating Fake ‘Unique Losers’

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I think the issue (which is also a result of arguing on the internet for 15 years) is that it’s easy for people to find a way to hate others over simpler reasons than we otherwise would in a real world scenario - because that’s kind of the game being played, and posting is kind of a game in that sense. I do think that it does lead to bad outcomes and only drives peoples opinions of them more to become more negative and cause those indivuduals to act negatively as well.

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nmnm is an anything goes forum. There’s no double standard at all. We want to roll out best practice because we’ve proved it works better than the vengeful and biased mods practice.

This is a terrible false equivalency. You had nothing to do with their site. They were all founding members here.

For the record, I don’t post there and have never been invited.