Forechecker Banned for Creating 20 New Accounts, Sharing Logins With Others, Impersonating Existing Users, Creating Fake 'Unique Users'

I didn’t “plot” anything nor did I spend days doing so.

commonwealth PM’d me and spidercrab when he first found out about the PM being read by greg, both of us said it seemed kind of weird but most likely a mistake but commonwealth said he was going to look into it more and at some point disclose it to the forum. He put together his disclosure post and ran it by me to make sure he’d redacted everything correctly and I confirmed he had.

Man I’m bullshitting as hard as I can but who can keep track of all of this.


I do agree that i should be more hands-on mod. I apologize to the community for allowing CW to run free as unchecked mod. I will attempt to get econo and Jonny back as active mods if they chooses to do so and hopefully together we can stop the course CW has taken us on.


You should not be an active moderator while you’re simultaneously part of a forum that is actively engaged in plans to impersonate and doxx users of this forum. Resign.

This is not just trolling. He impersonated at least three different users, and then tried to pass off as a new unique user:

Then later another as Cuepee, which he later changed to LarryJerry or something like that.

No one is arguing he shouldnt be permabanned and i dont understand how you engaged in that conversation without checking his unmasked ip

Should Cassette also be permabanned? Should other users who were involved in this be permabanned? If a moderator knew about it should they be demodded?

Cw knew it was Forechecker from the start and wanted to see the lengths he would go to keep up the façade

It paid off when Forechecker offered another of his newly created accounts as a vouch.

Can everyone check the childishness? This is getting absurd.


No. Stop it with the both sides bullshit dude. If that’s all you have to say when you watch your friends getting fucked with every day you’re a bad person and should be ashamed of yourself. If you want to be a coward and pretend like you’re stupid pick a different day when I’m not wasting a Sunday addressing this.


I fail to see the genius plan here. Why was the 9th account important? Seems like you guys let the troll run loose on purpose. Not sure its as great as you think it is, but im not judging. He was rightfully banned eventualy

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Boredsocial wasn’t very nice about it, but the point is similar. Like, since I’ve become mod I’ve been threatened to be doxxed by numerous NMNM posters, and had others come out in defense of doxxing.

We’ve had someone create 22 accounts to troll, impersonate other users, and pass themselves off as multiple unique users.

The personal attacks have persisted from numerous posters on that side, while strictly moderating the other side has lead to most everyone calming down and backing off. Posters on the NMNM side have repeatedly evaded bans to lob more personal attacks, while the other side has mostly taken them in stride and adjusted their posting to fit the rules.

It should be crystal clear this is not a both sides situation.

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We determined whether or not he was creating gimmick accounts to post funny gimmicks, troll, impersonate new unique users, or impersonate existing users. Those things get more serious as you read on, and if they only got caught doing the first part, then ate a short ban and came back on a VPN, we’d never know.

It was important to know how far they intended to go with it.

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What the hell man. I’m all for starting from scratch but this was uncalled for.

Absolutely called for. My primary target of the day isn’t the captains it’s their enablers. I want us to either win now or quit the site forever and create our own discord server. I’m fucking sick of this ride and I want it to be over. Every goddamn day with this tired bullshit with the same stupid people.

I don’t give a shit what any of the captains or anyone who still thinks they belong in the community thinks. This is absolutely ridiculous and should have been resolved years ago. And I’m supposed to care about decorum? That’s not who I am fundamentally as a person lol.


This is again incredible work by adult people.

CommonWealth decided to openly ”doxx” himsef to celebrate his poker success. That’s great, i’m happy for him and as you recall i’m the only reason for your magical run (kidding ofc).

Then he belittled a direct threat (that was almost certainly been acted upon) to doxx a former member of the community and even banned users for mentioning it.

Seeing that some active users trolled CW to show the hypocrisy by using his initials or first name. Thats it. Nothing else. Reminder that CW is the one who decided to out himself (and again, kudos for that).

Now that criticism turned into “multiple threats to doxx me”. That is both a lie in regards to what a “threat” is and a misuse of the term doxxing.

Thats the type of shit we need to deal with here.


I did not hear about it in nmnm. I saw it here at the same time and to lesser extent than the other mods, who were actively talking to forechecker in pms.

Jman tried to twist my answer because he posts in bad faith.

cards on the table. since the cats out of the bag. this was indeed acted upon.

Jmakin contacted my work in an attempt to get me fired. I suspected that others were involved bc I doubt he would do that without at least an audience if not conspirators.

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This is a lie. The rest of it, I have no idea, but you lie a lot, so that’s probably a lie too.

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What dress were you wearing ma’am?