Wow can’t believe this one is so close, Ice cream is divine and sausages are pretty whatever.
Usually I’m on the savory side. But gelato is ice cream, right?
There’s like 8 million different kinds of sausages from cultures all over the globe. Wikipedia has an entire page devoted to just listing notable varieties, and it’s huge!
Ice cream otoh is just flavored cold milk and sugar. Anybody who prefers it over sausage has the palate of a child.
Also, I’m going to throw a tantrum and nuke the forum if ice cream wins.
seems pretty important
Oh boy. Just what I was going to post.
I guess I’m a child (see my previous votes for basically all sweet items) but I feel like there’s something really special and unique in the texture of good ice cream/gelato that isn’t replicated by any other food whereas sausages don’t have any particular connotation for me other than tasty salted processed meat that’s often a vehicle for sauces and what not. I mean I like them, I could just live without them more easily; I don’t eat either particularly often irl.
Nothing says I love you like Valentine’s Day sushi… you bastards!
Not as easily as cold sugar milk though…
Not the image I would have gone with to convince someone to my side! “Check out these shriveled dicks you can eat!”
Don’t care. Tastes awesome. Tube steaks 4 lyfe!
Prime pork sausages with nutmeg and black pepper are in a different league to even the finest vanilla ice cream.
Sausages are great, and versatile. But icecream is like my all time fave sweet food, and gives me more happiez when I am shamelessly destroying a pint of Ben and Jerry’s than even the best hot dog. I have to go with ice cream because I would feel its absence more acutely.
What the fuck how is this close
I’m on the fence. Convince me to vote for your side.
Sausages are made of anuses and ice cream is delicious?
right? I’m baffled.