Fast food thread

11 seconds in the microwave also brings a KK back to 90% as good as fresh. Can’t enjoy em without a reheat.

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Speaking of donuts, blueberry donut the undisputed GOAT. Don’t @ me.


Blueberry scale:


Blueberry bagels can be pretty great

Shitty gas station glazed blueberry cake donuts are good


There is a place in Maine that makes a dry blueberry wine that’s meant to age, and it’s supposed to be really good.

You need to get the stir-from-the-bottom type, not the blueberry flavored kind.

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I think he is right.

Blueberry yogurt generally sucks no matter what.

Black raspberry, on the other hand, is great.

The consistency of the fruit goop in the stir from the bottom yogurt grosses me out. Vanilla yogurt + fresh fruit is the only way. Plus granola.

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Fresh Greek yogurt, some honey, walnuts, and fresh fruit is where it’s at.

Well sure, but sometimes you just can’t be arsed up to do that extra work (minimal though it is). The ones that come with fruit are for lazy people.

I’m sorry, Sir, but this is a 7-11.


Yea I know, I’ll eat the flavored yogurt sometimes, I just hate the fruit in the bottom, ugh.

I’ll have to try walnuts sometime though

Blueberry jelly donuts=fine
Blueberry flavored donuts=pass

I love basically all things blueberry, although the fruits themselves are hit or miss (a mushy one ruins my taste for them for weeks). There was a solid donut place in Shreveport that made an incredible blueberry donut, someone once described it as a “blueberry cloud”.

I think the issue with Krispy Kreme is that they’re cloyingly sweet, even for a donut. We used to have a donut place in town that made the best plain glazed donuts ever; they called them “vegetable” glazed since they were made with vegetable oil and not lard. The place closed due to being unable to maintain the health code in their old building but someone bought their recipes to keep the brand alive. Unfortunately they were unable to recreate the magic of the old location; my first impression upon tasting their glazed donuts was that they now just tasted like a regular Krispy Kreme donut. I guess the filled donuts are still quite good but I haven’t really been interested in going back when there are other places that are better overall now.

You can get this at the Chobani boutique in SoHo but it’s like $12.

feel bad for those who don’t have a Cambodian donut shop around…

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Hmm I’ve lived in Cambodia for well over a year in total and have never had or even heard of a Cambodian donut… :man_shrugging:

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Interesting, I definitely didn’t know about the Cambodian refugee to SoCal donut shop pipeline!