Fast food thread


(Just Louisville)

Hope they offer a breakfast sandwich with Krispy Kreme buns

Our local ancient drive in does that (not with krispy cremes though). It’s a special occasion thing

That bottom one is taters n’ gravy, also a disgusting, delicious, special occasion breakfast they do.

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The guy who owns the place is a local treasure. Decided it was important for his staff to have Sundays off so stopped opening on Sundays. Does a ton for the community. Closes pretty early (7p) so he can be sure he can employ high school kids without issues to their classes. Just a super good dude that has some mental issues that he talks about pretty freely (He’s on meds).

Drives around town in either this:



And his mother lives in the house next door to the restaurant shack, so he’s built it all out:

Just a real gem for my little town.


The only good Krispy Kreme is a glazed fresh off the assembly line (and that is sublime). Why would anyone want cold donuts from another store if they’re available hot in the same market?

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KK the WOAT donuts.



amazing displays of stockholm syndrome itt


Dudes be like “Krispy Kremes are amazing but you have to get them fresh at 6:30 AM when they’re piping hot and gooey or else they’re terrible” what in god’s name are we even talking about.

Now I gotta make a BIll’s Donut run.

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they literally make them all day


KK still good not hot but incredible right off line

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Makes sense that pvn would love Krispy Kremes.

Just like Alabama’s defense on Saturday, they’re soft around the edges with a giant hole in the middle


I swear to god people have told me they’re better early in the morning.

I never liked donuts, come at me

I guess they’re fine in principle/flavor etc but I feel like I’m unable to move for several hours after and I can’t imagine people who find it a productive start to their day to take a fat-laden doughey calorie bomb straight to the gut. It’d have to be a saturday for me, and a saturday in which I did not plan on doing anything productive.

If I do indulge in a donut I prefer jelly filled.

I like a plain donut but that’s about it.

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Big fan of donuts but i avoid them for the most part because I try to limit my intake of terrible food. They don’t make me feel shitty or anything, I can’t really think of any food that affects me like that.

Fritters are my favorite but I don’t discriminate, I’ll eat just about any of them.

I find highly processed fast food makes me feel terrible. A McDonald’s meal, for example, will make me feel bad all day. Dehydrated, gassy, blech.

I guess I don’t understand the concept of eating the donut right there in the store. Surely the whole point is that you take it back to the office so you can have coffee and a donut while you read the news and avoid work.

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Glazed Donut Tip of the Week:

If your glazed donut isn’t as fresh and warm as you like, get yourself a cup of hot coffee and place the donut on the rim of the coffee cup for about a minute, flip, and let it rest another minute. The heat from the coffee will steam that glaze right up and it is a much better version than a cold, sad glazed donut.