Fast food thread

It’s surprising how true this is. People give me dirty looks when I pay with cash, like expecting them to handle a few loonies is a grave insult and a breach of the social contract.

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Literally the only reason I carry cash is poker. It’s been a couple years since I paid cash for anything.

I was at a place recently that wouldn’t accept mastercard. Ok, fair enough. Take out my visa debit card - no, something wrong with the machine. ok, I have a $100 bill. “we can’t break that.”

Hey, I’ve presented 3 forms of payment here, I feel like it’s on you now, not me. I can also do venmo or zelle!



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I’m gonna say the most Midwestern thing ever right now, but I have $100 in cash in my wallet right now and the only reason is because this is peak fall festival season. Last week was the wool festival; I bought some alpaca socks and a pretzel and I got to pet a yak. Sauerkraut festival is next week, I am down to buy some sauerkraut pizza and local honey and soap.


The cappuccino I like to order is $4.60 so if I give a $5 and say keep the change I don’t have to feel guilty about choosing No Tip on the screen, or choosing 18%.

Yeah, even going through the extra effort of entering a custom tip is annoying.

I do exactly this a lot more lately. I pay cash to avoid the awkwardness and annoyance of dealing with the tip screen. Whatever 2% cashback equivalent I’m losing is totally worth it.

There’s a place where get takeout from on occasion whose minimum auto-tip option is 22%. I know it’s not a big deal, but the body rejects it.

I basically only order frozen matcha from dunkin donuts and the occasional coffee but they just announced a new rewards program that is super worse than their previous version.

CFA’s autumn shake is amazing. It tastes like they crushed the most delicious brown sugar spice cookies hand crafted by Jesus into it.

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Sauerkraut festival just got too big. Plenty of other regional festivals like the pretzel festival.

Yeah, that was weird. Usually you can have a beer while you’re walking around browsing the vendors which I bet is great for sales but here they set up the saddest beergarden I’ve ever seen. I went for the spicy chicken noodle and cabbage stall for food, that’s always wholesome and satisfying.

Two UPers probably within a few blocks of each other without knowing, what are the odds?

I know that no one’s asked, but here are my feelings about fake meats:

Starbucks Impossible Breakfast Sandwich: I liked this. I really did. It’s a little spendy, but definitely worth doing once in a while.

Burger King’s Impossible Whopper: Meh. It won’t fool you into thinking it’s an actual burger, but it’s an entirely edible product.

Those fucking fake chicken nuggets from KFC: Disgusting. I’d rather lick a butthole.

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We’re in the era now where licking butthole isn’t considered a bad thing anymore.


Are you flirting with me?

Have you ever had your butthole licked?
  • Yes and I enjoyed it.
  • Yes but I didn’t enjoy it.
  • No but I would like to have my butthole licked.
  • No and I don’t want to have my butthole licked.

0 voters

Paging @clovis8 to the kink shaming thread, please.

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That is so vanilla it barely qualifies as a kink. :grin:


I love that there is only one answer here that hasn’t been chosen because, duh, of course that answer is never going to be chosen.