Fast food thread

It would be trivially easy to cook up 1,000 calories at home for less than $10 or whatever a Big Mac meal costs. Hence the misconception.

I’m not trying to do any of that. All I’m saying is that eating healthier meals is not more expensive than eating out.

ok, I am sorry for that, I just encountered this thing so many times when I was making $8 an hour for so many years, no matter what it always worked out that fast food was cheaper at the end of the day. even if it wasnt, the UP FRONT cost for eating at home was often insurmountable - cooking oil, pots, pans, etc last a long time and are worth the investment, but you dont realize that investment’s value right away. same with preparing a meal - you automatically buy more ingredients up front than you typically need which brings a whole new problem of how to utilize the extra in a way that’s efficient. I dont know about you but a 12 pack of hamburger buns is usually getting wasted, by the time I need them again they’ll have gone bad.

economically though, I do not see how a consumer shopping from a typical large grocery store chain can ever hope to compete in price to the economics of scale of something like mcdonald’s.

I understand that a lot of people don’t want to cook. There’s also a lot of weird food / diet trauma for people that grew up poor. But now that you’re not poor, you might consider eating healthier meals, even if you don’t cook them yourself. There are a million different pre made meal service options out there. Or you could just DoorDash way healthier shit than burgers.

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I mean I feel ya, it’s annoying shopping for just one person and there is of course a time cost.

But cooking rice/potatoes, a veggie, and cheap cut of meat is pretty damn economical. And if you don’t mind leftovers, one pot meals are extremely economical!

A lot of people don’t know that you can freeze bread.

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So much this. Bread freezes awesomely and it thaws really fast. 2 week old frozen bread is better than 48 hour bread that sat on the counter.

I need freezer space for that though, which is valuable if you’re trying to eat cheaply, and if I’m gonna eat food that isn’t fresh anyway, I may as well do mcdonald’s

i typically eat mostly healthy and vegetarian (if i eat meat it’s typically fish) but some combination of quitting drinking and spending a huge amount of physical energy moving around on crutches has made me lose weight alarmingly quickly and the only time it stops is when I calorie bomb. milk has also been good, but I have bad IBS and nausea issues so if something sounds like I can hold it down I just go for it.

I did eat at Krystal this week at 4am, it’s basically the southern version of white castle, the sliders were great, I don’t think I could eat it sober though.

I lived with a guy in my early 20s that ate nothing but fast food 2x a day for a year. Don’t do that.

Depends on which one I guess. Original Din Tai Fung in Taipei probably has a minority of white customers. It is 4.5 stars, tho. Seems sus.

DQ Steak Strips:

These are only available in Texas so I needed to try them even though the concept sounds pretty shit.

They are bad. Way too high breading:“steak” ratio, can’t really get any steaky flavor and the meat is so thin it has 0 texture.

2/10. Blizzard was tasty though.

I fucking hate Chipotle. Just driving by one pisses me off. I don’t understand why people like it. Especially where I am at in Florida, there is no shortage of hispanic joints that will give you a full size chicken leg and thigh with rice/beans/plantains for $7-10. Why do people have such a huge preference towards chain restaurants?

Familiarity. Lots of people are very uncomfortable with change and new experiences.


I don’t even consider chipotle similar to real Hispanic places. It’s just a different alternative to cheapish fast food.


Doh my fav

Almost satisfies Freddie Wong’s 3.5-star rule.

Fun Canadian fact for those Americans who don’t know but our Chinese food is very different from yours. For example, we don’t have General Tso but we do have something called Ginger Beef.

Yeah people used to dog me for liking Taco Bell and implying that it somehow means I didn’t like “real” or “good” Mexican food. I just like all varieties of food! I also think Chipotle is fine for what it is and that their barbacoa and guacamole taste pretty good. However if someone came to visit me in AZ and wanted Mexican food I would take them to a local place 100 out of 100 times.

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It’s the Canadian exchange rate.