Fast food thread


My favorite is also 3.5 stars

Sichuan Gormet in Squirrel Hill (Pittsburgh), exactly 3.5 stars.

3.5 Stars is also the name of the latest Knives Out movie

Wow, that is amazing. The best place around me is also 3.5 stars.

YTF was never one of my favorite posters but when he passed I felt a real sadness because I always thought he was a very genuine, “good” person. RIP indeed

This 3.5 star thing is like Newton’s laws of motion level shit. I’m 2/2 also.

I actually really like Din Tai Fung (his example of 4*) and I was initially prepared to fight him on this, but I must be wrong. It’s apparently not as good as I think. Unfortunately at the 3.5 star places I go to, I eat very different stuff than DTF so I don’t have a good direct comparison.

oh dang, what happened to YTF?

He died many years ago now. I’ve just been re-reading his health log lately and Jmakin’s recent binge reminded me of a solid YTF snack.

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White ppl love giving bad reviews for inattentive service and slightly dirty conditions, regardless of the food quality.

Is it worth the read? I’ve never read it, but everyone always had great things to say about YTF. Link?

It’s a looooooooong read, and you should probably start with the thread in OOT that spawned it, but it has tons of gold. Here is the H&F thread. You can prolly find the OOT one without too much effort.

Edit: here is the OOT thread. Start with this:

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Haha thanks, already laughing at the two Nathan’s hotdogs for breakfast and Taco Bell for lunch


Din tai fung is great, but it is 100% a white persons dumpling place.

My favorite Chinese place here has 3 stars…I will stop going immediately and seek out only 3.5 star places. I’m surprised because it seems to fit the rule other than the service being more akin to usual American restaurants, so you think it would be higher, but maybe their white people food just isn’t “good” enough.

Funny, the one 3.5 star place is probably my least favorite, it’s like a Pan-Asian place that doesn’t really do anything particularly well.

I went pretty mellow for lunch today, single cheeseburger and animal style fries from in n out.

I have a rough time getting enough calories and these calorie bomb meals make it so much easier, it’s no wonder poorer people eat so much fast food. the equivalent amount of calories in healthier food would be a lot more expensive

That is a pretty big misconception and/or rationalization for people who have terrible diets.

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I mean, ok, but I’m unhealthily underweight and out of ideas how to get it back up, so this is what’s happening, glad you figured it out though.

my blood work is flawless and they asked me what I ate last time, heh.

I mean you’d save a boatload of money cooking somewhat healthy meals at home vs eating out or ordering out all the time, I get there are reasons why you wouldn’t want to do that, but it’s not because the cost!

one reason I might want to do that is I am on crutches and have a rough time moving around, but noted.

I am not talking about myself. it is infinitely cheaper per calorie to eat mcdonalds than to cook the same amount of calories at home(that isnt just tons of beans and lard), this isn’t even disputable, for very easy to explain reasons.