Fast food thread

I figured it would do the exact opposite

Only if you like corn dogs

i love corn dogs, don’t have a Weinerschnitzels anywhere near me though. I think Sonic has corn dogs but I’ve never been to one of those either.

Weinerschneitzle corn dogs >>>> sonic corn dogs

I only know Sonic from their commercials, since I’ve never lived close to one.

Whenever I’d visit my buddy in Dayton, I’d ask him if we could go to a nearby Sonic. Despite his diet consisting almost entirely of fast food, he was always like “Fuck, no. Why would I want to eat that crap?”


Sonic is my go-to late night fast food. weinerschnitzel dogs DEFINITELY better. but sonic isnt bad at all.

the jalapeno poppers are unbelievably good (better than wschnitzel) and always piping hot and fresh, hotdogs are decent, okay burgers and shakes.

well my hubris finally did me in. i had a double cheese burger, chili cheese tots + jalapenos, medium jalapeno poppers, a corndog, and a shake last night and ive been on the toilet for several hours today so far

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Have you ever considered a pre made meal service ie Freshly?

Holy shit.

How much weed did you smoke beforehand to think that much/kind of food wasn’t going to fuck you up?

a fair bit

been having trouble keeping weight on so these kinds of meals have been happening whenever i have an appetite

Sounds like a nice snack. -YTF (RIP)



I’m halfway through re-reading his entire health log. So much gold and I don’t care what anybody says about the guy, he is very likeable IMO.

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yeah I had lost track of him over the years, I knew he had lost a lot of weight, and then the next thing I hear he had put it back on and then died. Really sad

Lost 190 pounds at his peak loss. Not sure if he put it all back on or just some of it. I think his teenage son also died somehow in the time between when his health log ended and when he died. I don’t know anything about how he died or how his son died though.

yeah, I could be miss remembering. I remember there not being a lot of details though. I thought it was funny that one time he thought he had facial blindness.

this is the truest thing ever, I don’t use yelp but I just looked in my area and my top three chinese joints all have exactly 3.5 stars


Well fuck me, my two favorite near me… 3.5 stars

WTF I only have one worth eating at near me and it is also amazingly:


I’ve got 2.5-3 stars locally.