Fast food thread

this burger is joe biden.

The whataburger hate is wild to me. I’m starting to wonder if the older franchises are somehow better than what has spread around the country? Double meat bacon whataburger and honey butter chicken biscuit are both fantastic ff offerings and blow away the low tier burger places (mcd’s/bk/etc).

Also I’ve never seen one that has the whole menu available 24/7 unless we mean all the non-breakfast items. Breakfast is 11p-11a which still makes it awesome for late night drunk eats though. The rest of the menu is 24/7. I tend to agree most of the seasonal items are gimmicky trash and the fries aren’t better than average.

Trust me; there is a lot of Whataburger variance. You’re just on the good end of it.

I guess I’m wondering if the Texas/Oklahoma ones I have eaten at that are in the area they started are somehow way better. I never eat fast food when traveling so never had it elsewhere. It would be very interesting to me if the expansion tanked the quality. I don’t eat fast food much period but have had whataburger in the last year a few times and it seemed about the same. I would go as far as to rank it easily above median ff. But am open to the idea i either have terrible ff taste or like you said it has massive variance from store to store and the ones in my area are just somehow good.

Your theory is plausible and could have something to do with it.

I’ve only been to Whataburgers in Texas. The best and worst ones I’ve been to are < 20 miles apart.

Now that i think about it 95% of the whataburger i have ever had is out of 2 stores. That very well could be the explanation.

Going to need jwax to start eating like shit again (and eating meat) to verify whether I’ve lost it on this one.

Anyone talking bad fast food and doesn’t start and end with White Castle is nuts. Only food in my life I think I took one bite and threw rest in garbage. It’s the closest thing I’ve ever seen to dog food being fed to humans.

I’ll take White Castle over In-N-Out. Their sliders being steamed rather than grilled makes them feel a bit different and I like diversity in my food.

I’m not saying In-N-Out is bad, but I just don’t see a huge gap between most fast food burgers.

Were you stoned?

Nope. Possibly my failing.

Also a failure if you went before midnight.

Denny’s for me. Still have PTSD from the experience

I have never eaten at Denny’s.

Yeah I used to go to Denny’s all the time and now I vividly remember the last time I went.

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idk why none of the big chains ever developed a black bean burger, those can be a decent meatless option instead of a hamburger.

I don’t usually care for meat-free products that try to imitate meat, it always gives me uncanny valley vibes when I have an impossible whopper.

I’ve never had a good one. Always disappointing.

IIRC, @goreo has eaten a lot of them and finds impossible to be better.

I always thought Whataburger was either the best fast food burger available in OK, or second to Carl’s Jr. That reminds me of the year after college where I lived in a shitty apartment, valeted at a nice hotel, and consumed almost nothing but spicy chicken sandwiches from Carls Jr. and copious amounts of alcohol nearly every night.

This thread needs Taco Casa discussion. I feel like their bean burrito + hot sauce is a revelation. I used to think Del was acceptable. It isn’t in the same universe.

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I didn’t realize it’s only in TX / OK. Shame.

I like Carls Jr. If you get them when they are on their game its honestly a very good burger.

Off diet day