Fall LC thread

If he’s bi that would be quite the power move I’ll agree.

I think someone photoshopped EAT over STOMP probably. Also is he wearing a kilt?

I like to imagine them having a hetero blast; meanwhile, our villainess is back at home, watching on the gram and hating every minute of it like the Indians owner when they start winning in Major League.

I look exactly like Michael J. Fox. Social skills not great, though. I don’t have much of a bench, I probably have a couple I could call up-- working in a casino helps-- but I’d rather not.

I’ve known the waitress for awhile and she’s super hot. I pulled her number this morning before I left, which I’m like genuinely terrible at, but it’s a good start to the new era. It helps that I’d been in there with the girlfriend a number of times and the gf is out of my league. I’m not insane enough to pitch Fiji, she might be crazy.

Thanks for the support, I think I’m doing alright but time will tell.


Nobody ever sat on their deathbed and said “Man I wish I hadn’t banged those two strippers at once in Bangkok.”

Just saying.


Sure but only because syphilis causes insanity.

And Tijuana is closer.

They have anti-biotics for that now.

[quote=“suzzer99, post:1630, topic:319, full:true”]Also is he wearing a kilt?

It looks like pants made out of the stuff they use in drive thru car washes


Damn, getting cheated on sucks. I know from experience. Going with the waitress would probably actually be bad if she said yes. Invite one of your friends or a family member or something. Imo.


was about to google antibiotic-resistant syphilis but hold on I’m at work.

Easy access so you have have sex with your gun any time the moment strikes.

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Eh if it is somebody you know it can help or hurt your chances. Some people may dismiss it out of hand just because traveling with someone you don’t know very well is uncomfortable. Plus for women it is the scenario of 37 dateline episodes. Rejection wouldn’t necessarily mean no interest at all.

I like the idea of taking a friend (male or if you have good female friends depending on relationship)

I, personally, would not have any trouble going alone and enjoying myself. I like the idea of asking waitress as you can legitimately offer it due to circumstances and she might just laugh it off but it signals real interest on your part.

Anyways good luck and don’t dwell on ex during vacation.

I prefer to travel by myself, it’s not a problem. I would prefer a different location as I’m a city tourist, but it’s not like I won’t have a good time.

Except maybe David Carradine


newteabag might have some regrets


Scribble yourself a reminder on a potato


Would you nickname it your later tater?

I know I would.


good idea!


I feel such sorrow that I have but one heart to give.



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