Fall LC thread


7, this number applies to something.

I never understood how people understood that Starship Troopers and Robocop were brilliant satires but somehow thought Showgirls wasn’t satirical. It is and it’s great.

First company I worked at did the dailies for Showgirls, and they had a weird schedule with weird runners. They shot a TON of film for that movie. One of the runners said that he was on the set waiting to do a pickup, and was at the craft services table eating a donut. He said Elizabeth Berkley walked up and got something and said ‘hi’. He said she was naked, and treated it like it was nothing.


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As 8 or 9 year olds who loved Saved by the Bell we had to get our hands on a copy of Showgirls. Haven’t seen it since then, might give it a watch this week


Also Road to Perdition

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I was always team Lisa. Kelly a close second. It’s a tough call, but Lisa is so smart :heart_eyes:


F the boomers.

When your broke boomer parent asks for money, JUST SAY NO.

Gladwell is good imo, it’s just that his job is to be an entertainer. He sketches out entertaining lines of argument, it’s up to us to figure out if we buy it or not. The problem arises if you uncritically accept what he’s arguing as true, which of course a lot of people are going to do. Since he mostly argues about, like, what makes a good ketchup, or whether golf courses are bad, this doesn’t bother me. He’d be a malign influence if he wrote about serious public policy.

Again, Gladwell is a Penn State truther and Joe Paterno defender. Get the fuck out.




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That basically 100 percent sums up James Cameron. Many people would take his ‘building a sub’ as a joke, but it 100 percent is not. This is a guy who wishes he was Arnie so much that he bought a matching Hummer.


“I could ===>n’t<==== give a shit.” When you’re being glib, do try to use correct grammar

People who own subs could give a shit about correct grammar.


He could give a shit, but doesn’t.

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Saying you could give a shit or could care less says nothing about your state of giving shits/caring about whatever you’re talking about. This was settled for all time here: