Fall LC thread

Forgot about that one, but definitely played it at some point. Can’t remember anything else about it.

Just like I remember it.


ENOUGH :ok_hand: go to the video game thread please. :+1:

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I’m talking only to the cool kids who had a C64. Did you have any favorite games for that system?

I remember two favorite games.

One was an outright terrible X-Men game, but it was all we had at the time.

The other was like a thirty-year-old Mario Maker where you could select pre-rendered backgrounds, then build characters and obstacles one pixel at a time. I liked using the fighter jet mode to build a plane that looked like X-Men’s Archangel. I’d fly him over terrain in a top-down view and use the knife projectiles from his wings to mow down enemies.

Maybe people are too intimidated or lacking of care enough to go to the video game thread.

I’m sure it’s just laziness bro., :joy:

… thread, you say?

What if it is? ;)

Some of those dudes were literally just Some Guy. They would make up records and toss them in against Mike. They’d be “lets say he’s 19-7 with 11 KOs, sound OK?”. I forget where I saw them talking about this, it was fascinating. Some documentary somewhere.

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I didn’t have an apple either but my father worked at a college who had them. Which reminds me of a cool Mac game.

First “computer” game I ever played was Leisure Suit Larry on iirc an Apple IIe. The one with the green screen that looked like the Matrix

The time spent making this post would have been better used unlocking my LIKES


First arcade game I played was pong. I think the first computer game was Lemonade Stand on Apple II. (no plus or no e, because it was in 1979, maybe 1980).

In addition to being very quick, Ali could also take a punch.

Peak Ali didn’t need to, which is a good thing for that matchup because peak Tyson could ko a rhinoceros.

I never got very far in that one. Between the toilet and the hooker, it got frustrating.

That’s where I learned the term ‘prophylactic’.

Not green screen version but still a DOS game.

It always does.
